So basically I can have water

I have been trying to lose weight and getting advice from all sorts of folks. I have come to the conclusion that I can only have water! I am so sick and tired of people saying watch calories, no carbs, cut out sugar, no fruit oh wait you can't have dairy. Oh and blah blah blah! So what diet am I supposed to follow. I have been going along good losing about 7 pounds so far. Then my friend (who btw refuses to make her MFP public so she can help me) tells me oh no you don't wanna eat apples ew gross cottage cheese is horrible for you. So I ask the great and powerful OZ WTF can I eat!!!!????? I enjoy eating the foods I eat. I also work out super hard. Is there really any thing wrong with apples and cottage cheese or an F*ing cheeseburger if I am hitting it like Arnold at the gym?? Please this is a serious ? what is the healthiest plan to follow?


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    LMAO hitting it like arnold at the gym hahahahaha
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    No, eat what you want. My idea of the healthiest plan to follow will be different from the person that posts below me, I guarantee it.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    No, eat what you want. My idea of the healthiest plan to follow will be different from the person that posts below me, I guarantee it.

    I agree with ^ this guy.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    There are no bad foods. Cottage cheese is wonderful! Eat the foods you love and do not deprive yourself of anything! I have lost 122lbs in 15 months and I eat ice cream every day!:drinker: Read these:
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    Don't follow anyone else's plan, follow your own. Eat what you like and what you know is healthy. If you're doing so well so far keep on doing what you're doing. Everyone is different and likes different foods so you could spend your life following everyone else's plan when your's is working fine for you.
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    Everything in moderation. It it is not something you can maintain, long-term...then I would not suggest doing it. That's how you end up gaining weight back. (Or, that's how I ended up gaining all my weight back). People go on these crazy crash diets and they either give up because it is too hard and unrealistic...or they reach goal, starting eating "normal" foods again and blow back up. To each their own I guess...but I don't think you should limit anything. Want some ice cream??? EAT IT!!!
  • MommaChocoLatte
    MommaChocoLatte Posts: 389 Member
    Eat what you want, stay within your plan, weigh everything, and be happy :)
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    Keep eating sensibly and exercising. As long as your output (calories burned) it greater than your input (calories consumed), you'll be fine.
    And, yes, apples, fruit, milk, cottage cheese and cheese burgers are fine.
    Just don't hit the all you can eat buffet all day every day.
    Oh, and keep hitting the gym like Arnold (love that line).
  • bettermistakes87
    bettermistakes87 Posts: 53 Member
    Diets suck. Diet brings up all these ideas about restrictions and limitations and will inevitably incur an uprising from our inner two year old who can only be satiated with oreos and cheese poofs. You need to just focus on nourishing your body and making some long-lasting changes in the way you eat (think more veggies and fruits and protein--yes even the occasional cheesburgery protein is fine). Basically- stay within your calorie range and eat the things that satiate you and give you joy.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    your friend is - with all due respect - an idiot..

    Just eat in a calorie deficit, try to hit your macros each day, and work out some and you will lose...

    calories in vs calories out my friend....

    Sugar and carbs do not make you fat, overeating makes you fat..

    so you can eat pretty much what you want, and as long as you stay in a calorie deficit you will be good to go.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    bump: for the mulltiple links in the links, for reading.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Well...let me tell you what I have been eating and then you can decide if what you have "heard" from your friend is true or not. I have lost a total of 30 lbs since January 1st. I eat ice cream, pizza, drink sodas, drink coffee with cream and sweeteners (I use stevia), eat pasta, apples and fruit of all sorts, and drink flavored water.

    At the end of the day, if you have a calorie deficit you will lose weight. It is just easy math.

    And actually, cottage cheese is very good for you. It is a good source of calcium and protein. I stick to the lower fat cottage cheese, only because I prefer whole fat salad dressings and stuff so need to balance somewhere. And apples...why did they say no apples exactly? That little thing made me laugh actually.

    As for the water thing, you don't -have- to stick to water. And the whole "64 oz of water" thing has been admitted to have been a misunderstanding by the very people who suggested it in the first place, but people still refuse to listen. Your fluid intake could be more or less, but it doesn't have to be -only- water. Water is 0 calorie so it is the fluid of choice for a lot of people, because really 64 oz of soda and then most people's calorie intake would be shot lol. I personally use the water flavoring like the Mio or the generics from the grocery stores or Walmart. Just listen to your body. If you are feeling tired, pee is super dark, and lacking energy just up your fluids a bit. I run so I drink A LOT of water...but 99% of the time it is flavored with something.
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. There are too many "experts" "doctors" people who are dieting and are skinny, magazines, tv shows, etc. etc. trying to tell us all what to do and none of them have the same methods. I think it's all BS. When I was a kid, obesity was not an epidemic. I ate cereal and milk, pb&j sammiches, bananas, apple slices with peanut butter, oranges, carrots and/or celery with peanut butter or ranch dressing, chicken and rice and beans and corn for dinner, or pasta with marinara sauce or alfredo sauce, seafood. Every one is different, likes different foods, and processes food differently. I avoid salt, sugar and butter as much as I can but I don't cut it out completeley. I eat fruits, vegetables, fish or lean meats and eat the meats with minimal seasoning, no butter or salt on my veggies, etc. I stick to my calorie goal and if I choose to or have to eat something that is not considered healthy like junk food, fast food, etc. I eat small portions of it. Generally I try to eat as healthy as I can for breakfast and lunch and keep my calories to a minimum, so when I go home to have dinner & dessert with my boyfriend (who is not on a diet and is a meat & potatoes kinda guy) I don't have to stress too much over what I'm eating. Also, you could go to a nutritionist who would help you design a meal plan that fits you as an individual.
  • Thank you all :)
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    1) your friend is on crack. Apples and cottage cheese are healthy and taste amazing.

