Do I have to eat&shld I add more to my routine?

Learning along the way as I try yet again to do this....

1. Do you have to eat after working out?
I workout at night time, usually before bed time, do I have to eat or can I just eat in the morning?
Also if I do eat what's good to eat late, after a workout?

2. Right now what I'm going to be doing is a workout sheet that I have as my routine. A whole section on weights for arms, crunches, push ups and squats. I feel like I get a good sweat going but shld I add more? Or just see how this does for me?

I'm 5'5 172lbs size 12 pants and large shirts.
I would like to drop 10lbs in 1 month from today (for my sons 3rd birthday, means lots a family, lots of pictures.) but to eventually be my goal weight 135-140 (maybe by March 2014, my 24 birthday)

Thanks for the help in advance everyone.
Let's see if I can really really do this, this time!


  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    You are supposed to have some type of high-quality protein within 30 minutes of working out for the growth and recovery of your muscles. If you're working out right before bed, I would drink some type of protein shake. The one I use (VPX SRO) is zero carb, zero sugar, and 20g protein for 80 calories...
    You could also eat a couple of eggs or something. Whatever you choose, you only need 10 to 20 grams of protein to provide amino acids to muscles.

    Do you have a heart rate monitor? It will give you a pretty good estimate of how many calories you are burning doing your workout. (I love my Polar HRM). If you really want to torch some calories, add some type of cardio to your routine. You'll probably burn more calories.

    EDIT: Spelling error :/
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    There are tons of articles out there about eating in a certain "window" after working out so you build more muscle, but that really isn't supported by science at all. I'm sure some will disagree, but I would say if you're not hungry, why eat?

    If you are hungry, try a 100-200 cal snack that's very balanced in terms of carbs, protein and healthy fat - like greek yogurt with fruit and chia seeds or flax sprinkled on top, or a small protein shake or smoothie, or a slice of Ezekiel toast (high-protein, good carbs) with almond butter & low-sugar jam, or a bowl of high-fiber and protein cereal like Kashi GoLean.
  • Under_Construction13
    Thanks ladies... I guess I'll eat if I'm hungry? Sounds good to me.
    Another question, after working out do I just go about ur day or what do U do after?
    I rest, walk around my house, and eventually get ready for bed.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I think wether you eat or not after exercise might depend more on your goals. If your main target is just to lose weight then I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you main goal is to increase your fitness in some way then you probably do want to think about giving your muscles the best recovery you can.

    I like to exercise at night too, I usually just take a shower and go to bed afterwards. Just make sure you cooled down and stretched the way you need to as part of your routine and then you should be fine from there.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You are supposed to have some type of high-quality protein within 30 minutes of working out for the growth and recovery of your muscles. If you're working out right before bed, I would drink some type of protein shake. The one I use (VPX SRO) is zero carb, zero sugar, and 20g protein for 80 calories...
    You could also eat a couple of eggs or something. Whatever you choose, you only need 10 to 20 grams of protein to provide amino acids to muscles.

    Broscience and totally unnecessary. Get enough protein during the day and you're fine. Protein shakes after a workout are only recommended by people selling protein shakes.
    Do you have a heart rate monitor? It will give you a pretty good estimate of how many calories you are burning doing your workout. (I love my Polar HRM). If you really want to torch some calories, add some type of cardio to your routine. You'll probably burn more calories.

    HRM's are not accurate for anything but steady state cardio exercise. Using one for lifting will give you greatly exaggerated numbers.

    Lifting is great for maintaining lean body mass but if you're looking to drop some weight quickly add some cardio time in there.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You are supposed to have some type of high-quality protein within 30 minutes of working out for the growth and recovery of your muscles. If you're working out right before bed, I would drink some type of protein shake. The one I use (VPX SRO) is zero carb, zero sugar, and 20g protein for 80 calories...
    You could also eat a couple of eggs or something. Whatever you choose, you only need 10 to 20 grams of protein to provide amino acids to muscles.

    Broscience and totally unnecessary. Get enough protein during the day and you're fine. Protein shakes after a workout are only recommended by people selling protein shakes.
    Do you have a heart rate monitor? It will give you a pretty good estimate of how many calories you are burning doing your workout. (I love my Polar HRM). If you really want to torch some calories, add some type of cardio to your routine. You'll probably burn more calories.

    HRM's are not accurate for anything but steady state cardio exercise. Using one for lifting will give you greatly exaggerated numbers.

    Lifting is great for maintaining lean body mass but if you're looking to drop some weight quickly add some cardio time in there.

  • Under_Construction13
    Thanks everyone.
    yeah, i dont get really hungry after workingout but if I do Ill try and have something small (soup, doritos :) something)
    I am trying to lose weight (I am a fluffy 171.8) after I get to my goal weight(im thinking 140 lbs) I want to tone up. Problem areas are my belly and my fat face lol
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Depends on what your goals are. If your goal is strength, I'd do it. Eating protein after a workout is one of those things that is still debated back and forth, with no real firm science either way, but just like other things, you can take a logical common sense approach to it: if you make proteins more available for muscles after they have been stimulated, you can see how the muscles might uptake more proteins more easily than if you go on a long fast directly afterwards (sleeping). I've found when I'm trying to make lifting gains over the years if I do have some kind of protein after the workout and eat relatively recently before I lift heavy it does seem to help with gains. But if you are just trying to lose weight, its probably not worth worrying too much about if you arent hungry.