Lack of support from friends and family



  • I actually get this a lot from family members. A recent example, my mom who is the same height as me but probably 20 lbs less told me I can't lose anymore weight or I'll look sick. Um, I'm still 50 lbs more than what I want!

    Family reunions are the worst. There are some people in my extended family that I really don't care for. One particular person is roughly 300 lbs. During my freshman year of college I gained 20 lbs (up to 185). When I seen her at reunion that summer she would not stop making fun of me for gaining weight. Worst part - when she was my age she was a stick.

    I don't tell anyone I log on here either. I already get people telling me I'm obsessed as well. That would add fuel to the fire. What I've noticed though is some of those people calling me obsessed are starting to ask advice. They don't like it when I tell them counting calories.

    Ultimately, I live by "You didn't tell me what to eat or when to exercise when I was fat, you don't get to tell me now that I'm getting healthy."
  • naterar
    naterar Posts: 48 Member
    "Obsessed is the word the lazy use to describe the dedicated" Don't give power to the haters and people who try to label you. And yes unfortunately they will be your family sometimes. Just keep going and doing what is right for you. Remember at the end of every day you have to be able to live with you.

  • Something I have found useful is saying "my BMI is in the overweight range" rather than "I am overweight". It's a more scientific precise definition that people cannot disagree with. I had a friend who, trying to be nice, said I didn't need to lose weight. I told him my BMI, and he said it surprised him, but fair enough if I want to lose weight :smile:

    I try saying that too but then people start telling my how inaccurate BMI is and how our family has never fit on that scale. Um, maybe because we're all overweight?
  • KokowithaK
    KokowithaK Posts: 88 Member
    Obsessed is a term that the lazy use to describe the dedicated. Period. Be obsessed with your health. Be obsessed with fitness. Be obsessed with life. Disregard negativity, it doesnt help you and it only feeds the gossip mill.

    "Obsessed is a term that the lazy use to describe the dedicated" - this is PERFECT!
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member

    I'm thinking maybe it's because my friends and family aren't really the athletic kind, and more of less half of them are overweight.

    Could it be jealousy? Or am I really obsessed? Maybe it's because they're used to see me eating more than my actual needs?

    What's your opinion on that? What's your personal experience?

    From how you've presented it you're not obsessed. Change is hard to deal with- and you changing yourself for the better forces them to change how they see you.

    I would also think that they might be jealous- not of how you look, but jealous that exercise/being healthy is taking you away from them.

    It sounds like you've added quite a bit of exercise to your life- which is wonderful, but be thoughtful about if this has effected your interactions with your family and friends. If your spending more time getting in shape then by default your spending less time doing other things.

    -Personal experience: I was looking at some crackers and checking the nutritional label but decided against it. When my mother asked why I put them back I told her that the Carbs were too high per serving and would be difficult to fit my MACROs.

    She went into this rant about how I didn't need to watch what I eat because I'm not fat.

    I told her it wasn't about losing weight- it was about being healthy.

    When we reached the cash register I was about to pick up some chocolate but didn't as I'm not supposed to have any for medical reasons. My mother loudly sighed, rolled her eyes, and told the clerk helping us that "She thinks she's fat".

    I was so shocked and embarrassed. I did/do not think I'm fat. I am a healthy weight and BMI. My goal is to gain more muscle mass. I told both my mother and the clerk that I did not think I was fat- that I'm not supposed to have chocolate and that out of all people, my Mother, should know that.

    -Since the above incident my mom has taken an interest in her own health and now is learning about TDEE/MACROs and all of that. She is supportive of me wanting to be healthy and seems to understand that it's not because "she thinks shes fat"
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I know that I am obsesive about my weight loss, eating habits, exercise, etc. I have to continually remind myself to find something else to talk about. And maybe that's the issue for your family. Maybe you are talking about this subject exclusively? Fact is we all get itred of listening to the same thing all the time. You are doing a great thing for yourself and you are succeeding. But find another topic to bring up, something else interesting you are doing or proud of. That might really be all it is.
  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for all those comments - negative or positive. Some really motivated me, while some make be reflect.

    Some of you are right - I may talk about it a little too much. I'm the voluble kind. Whenever something happens to me or in my life, I talk about it to everyone around me. I may have overdone it. Some people may be sick of hearing about it, while some may simply be jealous because they lack motivation to actually do something about their own health.

    Next time, I'll just wait for people to ask me about it... They're all aware about my journey in the end :D

    And some have mentioned I may put people second... I don't. I usually go jogging when my girlfriend and kids are asleep (around 10-10.30 PM) because getting fitter and healthier is my own decision and they shouldn't suffer from it.

    The sentence to remember is: Obsessed is a term that the lazy use to describe the dedicated. Thanks bethanytowell!
  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    There is nothing worse than having people in your life not believe in what you are doing. Everyone needs support!
  • Sounds to me like you've found something that you are passionate about and makes you happy and you want to share that with other people. Also, if you can't share things like that with your friends and family, who can you share them with? And as far as being obsessed, unless you are skipping out on your responsibilities (which sounds like you are NOT), then no, you are not. Reading that you jog at 10PM to not interfere with your family schedule says so for sure!