    2) Aim for good balance. Remember that old food pyramid thing? It's a good guideline. It you want fruit instead of ice cream, have fruit. The sugar won't kill you. Your body needs sugar. If you want ice cream, then have a serving of it. It has fat, sugar, calcium, all of which your body needs, and it takes like awesome! Eat well most of the time, don't disallow yourself the occasional treat and when people tell you things that sound hokey, research them. They probably are.
  • I know exactly what you mean. There are too many "experts" "doctors" people who are dieting and are skinny, magazines, tv shows, etc. etc. trying to tell us all what to do and none of them have the same methods. I think it's all BS. When I was a kid, obesity was not an epidemic. I ate cereal and milk, pb&j sammiches, bananas, apple slices with peanut butter, oranges, carrots and/or celery with peanut butter or ranch dressing, chicken and rice and beans and corn for dinner, or pasta with marinara sauce or alfredo sauce, seafood. Every one is different, likes different foods, and processes food differently. I avoid salt, sugar and butter as much as I can but I don't cut it out completeley. I eat fruits, vegetables, fish or lean meats and eat the meats with minimal seasoning, no butter or salt on my veggies, etc. I stick to my calorie goal and if I choose to or have to eat something that is not considered healthy like junk food, fast food, etc. I eat small portions of it. Generally I try to eat as healthy as I can for breakfast and lunch and keep my calories to a minimum, so when I go home to have dinner & dessert with my boyfriend (who is not on a diet and is a meat & potatoes kinda guy) I don't have to stress too much over what I'm eating. Also, you could go to a nutritionist who would help you design a meal plan that fits you as an individual.

    Thanks! It is so overwhelming when even the Dr's have differing opinions. I might try the nutritionist thing. :)
  • Andreaviolet89
    Andreaviolet89 Posts: 290 Member
    My friend is a dietician and I had the same conversation with her. Her response was to eat following basically the traditional food pyramid unless you have a health condition that requires you to eat differently. She said any diet that cuts out whole food groups entirely is setting you up for failure. She says that there has to be roon in your diet to have the things you love such as a cheeseburger once a week or some chocolate. I would eat what you want but stay with in your calories and keep working out. It is already working for you. Just because one person doesnt like cottage cheese or dairy doesnt mean we all should deprive oursleves of it.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    You can eat what you want, just keep it at a deficit, and shoot for 80% healthy, meaning more fruits and veggies, and lean meats. :)))
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    portion control, scale and measuring cup will be your best friend. The only thing I would avoid is caloric drinks (besides alcohol, LOL)

    Oh and follow the recommended serving sizes so cooked pasta is 1/3 cup, 1 small apple, 3 oz meat, 1 cup yogurt, ect.
  • lindustum
    lindustum Posts: 212 Member
    The reason people bully foods is so that it is easier for them. Some people swear on low carb/sugar/fat whatever because it helps them avoid trigger foods and basically it IS an easy way out from the responsibility of having to handle all foods equally (assuming no medical dietary needs).

    I mean, I avoid pasta because I feel it is too high-cal for it to be worth it. I love plain pasta, 250g of it. That's ALOT of kcals. For other people, it's worth it. Or they use 100g portions and make nice stuff to go with it. As time goes on, you will find what stuff is worth it for you and what isn't.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    your friend is - with all due respect - an idiot..

    Just eat in a calorie deficit, try to hit your macros each day, and work out some and you will lose...

    calories in vs calories out my friend....

    Sugar and carbs do not make you fat, overeating makes you fat..

    so you can eat pretty much what you want, and as long as you stay in a calorie deficit you will be good to go.
    I'm going to mostly echo this, with a few caveats.
    How do you do with portion control? If you have a bag of potato chips at the house, can you eat 100 calories worth? And can you then resist other "starchy" things after you have something like chips? If so, great. Follow his advice. Some folks (more often women, I'm afraid) have trouble moderating the starchy carbs. I find that I just need to not have them around.
    Second, are you the woman in the photo? (or the man in the photo lol) Do you have an "female related" medical conditions such as PCOS or insulin resistance? If yes, see above, if no, you'd probably be fine doing what he suggests. He knows what he's talking about.

