Cardios for obese.



  • I started out taking 15-20 minute walks with my daughter. I built up from there. Also Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD's are great!

    Yup! Start with Leslie Sansone! She'll help you take off those pounds and build up your endurance. Especially when you get to the point where you can do the 5-mile walks with boosted intervals (aka jogging). One day you'll wake up, many pounds lighter, and you'll just take off.
  • mrselliott12
    mrselliott12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I have been doing the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge and lost 35 pounds during my first Challenge. I'm on my 2nd Challenge now and have lost 7 pounds. My husband has lost a total of 57 pounds. I didn't exercise at all during my first challenge, and have recently incorporated walking into my daily routine because for the first time in years I actually feel like doing some type of cardio!
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    I was a smoker for 18 years and at the time was considered obese...I started playing tennis with friends...just hitting around.interval training really..worked for me...I got tired of being out of breath and quit smoking and then played more tennis and ended up losing weight along with giving up my mid night binges and take out food! LOL
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I'd go low carb, get the weight off and walk only for a while. if you're heavy a lot of cardio is hard on your knees. Swimming is also a good alternative. probably ideal if you're carrying a lot of weight. or walking laps in the pool is good as well.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Walking is probably the best place to start.

  • 6bizymom
    6bizymom Posts: 12 Member
    In my opinion, the Leslie Sansone Walk DVD's are the best!! There are many that have slower starts for just getting started. They are all low impact, not jumping around, just walking. It does incorporate arms with the walking. So when you can handle it you are getting more than just a walk, you get a work out. There are also quite a few that are more of a higher impact that you can work up to. I am up to 3-5 miles each day. You do them all in your home, and only maybe need a small hand weight if you want to use them.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Walk with the same type of programming as Couch 2 5K: intervals
    If you use a treadmill, you can use incline intervals. Or if just walking outside you can do speed intervals.
    Look up C25K and replace any instance of "walk" with "slow/leisurely walk" and any instance of "jog/run" with "fast(er) paced walk." It will help increase your aerobic conditioning and will be a good stepping stone to eventually running if you want.
  • I'd go low carb, get the weight off and walk only for a while. if you're heavy a lot of cardio is hard on your knees. Swimming is also a good alternative. probably ideal if you're carrying a lot of weight. or walking laps in the pool is good as well.

    Swiming aint bad idea at all, i'm like 1.5 mile away from the beach and the weather is good for now. . Thanks for your tips everyone.
  • gypsyGIRL159
    gypsyGIRL159 Posts: 78 Member
    Walk. Be consistent. No more excuses. MOVE EVERY OPPORTUNITY U GET!

    I was 400 lbs. I started by walking around my Couch. I was motivated by watching the Movie HAPPY FEET! I was very ill.... but I wanted to move more, and in 5 months I lost 55 pounds. My Doctors were amazed!!! Thats when I got out of the house and got aggressive. I walked Morning, Noon, and Night. In good & bad weather. I stopped eating junk, and took my life serious. Restaurants were a No-No!!! I started where I was..... and it was SIMPLE. I did not make it hard in my head..... I focused on doing what I could. Long story short..... I got to where I could walk 7 to 10 miles per day. U HAVE TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!!! U HAVE TO BE "REAL" WITH YOURSELF!

    Ultimately, there are NO shortcuts. Just focus on THINKING POSITIVE, MOVING, breathing well, staying hydrated, eating good food..... No eating close to bedtime. Be consistent, and the pounds & inches will bow down to the process. Your weightloss Journey is what U make it..... SO MAKE IT FUNN!!! Jam to the Music U love.... Reach DEEP WITHIN and discover your INNER WARRIOR.... the Spirit will guide U the rest of the way. Watch Fat Doctor on YouTube and Super size vs Super skinny. Get to know yourself! Understand that U truly R WHAT U EAT! EAT FRUIT & VEGGIES!!! STOP eating in front of the TV. It helps so much to be aware of every thing U eat & drink. U must keep a Journal.... even if its hard. DO it anyway!!!! Chew your food throughly..... THINK ABOUT your food consumption.... try hard NOT to multitask while U R eating..... 4 real!

    Ask yourself if U R really HUNGRY.... or if U R using the food, snack, or sugary drink as a substitute. Try to deal with what ever's going on and don't numb it with food. I did a lot of that, and it was sooooooooo bad 4 me!

    DID I SAY ANYTHING ABOUT STAYING HYDRATED?!!!! Water is soooooooo connected to weight loss! Drink a big glass of water as soon as U wake up in the morning!!! Drink a glass before U go to bed..... even if U have to get up and go to the bathroom during the night! Many times when we over eat - We R thirsty - NOT HUNGRY. It might be a great idea to completely give up drinking much of anything but Water. I mean, If U R really serious about weight loss. I drink like 10 glasses of H20 per day.... I limit myself to 1 Peach soda per month. LOL!!!! Do what U can....