    I can relate: I have picked up the running bug this summer, and I posted a bunch of stuff on my FB wall about me finishing my first half marathon just recently and then after I posted a pic with the status of "Last one, I swear" , my wife's relative (who's only a few years older than me) replied with (I'm paraphrasing here) "Don't apologize for talking about your accomplishment, you should be proud. I wish I had that determination." That made me feel real good, because I felt like people didn't want to hear any more. My wife herself has said she tunes me out a little. But with me, if I get a 'hobby' going, I dive right in, and I don't talk about much else. Man you should have heard me pontificate on online poker when I did that ....... Haha!

    But , I think you're right about one thing , some people may not want to hear it because they don't have the motivation but would like to do the same.

    Either way, just know that there are places like MFP where you can 'talk shop' and get support. Even if you can't in your physical world ... I'm looking to get past 170 lbs & out of "overweight" BMI myself. :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    one factor that does NOT determine your level of fitness or rate of improvement is the number of people who have your back.
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    as someone posted earlier -- "Don't apologize for talking about your accomplishment, you should be proud."

    The criticism you are hearing is "Health Shaming". If they can shame you about being fit and healthy, they won't feel bad about being out of shape themselves.

    I understand why they are doing it. They may not even be doing it on purpose. It is easy to fool oneself and feel that you are not "that fat" when everybody around you is also overweight. Heck, I realized I was doing this when I made a couple of jokes about how I like going to Costco cause it made me feel skinny. At the same time i was working in the city where people tend to be thinner than they are in the suburbs. It was then I noticed I was/am indeed really fat and needed to take some action. I just never realized how fat i was when the vast majority of all my coworkers, friends and neighbors where also overweight (in the suburbs).

    I have lost a few pounds... and some of my friends and neighbors are saying i am looking "skinny". In some ways it is funny because it will be many more months before I am no longer OBESE and just overweight. I know they mean well -- BUT i also hear them use "skinny" as a pejorative with folks who are HWP (or just a little overweight).

    Good luck and good health to you!

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I've gotten the "obsessed" description too. I'm not. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but I would like to lose some fat so that the hard work I've put in in the gym shows on the outside. My mom tells me all the time I don't need to lose weight. I tell her over and over that it's not about weight. It's about being comfortable in my skin and healthy. I think she worries that I will go too far and end up with an eating disorder or something. There are worse things to be obsessed with. I point out to my mom that I could be spending all my time in front of the TV, and that would be far worse for my health.

    I think your "obsession" only becomes an issue if it's affecting your daily life - like you were skipping work or family events because you NEED to work out. But it sounds like you've found a good balance.

    If you like to talk about your progress (and I don't blame you!), you could start a Twitter account where you could post your activity. That way people can follow you if they want to read about it. It's not like Facebook, where people can sometimes feel "forced" to look at the posts.

    As long as you are healthy and happy, keep doing what you're doing! You'll always have MFP to support you :)
  • oc1timoco
    oc1timoco Posts: 272 Member
    If you really think what they say to you is non supportive or negative just imagine what they say when your not around. Keep that in mind as you evaluate your relationship with them. Some people just love a good train wreck, don't make it at your expense.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    obsessed and proud - right here.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for all those comments - negative or positive. Some really motivated me, while some make be reflect.

    Some of you are right - I may talk about it a little too much. I'm the voluble kind. Whenever something happens to me or in my life, I talk about it to everyone around me. I may have overdone it. Some people may be sick of hearing about it, while some may simply be jealous because they lack motivation to actually do something about their own health.

    Next time, I'll just wait for people to ask me about it... They're all aware about my journey in the end :D

    And some have mentioned I may put people second... I don't. I usually go jogging when my girlfriend and kids are asleep (around 10-10.30 PM) because getting fitter and healthier is my own decision and they shouldn't suffer from it.

    The sentence to remember is: Obsessed is a term that the lazy use to describe the dedicated. Thanks bethanytowell!

    I admit, I talk about it too much too. It's usually when I'm excited after seeing an improvement or progress, and usually to my husband. I know it doesn't interest him, lol, but IDC, he's my husband, and should support me. I know he is happy with how much my body has changed, so unfortunately for him, he gets to hear all the details too. :happy:
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I have a friend who occasionally posts on Facebook about my fitness accomplishments. I'm trying to be that kind of friend for my friends.
  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
    @NRSPAM: My girlfriend also gets to know all details and accomplishments. She's also more or less neutral with my journey, but I noticed she's more interested in muscle gains than weight loss :P Meh, women :P

    So instead of saying how many pounds I lost, I just say how much more weigh I can lift, or how faster I get to run :P
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    @NRSPAM: My girlfriend also gets to know all details and accomplishments. She's also more or less neutral with my journey, but I noticed she's more interested in muscle gains than weight loss :P Meh, women :P

    So instead of saying how many pounds I lost, I just say how much more weigh I can lift, or how faster I get to run :P

    those are the kind of updates that turn me on and make me love ambition in a man far more. hearing about a loss sounds like correcting a fault, hearing about something new you can do sounds like self-improvement - which is a lot more attractive.
  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
    those are the kind of updates that turn me on and make me love ambition in a man far more. hearing about a loss sounds like correcting a fault, hearing about something new you can do sounds like self-improvement - which is a lot more attractive.

    That makes sense. At once I didn't think of it like that, but I believe you are right. I guess it had to do with being optimistic :D
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I can identify with you. I'm lucky that my husband and friends (for the most part) are totally supportive. However, it is getting old when people ask how much I've lost and they respond with "Well I know where it went." Sorry guys that just isn't funny. I know they mean nothing by it, but their joke belittles them, and it belittles my accomplishment. It would be nice to be congratulated. My husband and my close friends do, so I'm thankful for that.