apple sauce in place of oils?

tgaul Posts: 123
edited September 20 in Recipes
Can someone please help me with this. I know people have said you can replace oils in a recipe with apple sauce to help with fat and calories. I am just not sure where to start on this.

Thank you in advance for the help. :smile:


  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I have used applesauce to replace oil in pumpkin bread before. I wouldn't replace ALL of the oil with applesauce, but I think I replace about half, and it was okay. I also cut down on some of the sugar that the recipe called for because the applesauce was so sweet, I figured it could do double duty. Worked well--but it might take a bit of experimenting on your part to get the recipe perfected.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I have done this in baking. It works but it does change the texture a bit. More cake like IMO.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    HA! I can't stand apple sauce!!! I don't alternate any recipe or substitute either... if you try it and like it please share!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I do it in cake mixes, brownies, etc. You can replace applesauce for oil or eggs. For oil, just replace cup for cup, for eggs I think I used like 1/4 cup per egg. I have fooled the pickiest eaters with this trick.
  • tgaul
    tgaul Posts: 123
    Thank you everyone. I am going to try this.
  • Raphi
    Raphi Posts: 124 Member
    Yes it works, and its a beautiful thing :bigsmile: !
    I even use it to renovate my pizza dough! You really can't taste the apple sauce, btw.
  • shuber
    shuber Posts: 8 Member
    bump :smile:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Yep! Tends to make things a bit sponge-y but if you don't mind that it's a great substitute. Depending on the flavours of the desserts you are making, you can also sub in pumpkin puree for oil + eggs. Again, the texture won't be exact but it's really much healthier and, well, pumpkin is delicious!

    Good luck :)
  • bump
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