Whoever said weight loss isn't a contest is a liar.



  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I'm in a never-ending contest with my husband and he has no idea. LOL

    Early in our relationship, when he was super fit (active duty Army) and I was overweight and struggling, he had this smug attitude of, "If you really want to get fit, just do what I do." Well, skipping meals and running five miles a day (his method) didn't work for me and still doesn't. I would tell him that, and he said, "When you lose a significant amount of weight your way, then we can talk." His method is starting to not work for him now. He's getting older, can't run as much as he used to (two knee surgeries), and skipping meals only makes him overeat in the end. I want him to be healthy and I'm trying to encourage him to do other forms of exercise and not starve all day, but deep down I can't help but go "Ha, ha, I was right and you were wrong." :tongue:

    ahhh i love this! my husband is ridiculously fit - like 9% body fat fit. He does eat pretty healthy but when I can prove him wrong I LOVE it. He's trying to be supportive and always makes me question what I eat and I always say "IT'S IN MY CALORIES!" with flames coming out of my mouth because I know what I can eat and he is really clueless since he eats the same. thing. every. day. at least until dinner time. I love when I can prove him wrong. But I never want him to get fat.
  • dessyjo
    dessyjo Posts: 176 Member
    It's only a contest against yourself. You can never compare yourself to other people--because you AREN'T those other people. You never will be. The best you can ever do is be the best YOU that you can be. So is it a contest? Yes, but only with the person you were yesterday.

    It's like what Einstein said:

    "Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."

    I love this quote!
  • An8888
    An8888 Posts: 24 Member
    And has obviously never been the fat sister or the fat friend.

    I mean, am I right or am I right? Hahahaha. :D

    2 years into yo-yo dieting and not taking it seriously, I'm done messing around. Time to lose some weight people!

    OP, that's some refreshing honesty, lol :) Yes, it can be a competition and there's nothing wrong with that. Stay motivated, and if anybody tells you you're getting "too skinny" they're probably just feeling threatened by your success. Now, go get it :)
  • To be honest, I made it a contest. And the prize was happiness and good health. At the gym, I picked an opponent (unbeknownst to them), if they went faster, or harder I followed suit. One things for sure, I was never the first off the machine. In kickboxing class, I selected an opponent who I deemed the best, then I mentally challenged them. This has helped me stay focused and driven.

    Now, I'm faster, more healthier, than most of the people in my immediate circle. That's huge, considering my sisters have never had a weight problem, and one is a former professional dancer and cheerleader.

    Whatever it takes to keep you motivated and inspired, I'm all for it!
    You look great! How long did it take you to lose your weight! Amazing!
  • Wow great job. You look marvelous.
  • DianneP6772
    DianneP6772 Posts: 272 Member
    Yep - thats me! When i am cycling and someone comes from behind - and passes me ~~~ well - unless its some young fit guy - i will pick up my pace and often end up passing them.

    It just puts a little spice in your life!
  • piratesluver
    piratesluver Posts: 105 Member
    SO RELIEVING to not be the only 'fat friend'. I remember going to clubs and my friends would count how many guys would approach them, and often end up counting on both hands! Me? Maybe one... Maybe.

    I've only lost 8lbs (in 6 weeks), but I'm on the road to getting there!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    To be honest, I made it a contest. And the prize was happiness and good health. At the gym, I picked an opponent (unbeknownst to them), if they went faster, or harder I followed suit. One things for sure, I was never the first off the machine. In kickboxing class, I selected an opponent who I deemed the best, then I mentally challenged them. This has helped me stay focused and driven.

    Now, I'm faster, more healthier, than most of the people in my immediate circle. That's huge, considering my sisters have never had a weight problem, and one is a former professional dancer and cheerleader.

    Whatever it takes to keep you motivated and inspired, I'm all for it!

    You are a warrior... truly awe inspiring transformation!!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I was the FAT sister/daughter when I was a child but now they are fat. They still suck....
  • To be honest, I made it a contest. And the prize was happiness and good health. At the gym, I picked an opponent (unbeknownst to them), if they went faster, or harder I followed suit. One things for sure, I was never the first off the machine. In kickboxing class, I selected an opponent who I deemed the best, then I mentally challenged them. This has helped me stay focused and driven.