    The key really is: eat real food, enough to fuel you and tasty enough to want to eat. And move.
    You can do this!!!
    HOW you do it will be up to you. You just need to figure out what works for you. For some: counting and measuring and eating what they want works. For others, eliminating a few trigger foods works, for others, revamping works. You'll get there!

    ETA: remember too the goal is losing AND keeping it off, so be thinking toward the future.

    PM if you'd like to chat more, I'm always happy to.
  • Eat what you want, stay within your plan, weigh everything, and be happy :)


    The only diet worth a cr@p is one you can live with for life. And it is ok if your plan changes from week to week too. If you want to jump from South Beach to Atkins to Weight Watchers to juicing just cuz you need to try it yourself instead of just taking someone else's word for it then you go for it (disclaimer: this doesn't apply to crack or crystal meth diets):wink: . As long as you are moving forward toward that goal of all around health and happiness . We each have our own diet demons we have to work through and find ways around. Personally I don't believe in 'bad' foods. I believe people make foods 'bad' by eating too much of them.

    Best wishes and if you need any constructive advice feel free to ask me anytime. I give wonderful advice on healthful snacking at the office and distractions from snacking after least my friends say I do. :laugh:
  • your friend is - with all due respect - an idiot..

    Just eat in a calorie deficit, try to hit your macros each day, and work out some and you will lose...

    calories in vs calories out my friend....

    Sugar and carbs do not make you fat, overeating makes you fat..

    so you can eat pretty much what you want, and as long as you stay in a calorie deficit you will be good to go.
    I'm going to mostly echo this, with a few caveats.
    How do you do with portion control? If you have a bag of potato chips at the house, can you eat 100 calories worth? And can you then resist other "starchy" things after you have something like chips? If so, great. Follow his advice. Some folks (more often women, I'm afraid) have trouble moderating the starchy carbs. I find that I just need to not have them around.
    Second, are you the woman in the photo? (or the man in the photo lol) Do you have an "female related" medical conditions such as PCOS or insulin resistance? If yes, see above, if no, you'd probably be fine doing what he suggests. He knows what he's talking about.

    The key really is: eat real food, enough to fuel you and tasty enough to want to eat. And move.
    You can do this!!!
    HOW you do it will be up to you. You just need to figure out what works for you. For some: counting and measuring and eating what they want works. For others, eliminating a few trigger foods works, for others, revamping works. You'll get there!

    ETA: remember too the goal is losing AND keeping it off, so be thinking toward the future.

    PM if you'd like to chat more, I'm always happy to.

    LOL I am the woman :) And of coarse I know my triggers so I avoid them like a meth head on the corner but if I want it bad enough I count it and buy small portions. My hubby and kids are like hoover vacuums so I usually only get a chance for one serving. The only problem I have is hypothyroid. Other than that I am a healthy woman :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Eat what you like, just make sure it fits your calories. Eventually you'll learn what's a good use of your calories and what isn't and you'll get better at making the most of it.

    I don't believe in specific diets. It needs to be something you can follow all your life, you'll pretty much just eat the same but a bit more of it once you reach your goal weight.
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    I agree with everyone who dismissed your friend's apparently random selection of "off limits" foods! I understand that eating at a deficit will create weight loss. And I agree that eating at least some of what you want will keep you from feeling so deprived that you want to binge on that very thing. But isn't it true that some foods are more healthy than others?

    For example, is it generally agreed that natural foods are better than processed ones that include chemical additives? Even without chemical additives, it is my understanding, for example, that eating whole grain rice is better than eating a rice cake because your body can get the best nutrition from food in its most natural state.

    I guess eating to lose weight and eating as naturally as possible are different. But I kind of tied them up in my mind thinking that, if I am eating less and more naturally, I'll lose weight AND get better nutrition.

    Any thoughts?
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Have to say thumbs up to the statements given... Eat at a deficit and you will lose weight is the reality... If you can fit the item into your calorie goal then go for it... The problems arise when you are not getting enough food to satisfy your hunger or you are not getting sufficient micro nutrients... Advise from experts varies because for them to patent an idea they mush show 20% difference between their idea and someone else... Yes imagine that the bottom line about their differences has nothing to do with health, rather it is about profit.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    your friend is - with all due respect - an idiot..

    Just eat in a calorie deficit, try to hit your macros each day, and work out some and you will lose...

    calories in vs calories out my friend....

    Sugar and carbs do not make you fat, overeating makes you fat..

    so you can eat pretty much what you want, and as long as you stay in a calorie deficit you will be good to go.


    don't follow any "diet"...just the science and maths.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    How about just eating a balanced diet and consuming fewer calories than your body needs to maintain weight? It's worked for literally all of time.
  • Thanks Yall! My so called friend actually went bat **** crazy on me last night. I think she might be on drugs. WACKO! Guess she is not a good source of info :)