Weight loss tips that worked for you

Hi I have been trying to do this lifestyle change like all of you on here and I have lost 37 pounds but it was taken me almost 6 months to do it. I started at 1200 calories and it didn't move much so I went up a bit and that helped at first but now its not moving again and I want to be able to steady lose the 2 pounds per week. I know im going to come to times were I wont lose nothing for a bit but its happened several times already within 37 pounds :( What are somethings that have worked for you guys?..Things that I might be able to try??..Thanks all in advance :)


  • Richardson62617
    Richardson62617 Posts: 69 Member
    I have a big event coming up in little less then a month and my goal was to lose 5 more pounds before then so I really need help..Then after the event I have about 40 or 45 pounds more to lose
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    Eat less, move more....
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    When at home I would set the timer on my stove for meal and snack times. Never ate until the timer went off.

    Kept my snacks limited to fresh veggies.

    Increased my walking minutes every day until I was up to a minimum of one hour. Now I go far beyond that.

    Gave up soda pop. Increased my water consumption.

    Best to you and your journey to loose those last five pounds.

    Shirley in Oregon GO DUCKS
  • RobbinRL
    Power walking has proved to be my blessing. 3 miles per day, 5 days per week! More veges and low fat foods, I don't eat sugar either well except if it's already in something. I use Truvia only.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    37 pounds in 24 weeks is an average of 1.541666 lbs per week - I think that is about as good as it is going to get!

    The only thing I can recommend is patience!
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I noticed success in changing my cardio exercise to something different once in a while.
  • seb3k
    seb3k Posts: 14 Member
    I have a big event coming up in little less then a month and my goal was to lose 5 more pounds before then so I really need help..Then after the event I have about 40 or 45 pounds more to lose

    Cut the carbs to 100g per day 3-4 days before the event, lower the salt/sodium intake, drink a lot of water, move your body a little bit more and you should be ready for the party :)
  • Livin4me1969
    Livin4me1969 Posts: 745 Member
    I was in the same boat and was stuck for about 3 weeks and then I changed my cardio over to Zumba and I went down 2.2 pouonds the next week without changing my eatin at all...sometimes your body just gets adjusted to what you are doing and you have to change it up. You just have to keep trying new things to see what works for you. I do not eat back my exercise calories and try to stay between 1300 to 1400 and watch the sodium (it kills me). Good Luck
  • sydneyplainjane
    sydneyplainjane Posts: 140 Member
    Well, I'm kind of new, but I would definitely say:

    Walking - Even if you don't lose pounds right away, you WILL lose inches. Walk at a good pace for at least half an hour, and then add more time when you can.

    Water - Drink lots of it. Sometimes your body will hold on to water if you're not drinking enough.

    Give up soft drinks - I found that most of my "junk" eating involved soda. Once I stopped the soda, I lost the desire for chips, pretzels, French fries, etc.

    Don't starve yourself - sounds good in theory, but sometimes it will backfire on you.

    And, I know you said you want to try to lose about 2 pounds per week, but there's really no way to guarantee that. When I first came to MFP, I had my profile set for 2 pounds per week, and I lost almost nothing for a few weeks, although, I think I caught up later. So, definitely be patient.
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Some great advice already. I'd echo drinking more water but you're losing 1.5lbs a week on average so your doing great just keep going!!
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    Consistency & Patience

  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    At first, I replaced all desserts with green smoothies. My favorite one is a cup of raw spinach, a cup of almond milk (unsweetened), a frozen banana, a scoop of chocolate protein powder, and a handful of frozen cherries. It tastes like black forest cake but it's really good for you.

    Also it really helped me to have a good incentive to go to the gym. For me, it was that if we went 12 times a month, my husband's workplace would pay for most of our gym membership. I don't know if you have issues getting yourself to work out, but I sure did, and that helped me a lot. Mixing up my activities has also helped.

    The biggest thing though was eating enough. I use the Scooby calculator (http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/). I've still had a couple of plateaus, but for the most part I've lost reliably and I never have to go hungry.
  • Mjconnelly586
    Mjconnelly586 Posts: 41 Member
    Lots of great advice here!

    I think cutting out/ cutting down carbs is the best way to go for "quick" weight loss. Look into atkins' induction phase. The weight just falls off.

    Work out in the AM to get your metabolism going early. You are also less likely to binge/ eat a craving item if you have already worked out. Alternate between cardio and strength training.

