Already over my calorie-limit & it's 2:46pm.. Help?!:(

I really don't understand how to stop being a fat-*kitten*.
I really need a friend to support me and also just some advice.
I start taking my CNA classes in two weeks but for now? I'm just being a stay-at-home mommy.
My classes will only last 8 days and until I can find a nice CNA job, I'll once again be staying at home daily.
What are some things I can do to keep myself busy?
I already clean the house, go shopping, take my grandpa around, go places like the mall, take my daughter to the park, ect.
I don't have the "control" I need. How do you think you got that control?

I'm 177 pounds and 5'5. I would like to be 150 considering I was comfortable at 160, just felt like I needed to lose a few pounds.
So with 27 pounds to lose.. how do I go about this? What advice did someone give you to JUST DO IT?

What I've ate today:
McChicken and Sprite (which is a major problem..)
Sandwich with cheese and turkey

Half a snickers & 4 crackers.
Yes, I can see one of the problems is it being unhealthy choices.. so what is some healthier options?


  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I would suggest planning your day in advance, at least until you get better at making good choices in the fly. Also, make small changes at first. If Sprite is a problem, try just cutting down for now rather than going cold turkey. Also, eat things you really like -- don't torture yourself with steamed Brussels sprouts if you can't stand them. How did you figure out your calorie allotment, and are you exercising routinely?
  • FitWarrior7
    FitWarrior7 Posts: 332 Member
    Workout, this way you can burn some of those calories you already took in. Or worst case if you eat more, it won't be as bad of an impact.
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi there new friend. It all depends on what you like. You can eat yogurts, nuts, light popcorn, add more fruits and veggies, etc...Start of with that in place of a 1/2 snicker and crackers. :)
    I really don't understand how to stop being a fat-*kitten*.
    I really need a friend to support me and also just some advice.
    I start taking my CNA classes in two weeks but for now? I'm just being a stay-at-home mommy.
    My classes will only last 8 days and until I can find a nice CNA job, I'll once again be staying at home daily.
    What are some things I can do to keep myself busy?
    I already clean the house, go shopping, take my grandpa around, go places like the mall, take my daughter to the park, ect.
    I don't have the "control" I need. How do you think you got that control?

    I'm 177 pounds and 5'5. I would like to be 150 considering I was comfortable at 160, just felt like I needed to lose a few pounds.
    So with 27 pounds to lose.. how do I go about this? What advice did someone give you to JUST DO IT?

    What I've ate today:
    McChicken and Sprite (which is a major problem..)
    Sandwich with cheese and turkey

    Half a snickers & 4 crackers.
    Yes, I can see one of the problems is it being unhealthy choices.. so what is some healthier options?
  • anything starting with a Mc is rarely healthy :P Replace sprite with diet coke or something healthier and natural like lemonade(sugar free or with honey ) if you can also try munching on some almonds /raisins etc nuts when u feel hungry mid meals.
    but you would need a lot of will power to do that :)
  • malperels
    malperels Posts: 7 Member
    I struggled with this in the beginning as well. I would have substituted a grilled chicken sandwich and a water or diet soda for the first meal, a sandwich (wheat bread??) with less cheese and more turkey, maybe some mustard on it to give it more flavor? Fruit for a snack in the afternoon. Was the chicken for breakfast? I'm not quite sure what a McChicken is...

    I started using MFP about 2 years ago and I was REALLY strict; so strict that it wasn't a lifestyle I could keep up with. I realized that I was more apt to continue eating healthy if I was allowed to have my glass of wine at night and eat things I enjoyed; I just knew that I had to exercise a little longer/harder.

    I stopped using MFP and slowly had some pounds come back, but then I tweaked it to eat more "whole" foods, such as nuts and fruits and exercised 15 minutes longer to get the extra burn; this seems to be working. I think you just have to go with what you'll keep up with and what makes you happy. Zumba was my jam in the beginning, now I'm running and swimming and training for races. Try zumba, it's happiness in a 45 minutes class :)
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    Workout or start fresh tomorrow. It's just one day!!

    ETA: Pack your own lunch. An apple, some string cheese, veggies and some pretzels. If that's isn't possible order a salad w/light soda.
  • wjstoj
    wjstoj Posts: 884 Member
    It's been said, but: a) exercise to "earn" more calories and b) quit drinking your calories
  • BronwynNZ
    BronwynNZ Posts: 28 Member
    Go for a walk. Burn some of those calories
  • Shayley20
    Shayley20 Posts: 31 Member
    I plan out my whole day in advance. If its not in my diary.. TYPICALLY I dont eat it. It takes alot of control, but thats a learned trait. Its pretty easy though, once you start seeing results on the scale, due to healthier food choices. Dont deprive yourself though. Im not a clean eater.. I still eat what I like, just within my cal limit. If you eat the snacks you like that might be a bit more feeling than some crackers.. you may be able to resist the urge to purge out all day. :) good luck, feel free to add me for support!
  • jabarih
    jabarih Posts: 65 Member
    I started with baby-steps. They say it takes 21 day to develop a habit. So what I did was take things one at a time for 21-days each. For instance, I wanted to spend more time at the gym, so I set aside 3 weeks to develop the habbit of going to the gym. Now my wife and kids are all disappointed if we don't make it to the gym. Next I will approach healthier eating by breaking it down into small achievable goals and pursuing those goals 21 days at a time. For instance, right now I am trying not to eat after 8 pm for 21 days, then I'll try to cut refined products from my diet 21 days at a time. Does this make sense? I hope it helps. I has really helped me this far.:)
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Cutting out the sweet drinks really help cut those calories. "Mc" anything can add up fast! Do they post the calories on the menu in your area? That can help you make better choices before you order.

    This is what has helped me:

    Plan ahead. You know that saying "No one plans to fail, they just fail to plan". Old habits die hard. I think about what I'm going to eat that day before I leave the house so even my "on the run eating" pit stops are planned.

    Walk, run, jog and take stairs as much as possible.

    Load up on complex carbs like veggies and fuit.

    Find foods that you like that are good for you.

    I do my fitness tapes or run first thing in the morning to rev up my metabilism an allow me a few more calories.

    Best wishes to you!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    My suggestion for this particular day would be to ditch the soda and replace the snickers with tuna. You will stay full longer and consume fewer calories. However, I prefer eating what I want and creating a deficit with exercise.
  • Pre planning my meals is key for me. Try trading that sprite for some sparkling water with a lemon squeezed in it...Drinking calories is a killer. I am a grandmother of a 2 year old toddler that I keep most days while her mother is working and she loves to be a part of exercising with me. We run in place in the house to the music she plays on her minutes burns almost 150 calories and it also uses up some of her energy...:) Good luck!
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    Control is hard. Losing weight is hard. Being overweight, REALLY F*CKING HARD!

    You can do it. DOn't try to do it all at once, you'll set yourself up for failure. Make small steps each week as you go, the changes will get easier to manage.

    The NUMBER 1 thing you should immediately stop doing is getting any fast food (unless it's like a 6inch turkey sub or something similar). McDonalds is bad news.
    Try to eat real foods. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid anything in a box or bag.
    Once you start the small steps, things will progress and get easier for you.
    You have to stop being mean to yourself too, because that **** will get you nowhere fast. YOU are important and YOU matter, therefor take care of yourself! Love yourself enough to make the right choices for you and you kids :)
    You can do it! You don't have to do it all at once, but you CAN do it! I'll be around if you need some help :D
  • jmburke22
    jmburke22 Posts: 22 Member
    Workout or start fresh tomorrow. It's just one day!!

    This!! I've only been on here a month but I've found that I"m more likely to continue with the healthier habits if I don't get down on myself for a bad day...just don't let the bad day turn into a bad week. If I can, I go for a walk or go to the gym to help when I'm close to my calorie goal. Just try to make some small eating habit changes in the beginning and work your way up from there. You can do it.
  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    I like to keep a water bottle with me at all times. It helps replace the motion and actions of boredom eating with no calories and it helps meet my water goal. I'm bored, I want something to shove in my face, I drink out of my water bottle instead.
  • asto10
    asto10 Posts: 1
    I would try spending your time making large recipes of things that sound good to you and separate into smaller containers. It sounds like you get hungry and go for the quick solution. If you had something healthy on hand, it may be better.

    Try making a large batch of vegetarian chili and then put it in the smaller containers as soon as you are done. Also, chop veggies and fruit so it is on hand when you need it. It's all about being prepared, and it seems based on your choices you immediately gravitate towards the quick fixes. No wonder you are still hungry.

    Also, drinking plenty of water helps a lot too. Based on your weight (similar to mine), you should be drinking 11 cups a day. I carry around a 32 oz water bottle and drink throughout the day. Really helps to reduce hunger pains.

    Good luck, you'll get it! None of us are on here because we naturally just "get it." It's a learned habit, that unfortunately you sometimes forget and have to re-learn!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I really don't understand how to stop being a fat-*kitten*.
    I really need a friend to support me and also just some advice.
    I start taking my CNA classes in two weeks but for now? I'm just being a stay-at-home mommy.
    My classes will only last 8 days and until I can find a nice CNA job, I'll once again be staying at home daily.
    What are some things I can do to keep myself busy?
    I already clean the house, go shopping, take my grandpa around, go places like the mall, take my daughter to the park, ect.
    I don't have the "control" I need. How do you think you got that control?

    I'm 177 pounds and 5'5. I would like to be 150 considering I was comfortable at 160, just felt like I needed to lose a few pounds.
    So with 27 pounds to lose.. how do I go about this? What advice did someone give you to JUST DO IT?

    What I've ate today:
    McChicken and Sprite (which is a major problem..)
    Sandwich with cheese and turkey

    Half a snickers & 4 crackers.
    Yes, I can see one of the problems is it being unhealthy choices.. so what is some healthier options?

    How many calories is that?

    McChicken 360
    SPrite 140

    Sandwich - 300 Cals?

    Half a snickers - 125
    4 crackers - 100 ?

    Thats somewhere around 1000 calories. What is your daily goal? Its possible you may be too restrictive in your plan.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    What I've ate today:
    McChicken and Sprite (which is a major problem..)
    Sandwich with cheese and turkey

    Half a snickers & 4 crackers.

    You're over your calories with that? That's nothing! What the hell kind of turkey sandwich was that?

    I'm sure you went with the most aggressive calorie goal that MFP will let you do...2Lbs per week and 1200 calories. IMHO, it's for the birds...literally, I'm pretty sure birds eat more food than that. Maybe a less aggressive calorie goal is in order. Also, exercise will give you add'l calories. 1200 calories is pretty much for sedentary minimum....of a 90 year old woman who's all of 4 ft tall.
  • idembia
    idembia Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. Don't panic and don't give up. I am new as well and I have discovered my own little way to keep me on track.

    Maybe it would help you too. And here it is:

    My doctor told me the minimum and maximum calorie that I need to eat per day to lose the 10kg I wanted within the time that I wanted (10week). This became very value info when I joined MFP. I use the food dairy/calorie counter part of MFP to plan my meals ahead of time.

    I set my own limit somewhere between the figures he gave me and customized the program to include meal times and snack times. That way, I have been able manage my eating and I have only been over my limit once since I joined MFP (and that was the day I attended a wedding - I went over by 100 calories, but was still under the calorie limit that my doctor gave me, so it wasn't too bad).

    I cook all my main meals but buy most of my snacks.

    Next thing is exercise, try and keep active. I am not a ‘gym person’, so I walk and do some aerobics at home.

    You can add me as friend if you want, but most importantly, I hope the above is helpful to you.

    Good luck and God bless you.