25 Pounds by December 25th



  • Joyce_D
    Joyce_D Posts: 25
    I disagree about setting goals. Goals give us something to work toward. As a teacher I have my students set goals to work for....the secret is to set realistic goals. Since it is not realistic to lose 3 pounds a week, every wek, I had to change mine. Losing 1 to 2 pounds a week is more realistic and obtainable. usually during the holiday season I just try to keep from gaining weight. this year I am wanting to sail through to Christmas and still lose 1 to 2 pounds a week which is why I think getting this challenge group will help me stay on target. I need to lose 65 pounds altogether, but that is long term. It is better to make short obtainable goals on your way to the long term goal. that way you have made some accomplishments on the way and stay motivated as you strive toward your big goal!
  • Joyce_D
    Joyce_D Posts: 25
    I am just coming off being sick for the last 7 weeks (long story, but not diet/weight related) and only lost about 3 pounds in that time. This puts me behind in my mini goal weight for Christmas - I have 24# to lose by 12/22 for a family reunion. I have a lot to lose & have I lost more than 3# in a week a few times since starting on MFP, but it was hard. I'm going to do my best to eat a little below my goal calories & exercise more - I started with fitness classes this week in addition to the swimming I've been doing. I agree that it's very aggressive, but I'm going for it. I figure even if I don't make it, I should be close and at least I will have tried. Ultimately if I can be at my mini goal weight by Jan 1, I will have succeeded since I planned to just maintain for the two weeks of Christmas holidays. So I'll just have to be extra good & stick to my diet through the holidays rather than letting loose and indulging a little.

    I'm not interested in joining your group, 'cuz I like to do my own thing, but best of luck to you in reaching your goals!

    Thank you!
  • Joyce_D
    Joyce_D Posts: 25
    3 pounds a week is WAY too quick. Unless you cut your calorie count to below what is healthy, you will not lose actual weight that quickly, even with an aggressive workout. Another big red flag is that you will be supplying a diet for people to use. How are you qualified to do this?

    I suggest eating health at a calorie deficit and setting more reasonable goals.


    I'd love to lose 25 by Christmas, that would put me well into onederland. But I believe that I'll sustain my loss better if it's 1.5 lb, 2 lb at most (per week), even for someone like me who could stand to lose over 60 lb still.

    A 1 to 2 pound a week weight loss is a healthy goal which is why I changed it from 25. The holidays are coming faster than I thought. My goal is actually to lose 15 pounds by December 25th.
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    Does it count if I work out once a week and walk 80 minutes a day except one day?
  • awackywabbit
    I just started T25 this week I will be on day 3 tonight. You will enjoy it. From what I've been reading you can expect to lose more inches then pounds with this workout.

    One thing I've learned is that when setting goals for weight loss it is better to set long term then short term. I've been at it for over a year and have had some great results but week to week it can be disappointing. I've gone periods where I would not lose or even gain pounds for 4 or 5 weeks in a row and then suddenly I drop pounds week to week. If you average it all out I've lost about a pound a week but the numbers on the scale week to week don't reflect that. It is a lot of up and down, up and down, but the overall trend is down over time.

    With T25 I did not set a weight loss goal. I still want to lose about 35 more pounds but with T25 I am just hoping more to turn some of my flab into muscle. It is a 10 week program if you do alpha & beta. I think a realistic weight loss goal would be 10lbs or less, Christmas is 9 weeks away! Good luck and enjoy the new workout!
  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    If you are a first time exerciser then i think T25 can seem intense but its so short, your only burning about 200 cals in that 25 minutes. Even if you follow the meal plan to a T, Im not sure you will see that kind of results.
    I have a husband/wife team that followed the meal plan and workout to Les Mills Combat at lost 21 pounds in 60 days. But these workouts were 45-60 min long.
    My experience with my challengers who do T25 is that their weight loss is not as dramatic unless they are augmenting it with running or something else. But everyone is different.
    I def wish you luck!