Christmas GOAL..whose wants in ?



  • jan7557
    jan7557 Posts: 2 Member
    I want in. I feel like I try so hard, then fall off. When I don't lose weight right away, I start to feel "why bother". or it isn't working, I feel kinda lost.
  • Mexs
    Mexs Posts: 5
    I'm in. I'd like to lose 28lbs by then and be a size 16.

    Good luck all. xx
  • marcy2421
    marcy2421 Posts: 15 Member
    I am in!

    Wish Goal: 20lbs
    Realistic Goal: 13-15lbs!

    Let's do this!
  • hulahoopmama
    hulahoopmama Posts: 140 Member
    I want to drop 15 lb. by Christmas.... with a caloric deficit of around 5600 I should get there a week early
  • neelaparmar
    neelaparmar Posts: 1 Member
    Well christmas is neally upon us again, and I'm still not a target weight. I've got to lose around 17 pounds. I must get to target by then, anyone want to join me.

    As next year I want to be able to say "I NO LONGER HAVE A WEIGHT PROBLEM ".

    To get fit and tone more,

    and maintain my weight..

    That would be my final goal...nice

    How much do you want to lose by Christmas, or is there a particular dress you want to get into, or trousers ?

    I am starting to become strict and determine now for the past two weeks, been logging in on MFP and I am hoping to become my goal weight by christmas.. So I am with you!!! =)
  • 20 pounds would be awesome, but I would have to really stick with it to get that result!
  • marye2021
    marye2021 Posts: 225 Member
    Heck ya! I'm in!

    Realistic loss:10
    Wishful: 15-20

    Good luck everyone we can do it!
  • Yes! To lose weight before the 1st of the Year, what a concept!
  • I'm definitely in! I have ~35lbs. to lose- which I know is a lot-but its going to happen!
    I'm literally going to work my *kitten* off and stick with the motto "Abs are made in the kitchen"

    Feel free to add me as a friend yall- I cant promise I'll post everyday, but I can promise to always be positive and help motivate if I can!
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    Nine pounds in nine weeks would be a dream for me, and it's theoretically doable if I can get off this pleateau. Heck, if I can just lose four I'll be below 180 for the first time in far too long.

    Fantasy goal: 10 lbs
    Realistic goal: anything

    But on the plus side, the dress I wear almost every year for Christmas is gone to Goodwill in the "I will never be this size again" bag. :)
  • shhcher
    shhcher Posts: 84 Member
    I am so up for this challenge! This is the first time im on this site. i didnt know it existed. Using the app now for about 2 weeks and doing good. I dont know anyone else on here so if anyone wants to friend me to keep me motivated, feel free. Ill help you as well. I have a goal I need to reach now, Thanks for the invite! Ps, how do i know find out what my caloric intake should be!
  • I'd love to join in!

    I'd like to be completely to the end of my weight loss journey by Christmas (heck, by Halloween :wink: ), but will set a goal of 15 lbs. I just recently moved to another state and will have my first trip home the day after Christmas. I'd love to surprise everyone with a 30 lb loss since seeing them last. I have 50 lbs total I'd like to lose but would be very happy to unveil an over-half-way loss; especially since no one at home knows I'm trying.

    What are some of the ideas everyone has for meeting their Christmas goal?
  • erinm5
    erinm5 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in!
    I would love to be at 155 by Christmas, so that will be 13 lbs. I would love to be able to fit into my favorite old jeans that no longer fit.
  • OhMyLoves
    OhMyLoves Posts: 7 Member
    All in! My goal is to lose 15lbs by Christmas, which would put me at my lowest weight since quitting my first job and heading off to college :)
  • quark3
    quark3 Posts: 17 Member
    I am aiming to lose another 19 pounds by Christmas. Good luck everyone!
  • MD1182
    MD1182 Posts: 3
    New to the boards and in on this challenge! My goal is to lose 5 pounds by Christmas.
  • saeede83
    saeede83 Posts: 96 Member
    realistic goal (based on my weight loss so far): 9 lbls
    wishful goal: 15 lbls
  • hnsr1021
    hnsr1021 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in! I'd love to lose 18lbs by Christmas! Since we have 9weeks, that'd be 2lbs a week. It'd be hard but possible! Here's to trying real hard!!!

    Goal: 18lbs
  • I'm in! I'd love to lose about 20lbs by Christmas. That would be an awesome present. Preferably by the 16th of December as that's my anniversary. Would love to make my husband's mouth drop in a new piece of lingerie! LOL :drinker: :blushing: :love: :smooched:
  • afrodizzia
    afrodizzia Posts: 56 Member
    I am so in! I recently got a fitbit flex and this has given me a boost and I have regained my focus.
    I will lose 15lbs by Christmas. I would like more but dont want to set myself up for failure.

    Good Luck to us all :happy: