I am constanly craving something sweet, and unfortunately I cannot force myself to eat much fruit.

PLEASE reply with any sweet snack ideas that you feel are healthy, but not loaded with corn syrup and sugar.

All replies welcome!

Thank you!


  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    Frozen grapes are great! But if you're like me, I need my chocolate fix :) Don't deny yourself, but be sure to count it. When I really, really need a treat I have a fun size Three Musketeers bar (63 calories). That satisfies my sweet tooth without totally blowing my calories for the day. I only have one a week, but it's a treat I look forward to.

  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    I have a friend that eats frozen berries while she watched TV. She gets her healthy fix
  • oiseau17
    oiseau17 Posts: 142 Member
    I have a huge sweet tooth too. My two favorite sweets that have something to offer in the nutrition category (but don't get me wrong, I eat my ice cream too :) are:
    - 1/2 cup of non-fat Greek yogurt (I prefer Fage) whipped with a tbls of either Trader Joe's Cocoa Almond Spread or Nutella. Tastes like chocolate mousse and you get some good-for-you yogurt in there.
    - A sliced banana with a tbls or two of Better N Peanut Butter (about half the calories of regular peanut butter and tastes great). Add a little non-fat cool whip and it tastes like banana cream pie.
    Also Trader Joe's sells a good selection of mini desserts that are easy on the calories and very tasty. My favorites: Mini Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream on a stick and the Hold The Cone mini ice cream cones.
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member
    Medjool dates. I eat them when I have a sweet craving and don't feel like making things. Just be careful because they're higher in calories...but they are so delicious. I also grind them up and sub them in for sugar in energy balls (made with shredded coconut and natural cashew butter).

    I also puree bananas with natural PB and put it in the ice cream machine. Mmmm...heaven.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am constanly craving something sweet, and unfortunately I cannot force myself to eat much fruit.

    PLEASE reply with any sweet snack ideas that you feel are healthy, but not loaded with corn syrup and sugar.

    Cocoa or cinnamon roast almonds, honey roasted peanuts, Skinny Cow treats (these may have corn syrup), a piece wholemeal bread w/ honey or jelly.

    But, a big part of taste is learned behavior. Eat less sweets and you'll crave sweets less.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    sugar free pudding or better yet make your own pudding - yum! (i've made my own vanilla pudding before it's pretty easy).
    trader joes peanut butter and oats granola bar (good for you and sweet)
    dried cranberries, nuts and dark chocolate minis (homemade trail mix)
    frozen greek yogurt
    dried figs
    greek yogurt add honey and banana
    trader joes makes these things called cafe twists (4 of them are around 100 calories)
    light popcorn drizzle with honey or cinnamon/sugar

    i love sweets!

    oh almost forgot - mix a large can of crushed pineapple (in water) with angel food cake mix, bake as directed. YUM and low calories. i've been known to add different things to this and bake as cupcakes. i'll add coconut flakes, dark chocolate chips, dried cherries, fresh cherries, strawberries all kinds of stuff and it always turns out yummy!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Honestly, protein powder or protein bars seem to help me a lot. And Greek yogurt (frozen or not) or those 100 calorie Trader Joe's chocolate bars. Good Humor has 100 calorie ice cream bars that are pretty good as well (not sure how much junk is in them though, probably not great).

    I've been having those Trader Joe's Halloween Oreo copies that are delicious but 70 calories too... so one at a time.

    I second the Trader Joe's Mini Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream sticks also. Delicious and got me over my cheesecake craving.
  • gabbygirl78
    gabbygirl78 Posts: 936 Member
    Bump for ideas
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    Dark chocolate - just a small amount really hits ths spot. Trader Joe's has 100 calorie bars and these cool tins with tiny triangles of chocolate.

    Cocoa roast or cinnamon almonds

    Greek yogurt - I like the key lime flavor eaten with a crushed graham cracker

    Fruity herbal teas

    FWIW - I used to have a terrible sweet tooth. I have found that eating more protein has helped me tremendously. I now can say no much easier or get by on maybe a stick of gum or a cup of tea. If I am on target for the day, I allow myself a treat each night - not necessarily healthy one, but within my remaining calories.
  • Littlestandrews
    Littlestandrews Posts: 96 Member
    I grab a small handful (1 serving-70 calories) of chocolate chips and a banana. I can usually get away with only about 160 calories and you can even melt the chocolate chips and dip the banana in the chocolate if you'd like!
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    I can so relate! Once I cut out most sugary foods however, I have been able to satisfy my sweet tooth by eating just a square or two of good dark chocolate bars that are 85% chocolate, such as Alter Eco Blackout. If it is less than 85%, even if it is the same amount of calories, I will want to eat more of it. The really good chocolate bars can be pricey, but I think it's totally worth it, because I eat much less of it. Be aware that if you are still eating sweet foods, the taste of the 85% may not do it for you! :drinker:
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    me too, but if nothing is in your house, then you cannot eat it
  • Wheat321
    Awesome! I love you guys!!!
  • FitnessKris44
    Fiber One Brownies (90 Calories). Some people hate them, but I love them.
  • talisamb
    talisamb Posts: 65 Member
    You would love quest bars, less than 3 grams of sugar and at least 20 grams of protein in each bar, they can be purchased in GNC, vitamin shoppe or online. They are all very tasty and not processed like all other protein bars. My favorite is the chocolate chip cookie dough, double chocolate chunk, and Coconut cashew
  • saeede83
    saeede83 Posts: 96 Member
    I love frozen fruit, specially cherries and blackberries. I mix them with nonfat greek yogurt and there you, a satisfying dessert after dinner.
    I also like to pack some raisins and have them with my tea or coffee or just when I crave for sweets.
    dark chocolate is an awesome idea if you are craving for chocolate.
    Also once in a while I have low fat chocolate gelato, which is lower in calories than ice cream. They taste awesome, but you can't have much, since they are calorie dense.
  • runshellersrun
    I have a terrible sweet tooth. When I started MFP about 30 days ago, I was eating a lot of sugar. Every day, all day. I stopped bringing it into the house, and after a while, the cravings stopped. I do have a cookie or a bit of ice cream here and there, but I find that just makes me want more and then I backslide into old ways.
    Things I now enjoy as my sweets are kettle corn popcorn, chocolate protein shakes, and grapes. Seriously, when I tasted a grape after not having candy or pop for a couple weeks, I couldn't believe how good and sweet it was! Also, this is not a sweet, but if I am really really craving junk, I make some hot peppermint tea. It has a nice flavor and fills me up.
    Ohhhhh! And I can't believe I almost forgot. Edy's makes fruit popsicles that are made with real fruit and sugar, no hfcs. They are a good size, sweet, and only 70 calories.
    AUTUMNSFALL Posts: 3 Member
    Found a healthy treat last night. 1 square of dark chocolate (antioxidents) topped with 1 tsp of peanut butter (protein/healthy fat).... YUM! The richness of the 1 square was truly satisfying. (100 calories).
    AUTUMNSFALL Posts: 3 Member
    Yum when heated.
  • outnumberedpoet
    Once I cut back on sweets completely, I want them far less. The cold turkey method worked. Now when I want some I can stop.