anyone else avoid dinner dates?



  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    ^^ I call bull.

    It has been my experience working with cattle that most bulls ignore you when you try calling them.

    or they stand there... judging you
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Since this is clearly a huge part of your lifestyle, why not explain this to your dates?

    Best to just let the guy know what he's in for up front so he can make the choice to either deal with that kind of very restrictive lifestyle or move on...
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    ^^ I call bull.

    It has been my experience working with cattle that most bulls ignore you when you try calling them.

    You have to compliment their eyes first.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    ^^ I call bull.

    It has been my experience working with cattle that most bulls ignore you when you try calling them.

    You have to compliment their eyes first.

    I did have one bull that would come when called. But I raised him on a bottle after his mom almost died giving birth. It was kind of funny having a 1500 lb bull follow me around the pasture like a puppy lol.
  • KenziesFrenzies
    KenziesFrenzies Posts: 1,014 Member
    Since this is clearly a huge part of your lifestyle, why not explain this to your dates?

    Best to just let the guy know what he's in for up front so he can make the choice to either deal with that kind of very restrictive lifestyle or move on...

    I agree.

    I probably would choose not to date a person with such a restrictive diet, unless it was a severe allergy or something, only because I love going out to new restaurants, and it would suck to not be able to do that anymore because of the other person's 'lifestyle choice'. Just sayin'.
  • Foosday
    I have to avoid gluten and most dairy. I can always find something suitable to eat at pretty much any restaurant, and don't need or want special snowflake accommodations for my food intolerances. In the case of a vegetarian, such as yourself, a green salad is pretty simple to do, as someone already suggested. Vinegar/oil dressing has no gluten or dairy.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    WOW! You are better off at home.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I usually avoid any kind of catch up if I can. Usually being social for my friends is drinks & food....
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Since this is clearly a huge part of your lifestyle, why not explain this to your dates?

    Best to just let the guy know what he's in for up front so he can make the choice to either deal with that kind of very restrictive lifestyle or move on...

    I agree.

    I probably would choose not to date a person with such a restrictive diet, unless it was a severe allergy or something, only because I love going out to new restaurants, and it would suck to not be able to do that anymore because of the other person's 'lifestyle choice'. Just sayin'.

    Ditto...I'm a foodie and there's no way I could deal with it. My wife does have some restrictions due to allergy, but it's never kept us from going out and enjoying ourselves...she can always find something on the menu pretty much anywhere we've ever gone...usually multiple items and/or substitutions.

    OP, I think you'd have to clearly define "clean" to let your man really know what he's in's a very arbitrary and subjective term.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Since this is clearly a huge part of your lifestyle, why not explain this to your dates?

    Best to just let the guy know what he's in for up front so he can make the choice to either deal with that kind of very restrictive lifestyle or move on...

    Yes I would agree with this. Most guys (or girls as the case may be) would like to know up front. For me it would never have been a dealbreaker, but I admit that when I first met my now-husband, and he explained that he was pescetarian, I was a little surprised. I wondered how it might affect our dining out and/or cooking together. I had a few misconceptions, which were quickly cleared would he be grossed out if I ordered the chicken dish and ate it in front of him? No. It's all part of learning about your partner.
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    Since this is clearly a huge part of your lifestyle, why not explain this to your dates?

    Best to just let the guy know what he's in for up front so he can make the choice to either deal with that kind of very restrictive lifestyle or move on...

    I agree.

    I probably would choose not to date a person with such a restrictive diet, unless it was a severe allergy or something, only because I love going out to new restaurants, and it would suck to not be able to do that anymore because of the other person's 'lifestyle choice'. Just sayin'.

    Ditto...I'm a foodie and there's no way I could deal with it. My wife does have some restrictions due to allergy, but it's never kept us from going out and enjoying ourselves...she can always find something on the menu pretty much anywhere we've ever gone...usually multiple items and/or substitutions.

    OP, I think you'd have to clearly define "clean" to let your man really know what he's in's a very arbitrary and subjective term.

    Those hot wings, cheese fries, and chocolate cake for dessert didn't have any dirt on them. I love eating clean.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    A friend of mine was severely allergic to white flour and sugar. Going to dinner with him was often a grueling experience (did you know that frozen veggies - including french fries - are frozen with sugar to preserve them? He always had to ask if the fries were homemade or frozen), but always worthwhile. It was always a challenge (and this was pre-interwebs days!), but he always found something he could eat. Still, as a friend, it was worth it cuz he was a lot of fun to be around. He was self-conscious about his diet restrictions, but we all just learned to deal with it.

    Anyone worth dating would be fine with working around your dietary restrictions, you just need to let him know up front.