Already over my calorie-limit & it's 2:46pm.. Help?!:(



  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I find that I rarely make good choices when I'm in a fast food restaurant. I avoid them at all times and pack a lunch. I don't even consider leaving my office if I haven't eaten first or I know when I'm starving I'll hit a drive-thru. So like others are saying, pre-plan you meals. I'm not a breakfast person, just loads of coffee with almond milk in it. Lunch is usually a packet of plain oatmeal with some splenda to sweeten it up and I'll slice a small apple into it. A yogurt and some sort of 100 calorie snack. That's about it until 3 or 4 o clock, then I have another fruit or half a cucumber to hold me over until dinner. That's usually my big meal of the day. Lots of room to have things I like such as perogies or oven french fries. I carefully weigh and measure everything and I log it all.

    As for execise, that's my true weakness. I walk three times a week on my lunch hour. I need to up that now that I'm pretty much at goal.

    We have really similar stats, I started at 5'5" but 182 lbs. I've been at this for 7 months now and I'm 2 lbs away from goal. It's not a fast process so settle in! Slow and steady wins the race!
  • faradaysdream
    faradaysdream Posts: 91 Member
    The 21 day point has a lot of merit. Start slow, start small...those changes add up. I'm doing weekly changes. Making a goal to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Then the next week, cutting sugar out of my coffee. The next week, eating a vegetable serving with every meal.

    Try filling up on veggies though...then you can eat the things you want around that and hopefully keep within your limits until dinner:)
  • hulahoopmama
    hulahoopmama Posts: 140 Member
    I've been there!

    Cut the junk food out (21 day no junk food fast group on here will help) then you can award yourself 1-2 a week. Your calories should be 90% whole, healthy nutritious food and only 10% empty. And to lose weight you drop the empty entirely to see results.

    Also there is a mindset that needs to be established before you are really able to lose the weight. For me abstaining for food or doing fasting has always worked better for weigt loss than eating foods that leave me hungry after every meal.

    Don't use food for entertainment. Find entertainment in your kids/going to park, packing snacks for THEM (not you). Get a routine set up that leaves you out of the kitchen or the fast food joints. Don't let the temptation even occur!
  • m4ukcats
    I've done the same thing, myself, and like someone else said, don't let today affect tomorrow.

    One thing that keeps me in line is I weigh myself everyday. If I do that, it reminds me to stay in line. If I don't weigh, I lose my accoutability to myself. Most people would never do this, but it works for me.

    I have one thing that I won't give up, my Starbucks or DD lattes. I know what the calories are, I go nonfat & no whip, and I own it. That means I have to eat less food, but the drinks are emotionally satisfying, give me the "sweet" I need, and actually fill me up too. So, while I'm drinking some of my calories, I'm okay with it.

    I also work out, so I can eat more. I'm on the 1200/day, so I have to work out to get more calories to eat, plus, working out also helps my mood, in addition to all the other benefits.

    Also, drink water water water. I carry around a 20 oz bottle. I drink one bottle with my workout. One bottle with each meal. So, that's 80 oz. Plus my latte or coffee. The bottle of water with each meal really helps me feel full.

    One last thing. Yesterday, I was left with 200 calories for dinner; I didn't work out. I ended up breading and baking a tilapia fillet. I had the fish in the freezer and the breadcrumbs, but just had never done it. It was AMAZING, and I estimated it to be 200 cals or a little less? The fish by itself was 100. I also cooked some frozen vegetables, along with a bottle of water, and that was dinner for 200 cals!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I really don't understand how to stop being a fat-*kitten*.
    I really need a friend to support me and also just some advice.
    I start taking my CNA classes in two weeks but for now? I'm just being a stay-at-home mommy.
    My classes will only last 8 days and until I can find a nice CNA job, I'll once again be staying at home daily.
    What are some things I can do to keep myself busy?
    I already clean the house, go shopping, take my grandpa around, go places like the mall, take my daughter to the park, ect.
    I don't have the "control" I need. How do you think you got that control?

    I'm 177 pounds and 5'5. I would like to be 150 considering I was comfortable at 160, just felt like I needed to lose a few pounds.
    So with 27 pounds to lose.. how do I go about this? What advice did someone give you to JUST DO IT?

    What I've ate today:
    McChicken and Sprite (which is a major problem..)
    Sandwich with cheese and turkey

    Half a snickers & 4 crackers.
    Yes, I can see one of the problems is it being unhealthy choices.. so what is some healthier options?

    How many calories is that?

    McChicken 360
    SPrite 140

    Sandwich - 300 Cals?

    Half a snickers - 125
    4 crackers - 100 ?

    Thats somewhere around 1000 calories. What is your daily goal? Its possible you may be too restrictive in your plan.


