Looking for motivation from other new moms


My name is Jen and I had my first baby march 2013. I lost the majority of my baby weight in the first three months. I have 7-10 lbs left to lose and am looking for other new parents for motivation and tips.


  • Mirandanderson
    Mirandanderson Posts: 9 Member
    Congratulations on the new addition and almost being back to your start weight. I have 3 kids and still working on getting my body back. I would suggest toning :) good luck
  • Hi Jen

    I'm not a "new" mom, but I'm a mom and I've gained and lost the baby weight 3 and a half times (still have some to lose!). Nice to meet you!
  • Jen, if you need/want advice, just ask :) If you do, I was wondering if you are breastfeeding and what your exercise schedule has been like. Are you hitting a plateau?
  • I'm not a mom...yet. I'm on a mission to get to a healthy weight then tone up to prepare my body for pregnancy. Fingers crossed it will all happen within the next year =) Open to any Friend adds. My diary is open to friends only.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    my baby is 4 months old, and I am 8 weeks along with my 4th. I lose the baby weight within the first couple months, however with my youngest I weighed less after delivery than before I got pregnant because I was so sick - not the way I recommend to lose it! I lift weights and run, and I do so while pregnant. I swear by planks for my stomach, I don't log food but I log my exercise, because my goal is to stay strong more than to lose weight. feel free to add me!
  • Mamas: Make sure to check for diastasis recti before doing any abdominal exercises, including planks!!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I did planks all through my pregnancies and never got abdominal separation, not a scientific study but I swear by em.
  • ra1williamson
    ra1williamson Posts: 42 Member
    Hi! I just had my second baby 3 months ago. I still have 10 pounds to lose of my baby weight,but would like to lose around 35. Add me!
  • Hi my name is Debra and I am a mom of 2. I am new to this site and excited to be apart and to learn from others. Please add me as a friend when you have a moment and I look forward to connecting with you.
  • kari31p
    kari31p Posts: 10 Member
    I, too, had my sweet baby girl in March of 2013, I am currently 21 lbs lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight and loving every minute of it. I started off with 1210 calorie a day but was finding myself with a grumbly tummy quite often so I upped it into the 1300's and it made a huge difference. I'm no where near as hungry and finding myself still losing about a lb a week which is perfect for me! If you want, add me as a friend -- I keep daily records of what I eat and exercise. Without MFP I am a complete wreck :).
  • Kari,

    That's amazing that you are lighter than your pre-pregnancy weight. Your hubby is a lucky man lol.
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Hi there!

    I just had my baby girl 3 weeks ago and I'm looking forward to getting back in shape!
    I have to lose 15 lbs to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight but would love to lose another 10 while I'm at it :)

    Breastfeeding was helpful with my other 2 kids so I hope it will be this time too!
    I would love to get back to running as soon as I can! (ran a lot before I got pregnant but had to take a break)

    Would love to have some other like minded new mom pals!
  • Hello!

    Gave birth to my first child July 2013.Weighed 151 when I got pregnant and weighed 185 on the day of delivery. Today I stand 131! Whatever your goal is...YOU CAN DO IT! I've lost 54 lbs in less than 4 months and I'm STILL losing. Here's the break down of my weight loss:

    1st month: I lost 35 lbs the first month, Baby was 8 lbs. Did not diet or exercise. (Down to 150 lbs)
    2nd month: I lost 8 lbs breast feeding. ( Down to 142)
    3rd month: I lost 8 lbs when I stopped breast feeding (Down to 136)
    I stopped losing weight for almost 3 weeks (stuck at 136) until I started using Herbalife and now I am down another 5lbs. (131 lbs!!!)
  • awinters8911
    awinters8911 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! My son is 3 1/2 months old and i am looking to lose some baby weight too. I have a big weight loss journey ahead of me and my pregnancy kind of threw a wrench in it. so I am getting back into it. I like to run and do Insanity and P90X. Always up for a new friend.