I finished the 63 day INSANITY program 2 weeks ago and started T25 a few days after. During INSANITY, I lost a total of 14 inches and dropped heaps in size - however after the first 2 weeks of T25; I have had no progress. Should I go back to INSANITY or stick it out in T25 and hope for results? :-)


  • Just a quick question about insanity , how do u track it is it circuit training
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    I would give it a couple more weeks. Does it feel as challanging? Is there anything you can do to make it harder and more effective? Is it the same kind of workout? Good luck and way to go on doing Insanity! That is some tough stuff! :)
  • Undredog, I use a suunto HRM which tells me the calories I have burned. From there - I manually add in my calories burned :)
  • I feel it is no where near as challenging as Insanity was... It is very similar to the Insanity warm up to me(but obviosly at higher intensity)..
    I just completed the cardio workout and according to my HRM I burnt 430 calories in the 25 minutes.. when I was doing Insanity I would burn up to 1100 in the 55 minute workouts.. :)
  • I feel it is no where near as challenging as Insanity was... It is very similar to the Insanity warm up to me(but obviosly at higher intensity)..
    I just completed the cardio workout and according to my HRM I burnt 430 calories in the 25 minutes.. when I was doing Insanity I would burn up to 1100 in the 55 minute workouts.. :)

    is you 2x then you would have had 860 cals at 50 mins....pretty good...and I dont believe that HRT are ever correct. Sorry, there is no way to be accurate, its just something to use to gauge.

    Believe me I loved insanity and I'm going to be using in a hybrid I'm making but wait until you hit total body circuit and speed 1/2/3. Its gets hardcore......and you dread it.

    Yeah, I mostly use my HRM to compare to my previous workouts..
    I think I will give it more of a go - and if I still see no progress by the end of Alpha I might go back to Insanity :)
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    You could consider trying the gamma workouts right away. I did the alpha phase for 2-3 weeks but then I felt that it wasn't that hard so I started doing the gamma phase.

    I don't know your stats, but 430 cals in 25 minutes is A LOT. I usually burn around 250-280 cals during one Focus T25 workout.
  • CathOh
    CathOh Posts: 72 Member
    I don't think the two compare, either. Insanity was a workout for me, and I am in great shape. I hardly even broke a sweat in a few of the T25 workouts. But if you only have 25 minutes to work out, it's better than nothing.

    IMHO, I can see people getting injured pretty easily on T25. The warmups and cooldowns are next to non-existant.

    (Edited to add: I didn't try the gamma phase. I got bored pretty quickly with T25)
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I haven't been able to find the Focus part of T25. I finished Insanity back in April and T25 just doesn't compare for ME. Others love it, I just can't get into it. I have to double up to even feel like I accomplished anything. Try moving on to at least Beta Phase and if you still don't feel like you are accomplishing much I would move back to Insanity or look into Insanity Asylum.
  • I saw results during month 2 of Insanity and T25 was the same! Stick with it, you will see results!
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    I think T25 should be renamed "Insanity Extra Lite" for the alpha phase, and maybe "Insanity Lite" for beta! :laugh: Had the same experience as you, OP. I didn't see any results from month 1 of Insanity, then finally saw some in month 2, so I repeated month 2 after a short break and the excellent results continued (lost about 12 pounds and many inches when it was all said and done). But, you definitely need an Insanity break at some point, so I moved on to T25 hoping the progress would continue. Whoops...wrong! About halfway through Alpha I had actually gained a little weight (including an inch around the waist) so I started adding a 2-mile run after every workout (so I was still working out for about 50 minutes every day, similar to month 2 of Insanity). That helped a little and now that I'm just starting the 3rd week of beta the unexpected pounds and inches are back off...still doing a couple of miles after most workouts though. Going to finish the program and see if the results will come after completing beta, but I don't think I'm going to move on to gamma.

    The whole thing has me pondering the touchy subject of HIIT vs. steady-state cardio for weight loss. Could it be that those of us out here who aren't seeing any great results from T25 might be in the group that benefits more from the HIIT-style of workout like Insanity? There are some of the same moves in both programs, so it's not like there's anything vastly different between the two (except for maybe all the crazy jumping!) aside from the 1-minute breaks between intervals in Insanity.

    So, maybe just skip into beta and see if things improve for you in those workouts. Like some others have said, T25 maybe is okay when you're crunched for time and need to get something in, or once you reach a maintenance phase. The beta workouts are also more enjoyable I think, and I really like the days that incorporate the weights. Rip't Circuit is my new favorite workout!
  • SamDavis48
    SamDavis48 Posts: 15 Member
    Just a quick question about insanity , how do u track it is it circuit training

    I used to find the calculations for all of the Insanity workouts. I then made it in my data base for exercises on MFP.
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    I agree with the post above, T25 is "Insanity Lite". For a newbie, it would be a great workout to do BEFORE doing Insanity. I liked it because it was 25 min and allows me to run without spending more than an hour working out. But, if you've been working out for awhile, and have done other BeachBody programs, you're probably beyond T25.

    I started the Gamma phase this week, and Speed 3.0 reminded me of an Insanity workout - lots of burpees. My burn was higher than I got doing the Alpha and Beta cardio workouts too.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I did Insanity for 7 weeks the first time and had to started over. I finished it the second time. I started T25 and I was getting bored - not as much of a challenge, though it fit better into our lunch hour. I've now created my own "super-hybrid" where I combined Insanity, P90X and T25 so I'm getting the all over effect. It's a 9 week program that ends the week before Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving I'm moving onto the Beast because I need to focus more on strength training than on cardio.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I feel it is no where near as challenging as Insanity was... It is very similar to the Insanity warm up to me(but obviosly at higher intensity)..
    I just completed the cardio workout and according to my HRM I burnt 430 calories in the 25 minutes.. when I was doing Insanity I would burn up to 1100 in the 55 minute workouts.. :)

    thats interesting, i always felt the most intense part of insanity was the warm up.

    I've also heard many people say they found T25 more intense then insanity, but i don't know much about it.

    From my experience with every other shawn T work out, its as hard as your willing to make it. I could see him making it a very intense 25 min.

    whats the difference between gama, beta etc?

    to the OP, i'm willing to bet that you would have seen the same plateau if you just continued doing Insanity, and probably anyother heavy cardio program for that matter. Recommend you switch to p90x or just lift or some other resistance intensive program and then return to insanity.
  • Hey everyone was looking for some advice. I completed Insanity in September of 2013. Took about a month off and started again with people at work. That feel through in November. So I found Focus T25 and just finished the Alpha Phase today. However, I gained weight and my thighs seem bigger. I feel like I wasted five weeks of time. I am going on a cruise in April and wanted to get back in shape. Do I go back to Insanity? If so where do I start? Please help!
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    If you give 100% intensity and use heavy enough weights you will get results from T25. I just finished beta and plan to start gamma tomorrow. I have done NROLFW, Turbo Fire, Body Revolution and am a long distance runner. I definitely did not go in as a newbie and the results were there. I had just as good of results as Insanity and my knees liked it better.

    The key to remember.... It is more diet than exercise. You have to eat right for you body and give the program 100%.