    Stop eating junk and drinking sugar colas and eat more healthy food. Set your goals to 1 pound a week and add in exercise.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    I would suggest planning your day in advance, at least until you get better at making good choices in the fly. Also, make small changes at first. If Sprite is a problem, try just cutting down for now rather than going cold turkey. Also, eat things you really like -- don't torture yourself with steamed Brussels sprouts if you can't stand them. How did you figure out your calorie allotment, and are you exercising routinely?

    i love steamed brussel sprouts. YUM. thats on my plan for dinner. and i also plan my day in advance.
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    For lunch/dinner I usually go with the protein and veggies option. I don't have a lot of free time, but I buy lots of grilled chicken and pair it with veggies. 6 oz grilled chicken with a side of steamed carrots and broccoli and maybe some romaine would run at around 300 (completely depending on how it's prepared). Just get some lower calorie options that will leave you feeling more satisfied.

    I'm not a "clean" eater. I have my share of junk....and enjoy it :D

    I just keep treats to about 20% of my intake is possible.

    When I started here in April, I was always starving. Trial and error. I learned "how" to eat at a set number of calories. Pre-planning helps.

  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I really don't understand how to stop being a fat-*kitten*.
    I really need a friend to support me and also just some advice.
    I start taking my CNA classes in two weeks but for now? I'm just being a stay-at-home mommy.
    My classes will only last 8 days and until I can find a nice CNA job, I'll once again be staying at home daily.
    What are some things I can do to keep myself busy?
    I already clean the house, go shopping, take my grandpa around, go places like the mall, take my daughter to the park, ect.
    I don't have the "control" I need. How do you think you got that control?

    I'm 177 pounds and 5'5. I would like to be 150 considering I was comfortable at 160, just felt like I needed to lose a few pounds.
    So with 27 pounds to lose.. how do I go about this? What advice did someone give you to JUST DO IT?

    What I've ate today:
    McChicken and Sprite (which is a major problem..)
    Sandwich with cheese and turkey

    Half a snickers & 4 crackers.
    Yes, I can see one of the problems is it being unhealthy choices.. so what is some healthier options?

    How many calories is that?

    McChicken 360
    SPrite 140

    Sandwich - 300 Cals?

    Half a snickers - 125
    4 crackers - 100 ?

    Thats somewhere around 1000 calories. What is your daily goal? Its possible you may be too restrictive in your plan.


    Stop eating junk and drinking sugar colas and eat more healthy food. Set your goals to 1 pound a week and add in exercise.

    I would like to clarify I don't think you need to eliminate these foods from your diet. It is always good to eat whole nutrient rich foods but sometimes McDonald's hits the spot...And knowing you can eat some McD's and lose weight makes dieting much more bearable. but I do think you need to increase your calorie goal. Plugging in your stats, if you are sedentary you could probably be at 1500 cals losing 1 lb a week and your goal could be more than that if you are exercising regularly.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    What's working best for me is to totally avoid McDonalds, et al. It has too many calories, way too much sodium, and is just all around bad for you. Yes, there are better choices there, but the best is to leave it be completely. Good luck, you can do it!
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    anything starting with a Mc is rarely healthy :P Replace sprite with diet coke or something healthier and natural like lemonade(sugar free or with honey ) if you can also try munching on some almonds /raisins etc nuts when u feel hungry mid meals.
    but you would need a lot of will power to do that :)

    I beg to differ: The new Mc Carrots and McCelery Sticks are very healthy! :laugh:
  • suzismurf75
    suzismurf75 Posts: 14 Member
    40-ish days ago, when I started, I was having trouble coming in under the 1590 cal/day goal that was set for 1.5lbs/week weight loss. Over the first couple of weeks, I figured out how to feel good and stay within the goal. The next few weeks, I have been working out and gradually increasing my exercise time and intensity. Now I am having trouble getting to my 1520 net calories by the end of the day on workout days. It's a process. Once you see some results, it all seems much more worth it. I've lost 10.5 lbs in 5 weeks, so you can do it!!!

    My best advice is to make lifestyle changes that you can live with in the long term. If you love snickers, make yourself a trailmix with peanuts and dark choc chips (among other things). It will take longer to eat and will make you feel more satisfied (even though snickers "really satifies ya" :-) )

    We're all in this together. Feel free to add me. :-)
  • ChangingLifestyles
    What I've ate today:
    McChicken and Sprite (which is a major problem..)
    Sandwich with cheese and turkey

    Half a snickers & 4 crackers.

    You're over your calories with that? That's nothing! What the hell kind of turkey sandwich was that?