    Now, I'm faster, more healthier, than most of the people in my immediate circle. That's huge, considering my sisters have never had a weight problem, and one is a former professional dancer and cheerleader.

    Whatever it takes to keep you motivated and inspired, I'm all for it!

    Lol I do this too at dance or body pump. Probably not because of a target, just because I'm jealous and I want to be the best! Lol life is a contest :) but enjoy it ...it makes it more fun
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I will fully admit I compete with myself all the time, and yes, I am guilty of staging mental competitions against the swimmer in the next lane. I constantly push myself to pass, pace, or try to catch up. It feels really good when I can "tag" a fit person. It's human nature.

    Yep, I'm still the fat friend....but I'm the fat friend who can outswim the majority of my fit friends. I'm the fat friend who is getting healthier every day, and I'm the fat friend who has been accomplishing huge things. Weight loss is a competition with the old, sedentary, super morbidly obese, unhappy me. The prize in this competition is A GREAT LIFE and mine is pretty awesome right now. (See Icon. That's me on the left rappelling down an office building with a friend because I CAN DO THAT STUFF NOW!). It gets better every day. Win!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I will fully admit I compete with myself all the time, and yes, I am guilty of staging mental competitions against the swimmer in the next lane. I constantly push myself to pass, pace, or try to catch up. It feels really good when I can "tag" a fit person. It's human nature.

    Yep, I'm still the fat friend....but I'm the fat friend who can outswim the majority of my fit friends. I'm the fat friend who is getting healthier every day, and I'm the fat friend who has been accomplishing huge things. Weight loss is a competition with the old, sedentary, super morbidly obese, unhappy me. The prize in this competition is A GREAT LIFE and mine is pretty awesome right now. (See Icon. That's me on the left rappelling down an office building with a friend because I CAN DO THAT STUFF NOW!). It gets better every day. Win!

    Wow what an inspiring story! I can't believe that's you on the side of that building. Amazing!!! I know the fear of doing physical stuff when you're super obese. It hit me a few summers ago when I couldn't keep up with my husband and kids on a simple hike because I was so heavy my balance was off and I was deathly afraid of falling and breaking an ankle or a wrist. What an incredible feeling to be able to do stuff now that was out of the question before. Go you!! :drinker:
  • All of your stories are inspiring! I tried adding most of you, but there's a lot of you! :) Feel free to add me, you're all so great!
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    my biggest competition is me! First time in my life I am doing something just for me :)
  • Sherunda
    Sherunda Posts: 2 Member
    Keep up the hard work
  • paotoa
    paotoa Posts: 6 Member
    I kinda wondered why some people give you a funny look while their working out...now I know. Its on people...you're going down ;)
  • TonyaPietrzak
    TonyaPietrzak Posts: 59 Member
    I do it ALL the time. Competition is fun when your doing it when the other person doesn't know it. It's motivation to me! I feel so scandalous :devil:
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    I'm about zero percent competitive, if anything becomes a race/contest, I immediately lose all interest. The only person I try to be better than is the person I was yesterday.

    However, if it works for you, keep doing it!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's only a contest against yourself. You can never compare yourself to other people--because you AREN'T those other people. You never will be. The best you can ever do is be the best YOU that you can be. So is it a contest? Yes, but only with the person you were yesterday.

    It's like what Einstein said:

    "Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."


    Do what works for you...I just want to point out that not all former fat friends think this way. In fact, I can't identify with the OP's mentality one bit.
  • I do it ALL the time. Competition is fun when your doing it when the other person doesn't know it. It's motivation to me! I feel so scandalous :devil:

    I agree! I'm competing with my sister but I would never tell her that. She has a lot more time on her hands than I do. She doesn't work or go to school, so if she wanted to compete with me, she'd probably win just because of all the extra time she can spend working out. Me on the other hand, I work and go to school AND have a boyfriend (which I'll tell you, feels like a second job sometimes). Food is my comfort, but she doesn't really care if she eats or not. So no, I'd never tell her.