    Read the "SERENITY PRAYER" and meditate on it.... Allow it to BLESS U.... Know in your heart that U can CHANGE SO MUCH!!! MAKE A LIST OF THE THINGS U CAN CHANGE. ACKNOWLEDGING U CAN CHANGE THINGS IS THE FIRST STEP!!!

    BELIEVING IN YOURSELF IS A HUGE CHUNK OF THE BATTLE. FIGHT THE URGE TO GIVE UP! Even if U eat too much part of the day.... get back on track ASAP!!! Its important to TINK STRONG!!! BE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND. TELL YOURSELF THE TRUE TRUTH!!! Remember that THE SCALE is just a Tool.... don't live by it.... USE it, but just allow it to SERVE U..... Don't serve it.

    Start seeing yourself in your mind smaller, thinner, free & trim! Where the mind leads the body follows!!! DO NOT REFER TO YOURSELF IN NEGATIVE WAYS!!! Speak Positive and U will see such a MEGA difference! The TRUE BATTLE is within the mind!!!! If U have to put Post-It notes on your Frig and Mirror... DO IT!!! Whatever works!!!

    NEVER SAY NEVER.... STOP SAYING WHAT U CAN'T DO!!!!! FOCUS ON WHAT U CAN DO!!!! THEN, DO PLENTY OF IT!!!! LOL!!!! MAKE IT WORK!!!! If U eat enough for 1 person, U will look like 1 person. If you eat enough for a Family of 4 (like I used 2) U will look like a Family of 4! :-(



    Lastly, be patient with yourself because Its a JOURNEY..... Not a Marathon.

    Anything is possible (even the impossible) if U ONLY BELIEVE!!!


    All the BEST on your Journey!!!! God bless U real good!!!!
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    disregard my comments..i see now you just want " cardio workout that I can perfom it indoors, in my house" I guess the DVD's, walking around the couch, cleaning, anything to keep u moving in the house
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i started out at 100 pounds over weight doing about 45 minutes of cardio / treadmill... push yourself, then slow it down, push yourself, then slow it down... AND QUIT THAT DAMN SMOKING!
  • Guys to be honest you motivated me so much with the walk that I'll comit myself to go for walks every single day. It seems that it is the best i got to do. When do you advice me to go for a walk ? What's the best I've got all my day free. I can go morning noon afternoon night midnight even in 4:00 pm. If I go walking in the morning what's the best breakfast after the walk or before? Really thanks to all.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I started out with walking. I had a carrier I'd put the baby in. We started out doing 15 minute walks and worked up from there.
  • Justamanatee
    Justamanatee Posts: 9 Member
    There are 10 minute workout DVD's, and there's a specific cardio version that I love. I do them in my living room, and my favorite is the kick boxing. REALLY gets you working hard, and it's nice to feel them get easier.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Hello all i'd like to know if anyone knows any good cardio workout for obese. i'm not completly out of shape but my stamina is really low I've been a smoker for many years and my lounges are running out preety fast. I'd like to know from some of you guys who lost a lot of weight and you were obese what workout trains you followed.

    Regards and thanks to all...

    My blog:

  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Thank you all for your replys. Walking and cycling were two of my options. I HATE RUNNING when I run i feel my belly doing things that will cause a new Big Bang :laugh: :laugh: .

    I didn't said it right, I'm searching a cardio workout that I can perfom it indoors, in my house. I don't really got money right now for equipment so I'll be glad if you can give me something without weights. .

    Guys and girls thanks again this community is really nice to new members :D

    Leslie Sansone 100%. Her dvds are fairly cheap, and all you need is your legs and when you are ready you can get one of those cheap resistance bands. Check her out on youtube!
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    I started with walking. At first, I didn't go very far, but my goal was to make it a HABIT. I would go out every day, no matter what the weather was, at 10:00 a.m., and again at 3:00 p.m. I tried to walk a minute or two more each time. Over a few weeks time, I saw progress -- and that was motivating to me. Soon, I could walk for a half-hour at a time. And, as I lost weight, it became even easier. Good luck. Exercise will make you feel better, in ways you cannot even imagine.
  • rsemsem
    rsemsem Posts: 63
    try a speed bag, that's what I started with when I was 324lbs. lost the first 100lbs on the speed bag
  • grace173
    grace173 Posts: 180 Member
    You Tube is packed with excellent workouts for everyone of any fitness level. Try out a few. You will know after a few minutes whether or not it is right for you. I started out doing Jillian Michaels workouts and I am now on Fitness Blenders. If you are a big man you could probably pack a punch so why not try kickboxing or boxing workout also very good to get rid of frustration because you will be frustrated at the beginning at how little you will be able to do without stopping but believe me, you will be amazed how quickly you get better at working out. Amazed! honest :) Good luck
  • grace173
    grace173 Posts: 180 Member
    try a speed bag, that's what I started with when I was 324lbs. lost the first 100lbs on the speed bag

    100lbs on a speed bag! Wowzers. I bet you can't even stand to look at a speed bag anymore. Well done!