    Eat 5 small meals a day to keep your metabolism up.

    Switch from coffee to green tea or drink your coffee black to avoid calories that creep on in.

    Drink a lot of water, most people are dehydrated. If you work out you need to up your water intake.

    1.5 lbs a week is great! That kind of weight loss is the kind that sticks. I have an event coming up as well so I understand wanting to speed up the process, but it is what it is! Good luck!
  • almamarines
    almamarines Posts: 4 Member
    Stick to your calorie intake and try to exercise more. I find that when I go over my calorie intake, I stay at pretty much the same weight. Also, try to stick to your goal and remember why you are doing it. I started taking vitamins as well and that seems to keep me less hungry if that makes sense. I feel that if you are deficient in some type of vitamin, your body wants a way to get them and causes you to be hungry or think that you are. Not sure if that makes sense but I find that I feel better, not as hungry when I take my vitamins.
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    I'm not as far along as you are in my journey to fitness and better health (congratulations by the way on what you've achieved in such a short time!), but here is what has helped me so far:

    -- Whenever I can I watch television standing up. I'll do knee raises and leg extensions during commercials or whenever I think of it. So even if I'm being "lazy" I'm doing more than sitting on my bum! I do this with reading sometimes too, but not as often.

    -- I go to the gym generally 3-4 times a week and make it a goal to push myself. I sweat like the apocalypse is hot on my heels! I have work out buddies to keep me from slacking off. I will give myself up to three recovery days a week, but I still expect to do some kind of work out; be it the elliptical at the gym, lifting to build muscle, light free weights while watching Walking Dead, or Pilates.

    -- I try to make sure that I eat foods high in fiber to keep me full longer. Processed junk isn't going to keep that hunger at bay like fruits, veggies, and healthy proteins.

    -- I gave myself a crash course in nutrition. Not all calories are created equal, and eating 1400 calories if healthy nutritious food means more to my body than telling myself that bag of extra buttery popcorn is good for me because it has fiber.

    -- I drink water. LOTS of it. I have an app on my phone reminding me and half a dozen bottles on hand so that there is always a bottle nearby (on my nightstand, with me when I do errands, etc). Much of the time people mistake thirst for hunger and we meander through life dehydrated. Drink water, your skin will look clearer and your liver will thank you.

    -- I try to make sure that I do at least an hour total of deliberate movement everyday. Sure most days I do more than that, but it's helped me flip that mental switch. If I vacuum, go grocery shopping, whatever, I will count it towards this hour. And as they say, a body in motion stays in motion!

    The last thing is I've focused more on what my measuring tape says than my scale. Sure I've only lost 15 lbs, but I've lost over 20 inches off my entire body. I'm building muscle and getting stronger, and my weight shouldn't be the determining factor in that. :)
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Eating clean is a big part of the journey. My tip, I make a big pot of soup every Sun. I portion it out for the week and freeze whatever I don't need that week. It keeps me full at lunch, as a starter and I also get in all my veggies. I like to puree my soups.

    You are doing great by the way!!!

  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Drink lots of water all day.
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    37 pounds in 24 weeks is an average of 1.541666 lbs per week - I think that is about as good as it is going to get!

    The only thing I can recommend is patience!

    ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ this. I'm down only 68 lbs in 2 1/2 years.
  • gk03ub
    gk03ub Posts: 99 Member
    1) Patience

    2) Drink plenty of water - aim for 3L per day

    3) low-fat (about 20% caloric intake coming from fats)

    4) high-fibre foods as bulk of caloric intake to ease digestion

    5) Combination of cardio + strength

    6) Consistency

    7) allowing 1-2 cheat meals per week to keep sanity in check and to enjoy life

    8) eating mostly "clean" foods

    *This is what worked for ME, not what I think is the only "correct method" of achieving weight loss.
  • blankney94
    My husband has lost 20kg recently (approx. 45lb). It has taken months, and some weeks he has plateaued for 3-4 weeks in a row. He has been patient and consistent - and after a while the pounds start dropping off again.

    For myself, I really noticed a huge weight loss when I gave up junk food and started drinking water. It meant I spent a few days detoxing off Coca Cola and salty potato chips, and it was a bit rough. But I believe my body was retaining water probably due to the sodium. Once I sorted that, I lost about 3-4lb in a week (this is not ALL weeks mind you - I'm aiming to take off 1lb a week).
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