New from Ontario Canada

Hi everyone. My sister just showed me this site last night and I was really impressed with the ease it can be used. My name is Heather and I am a single mom of two kids (daughter 10 and son 7). I have a job that keeps me on my feet, walking, lifting...moving most of the time. I am pretty comfortable with who I am but I seem to have turned a corner as far as my health goes. I just quit smoking on July 6 and figured why not go for broke and see if I can eat healthier all at the same time lol. (I tend to be an all or nothing type person lol)
I am really excited to get things started and to see and hear about everyone's successes!


  • hennz
    hennz Posts: 3
    Hi everyone. My sister just showed me this site last night and I was really impressed with the ease it can be used. My name is Heather and I am a single mom of two kids (daughter 10 and son 7). I have a job that keeps me on my feet, walking, lifting...moving most of the time. I am pretty comfortable with who I am but I seem to have turned a corner as far as my health goes. I just quit smoking on July 6 and figured why not go for broke and see if I can eat healthier all at the same time lol. (I tend to be an all or nothing type person lol)
    I am really excited to get things started and to see and hear about everyone's successes!
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    Its awesome here and i love it hopefully you will too!!!!
    I am from Ottawa sooooo welcome neighbor!!!

    Jakcie....apparently i cant spell my own name .... thats supposed to read JACKIE
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Welcome, what wonderful things you are doing for your health and your kids. This is a great site and easy to use. If you are careful about logging everything and stay within your calories you'll have great success. A year from now you'll look back and not recognize the person you were before. The fact that you are already an active person puts you way ahead of the curve.

    Congratulations on taking this step.
  • Gabbi
    Gabbi Posts: 206 Member
    welcome. i'm fr. MB. Wonderful site. Read and learn. These people are the BEST!!!!
  • Vanessa82
    Vanessa82 Posts: 56
    Welcome to the site!!
    I'm living in Petawawa, it's so nice to see so many Canadians on the site!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Welcome and good for you to stop the cigs. I am an Ontario Heather myself.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    That never happened to me before Where's my undo button!!
  • winwin
    winwin Posts: 134 Member
    I have been on this site since Jan. I was slowly gaining weight even though I am an active person. Not eating breakfast and my diet was high in protein and fat. When I started tracking my food in all categories and having to be accountable for every morsel that reaches my mouth. Calories in, calories out. It showed me why I was slowly gaining. I have now lost 19 lbs and it has actually be fun and slow because of this site. I love it and think most people do. I keep praising it up to my friend who is starting to listen, but hasn't given it a try and I know she wants to lose and become more healthy, so she will one day.

    For every one of us that has given this site a try and have figured out how easy it is to actually lose without depriving ourselves. Booyah!

    I love summer too. You just can't help getting out and doing stuff, and every stuff you do keeps you from eating too much and burns a few more calories.

    Man this turned out to be a long winded opinion.

    Welcome is what I meant to say and have fun!

    Winwin from Ontario as well. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :love: