I have found the diet for me!!!

proctor0828 Posts: 179
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
It's fairly easy... It promises you 9 lbs in 11 days and it's true... then you take 3 days off and then do it again. My second round I'm not loosing quite as fast but I'm still loosing...When all else failed for me... I would exercise my BUTT off but it wouldn't fall off. It's is now. Anyway it's Fatloss for Idiots... I know this kinda sounds like an ad but it's not! I've been here on fitnesspal for a couple of years now... But before you get Fatloss for idiots research it... no one has anything bad to say. i'll keep you posted on my success


  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    Dont just tease us give us some of some of the meal plans.:wink:
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    I'd love to hear about some of the meals as well!!!
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Yeah. More info please!
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Bump!!! More please!
  • I saw a 50% discount coupon. How much is it? Expensive?
  • It's $40. and 100% money back if your not satisfied. It's a computer download so you don't have to wait for anything to come in the mail which was nice. What it is, is a generator... it gives you a list of foods and you select the ones that you like. You want to choose the max amount so that you have a wider range of items on your menu. Then it generates a meal plan for you. It gives you 4 meals to eat for 11 days. You can eat a days meals in any order but you need to stick with that menu for that day. It's based on calorie confusion. Instead of your body eating the same low calories everyday and then setting itself to burn less calories, you take in different amounts of calories from meal to meal instead of day to day. Your body burns one meal before you even take in a second. The big key is realizing when you are satisfied... not stuffed.
    It is much smaller meals but you don't really get hungry because you have 4 of them a day. Plus it's only for 11 days then you get 3 days off. Those 3 days off you can eat normally. I love it! The first 11 days I lost 10 lbs. Ofcourse the first thing you loose when your dieting is water weight, so that's why that number is so high... but I'm on day 7 of the second 11 days and I've lost 6 lbs. It also comes with a handbook that instructs you on what diet you should do if you want less weightloss or maintain. The diet is made for people who do not exercise. So the weightloss promise is even if you don't workout... ofcourse the more you do the better the results (within reason). That being said... be careful and don't overdo it! You shouldn't loose more than lb a day. Anyway... read it's information... don't just take my word for it. Read the website and do alittle research on it... I search for 3 hours and couldn't find anything that said it didn't work... the worst I found was some people only lost 6 lbs instead of 9. But if y'all are like me... I'LL TAKE THAT.
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    Can You give more info on the meals it gave for you
  • Can You give more info on the meals it gave for you

    It gives you a list of foods, you can choose 30 foods. Then it gives you 11 days 4 meals a day. Each meal you can eat as much as you want as long as you don't stuff yourself... it said the key is to make sure you have room for dessert but eat it, or if your not sure then go ahead and stop. For example... this morning for breakfast I had scrambled eggs with sliced cheese melted on top. Then I will have Roast beef deli meat with BBQ sauce, then for dinner Shrimp sauteed in butter with Cajun seasoning... then my 4th meal is Frozen Yogurt. For each meal it gives you 3 or 4 different things... you can eat all or just one of the foods. Again you can eat as much as you want... it's not per serving... but realize when you are satisfied.
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    It's sounds high protein..low carb
  • It's sounds high protein..low carb

    It's Calorie confusion... not a low calorie or low carb... it doesn't focus on that.
    Reguardless though, it's working for me... I just thought I would share my new found secret so that maybe it would help others. By the way... I've lost 2 lbs since first posting this.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    yeah, this is a heavily internet marketed plan that is extremely restrictive, (1 food per meal, I.E. for dinner you would have turkey and.... turkey), advertises weight losses that are not healthy (9 pounds in 11 days is NOT healthy unless you are morbidly obese, and if that's the case, you could most likely do that without needing to resort to a restrictive plan), any plan that drastically alters your eating habits and food types from what you expect to eat for the rest of your life is not an ideal way to lose weight.

    To be healthy you want to limit your portions, eat a healthy, balanced, diet, and slowly and gradually raise the portion sizes until your weight is where you want it and your calorie intake is at maintenance. Why change how you eat just to lose weight, just so you can change it back again, learn a whole new way to eat, and make your body adjust yet again?

    Would I call this plan a scam? Not specifically, but I wouldn't do it, nor would I ever recommend it to someone. If it's something that you want to do, you understand the risks, and want it anyway, fine, but how about explaining the whole plan from top to bottom to us, including food types, costs, restrictions, upsides, downsides, timelines, and expectations. At least then we could make our own decisions on it.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Well, congrats on finding the "diet" for you.

    Now, what are you going to do for your lifestyle when the weight is off? Are you going to eat like that the rest of your life?
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Oh boy. :noway:

    I've got a great piece of swamp land in Florida for you also...I'm only asking $10,000, but in 2 years from now, it'll be worth millions. GUARANTEED! :wink:
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    .. no one has anything bad to say.
    Really? I found some.

    Just based on search results, it's apparent this company is out to saturate the internet with false advertisement, buying up 90% of the fatloss for idiot domains, and every which variant of it. Yes, you'll probably lose 9 pounds in 11 days THE FIRST round, but it certainly won't be fat, and certainly won't be repeatable for very long once you're metabolism shuts down.
  • yeah, this is a heavily internet marketed plan that is extremely restrictive, (1 food per meal, I.E. for dinner you would have turkey and.... turkey), advertises weight losses that are not healthy (9 pounds in 11 days is NOT healthy unless you are morbidly obese, and if that's the case, you could most likely do that without needing to resort to a restrictive plan), any plan that drastically alters your eating habits and food types from what you expect to eat for the rest of your life is not an ideal way to lose weight.

    To be healthy you want to limit your portions, eat a healthy, balanced, diet, and slowly and gradually raise the portion sizes until your weight is where you want it and your calorie intake is at maintenance. Why change how you eat just to lose weight, just so you can change it back again, learn a whole new way to eat, and make your body adjust yet again?

    Would I call this plan a scam? Not specifically, but I wouldn't do it, nor would I ever recommend it to someone. If it's something that you want to do, you understand the risks, and want it anyway, fine, but how about explaining the whole plan from top to bottom to us, including food types, costs, restrictions, upsides, downsides, timelines, and expectations. At least then we could make our own decisions on it.

    This is to all you who are criticizing... First off I did include...cost, restrictions, upsides, downsides, time lines, and expectaton... I also said check it out for yourself before taking my word for it. I also said that it comes with a handbook on information on how to maintain your new weight or loose weight at a slower pace. The guarantee... if's it there, then why not.. I tried it and it's working for me.

    I didn't put a gun to anyone's head and make you all do anything... I simply found something that is working for me and thought that I would share... that is what this website is about! If you all want to be so close minded then you should keep your negativity to yourselves. Try it or don't try it...either way I don't care... I just thought that I'd share my success... again, that's what this website is for.
  • Oh boy. :noway:

    I've got a great piece of swamp land in Florida for you also...I'm only asking $10,000, but in 2 years from now, it'll be worth millions. GUARANTEED! :wink:

    First of all do you get off on being rude??? The "guarantee" is not necessarily on the weightloss... and I didn't say it was. The "guarantee" means that if you are not satisfied with your results then it's 100% money back guarantee.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    you didn't include risks, like the risk of creating a deficit that allows you to lose 9 lbs in 11 days without exercise, which is an unhealthy model by any medical definition (unless under direct supervision of a medical professional), or like the risk of severely restricting your food types which can generate massive gaps in the micro-nutrient levels in a person's body.

    You didn't include a timeline, which would strongly influence people's thoughts on whether the plan is a long term road to success or just a quick fix, you included a fast overview of when you eat what, and the days between, but what about after 3 months, what about an example of the food diary for the week, what about supplements you need to take while doing this.

    I mean, I'm not trying to be spiteful, but really, you do a search on this topic on line, and the first 5 pages of google hits are all glowing reviews of the product, similar to the lemonade diet and other scams that have been touted, it wreaks of scam, maybe it isn't, but really, after looking through all the pages, it doesn't fill me with confidence, as an IT professional, to me it looks like someone's trying to capitalize on people who are a little desperate, and want results NOW. And this plan will obviously give quick results, but they don't necessarily give long term results, and for the most part, on MFP, I know people are looking towards a healthy lifestyle, not a quick fix.
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    It's sounds high protein..low carb

    It's Calorie confusion... not a low calorie or low carb... it doesn't focus on that.
    Reguardless though, it's working for me... I just thought I would share my new found secret so that maybe it would help others. By the way... I've lost 2 lbs since first posting this.

    Thanks. I'm gonna try it! If it will help me lose this excess weight .....what the heck . Well I don't think I did this quote correctly ....LOLOL
  • .. no one has anything bad to say.
    Really? I found some.

    Just based on search results, it's apparent this company is out to saturate the internet with false advertisement, buying up 90% of the fatloss for idiot domains, and every which variant of it. Yes, you'll probably lose 9 pounds in 11 days THE FIRST round, but it certainly won't be fat, and certainly won't be repeatable for very long once you're metabolism shuts down.

    HAHA.. obviously you didn't read the articles.... the second one explains that it does work, that it is not a scam.
    The first one... clearly they didn't do the diet. each meal you are given several foods to choose from, you can eat 1, some, or all the foods at each meal. The key is to learn when you are satified. The types of food are set up in a way to work with eachother to help burn fat.
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