    I'm sure you went with the most aggressive calorie goal that MFP will let you do...2Lbs per week and 1200 calories. IMHO, it's for the birds...literally, I'm pretty sure birds eat more food than that. Maybe a less aggressive calorie goal is in order. Also, exercise will give you add'l calories. 1200 calories is pretty much for sedentary minimum....of a 90 year old woman who's all of 4 ft tall.

    Your Food Diary For: Wednesday October 23, 2013
    Breakfast Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
    Mcdonald's - Mcchicken Sandwich, 1 Sandwich 360 40 16 14 800 5
    Mcdonald's - Sprite (Large), 1 serving 310 83 0 0 80 83
    Add Food Quick Tools 670 123 16 14 880 88
    Great Value Enriched Sandwich Bread White - Toast, 2 slices 140 27 2 4 220 3
    Fairgrounds Sandwich Turkey Meat - Oven Roasted Turkey Breast ( Thin Sliced), 1 slice 25 2 1 4 250 0
    Great Value - Sharp Finely Shredded Cheddar Cheese, 19.6 grams 77 0 6 5 126 0
    Butter - Salted, 0.5 tbsp 51 0 6 0 41 0
    Add Food Quick Tools 293 29 15 13 637 3
    Add Food Quick Tools
    Snickers - Regular Size Chocolate Bar (52.7g), 0.5 bar 125 16 6 2 60 14
    Lance Fresh - Captain's Wafers - Grilled Cheese Crackers, 0.7 package (6 crackers) 133 18 6 2 189 4
    Add Food Quick Tools 258 34 12 4 249 18

    Totals 1,221 186 43 31 1,766 109
    Your Daily Goal 1,200 165 40 45 2,500 24
    Remaining -21 -21 -3 14 734 -85
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    May be a couple of issues.

    1. Your calorie goal may be too low
    2. You are eating calorie-dense food

    Make sure your deficit is not too aggressive. I agree with setting your rate of loss for 1lb per week as the poster above suggested.

    To get more bang for your calorie buck, eat food that is filling with fewer calories. An entire bag of frozen mixed veggies is less than 200 calories and is a lot of food. Baked potatoes, baked chicken, soup, you get the idea. You can eat a greater volume of these for fewer calories. I think there is even a diet based on this idea. Worked for me when I was losing weight.
  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    You need to work out. Burn some calories

    Don't eat in McDonald to often and get a Sprite!

    Good luck!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I agree, plan your day out a little better. A quick bowl of cheerios and skim milk before heading out the door will come in at under 200 calories and last you long enough to forgo the McD; oatmeal or eggs are probably even better options. Pack lunches … when I was in school, my favorites were canned tuna with Wheat Thins crackers (just the tuna, not a tuna salad) and an apple, or a banana, a boiled egg, and a yogurt. Once you learn how to "pace" your calories so that you are satisfied through the day and don't end up with none left at 3pm, there's nothing wrong with hitting up McDonald's or something else like that once in a while. Just think the meal and the rest of the day through first :flowerforyou:
  • suzismurf75
    suzismurf75 Posts: 14 Member
    Not healthy to lose 40lbs in two months. Healthy sustained weight loss is 1-2lbs a week. Just sayin',
  • earvizu92
    earvizu92 Posts: 320 Member
    Excercise and drink lots of water!
  • myst036
    myst036 Posts: 19 Member
    Well I agree with a lot of what I have seen people saying. When I started this part of my life, I had little in the way of self control, so I found for me, eating the same thing every day for a while was easier then venturing in to a vast array of mistakes. Start out with small goals like going one day without soda, and work up from there. But if you do go over, workout! Slowly work out the foods that you KNOW you shouldn't touch. I largely never eat fast food, but do eat out a fair bit, being choosy where I go. Planning ahead is a good thing for sure. If you know you are going out to a certain place, try to research their menu and pick what you will order ahead. I have now lost over 150 pounds and can pretty much control what I eat and still eat the occasional naughty food and have it work out in the end. I work out daily, resistance three times a week and feel great about my life. Baby steps hon.... and try not to stress the little mishaps, but get back on the horse, DO NOT give up!
  • MamaEvita
    I concur with the comments people have already posted in planning ur day in advance. Review the daily logging of food in the evening...see where u need to cut down or just drop. Logging my food has helped me realize what I should not eat or take control of. Join a gym n do cardioi...that will adjust ur calorie intake. Make ur goals in small increments which are more reachable...5lbs at a time. Last but not least, pull out an outfit that you like n don't fit n hang it somewhere in your room. Let this be your goal motivation.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    If you want to lose weight, why are you drinking sprite? Drink diet sprite. Avoid McDonald's & quit eating candy. You don't have to avoid these things forever, but I would suggest watching what you eat for a few weeks, lose a few pounds and then you could have one of these things, but not all in one day. Sorry to sound harsh, but you asked. :flowerforyou: