Journey to losing 100lbs!!

Hello everyone! I'm just a few weeks into my healthy lifestyle. I can't tell you how long it's taken me to finally ditch emotional eating and kick it to the curb! Since I've began measuring everything I eat, it's much more easier than I imagined. Measuring always seemed so daunting and I always felt I didn't have the time for it. I'm at the point of no return and I will rather slowly lose 5 lbs than gain 20 lbs in the weeks to come. I'd love to find support from those with similar goals. My mind is my greatest hurdle and sometimes I just need that extra support and cheering to reassure me that I'm on the right track! Good luck everyone!


  • egh1974
    egh1974 Posts: 147
    Keep up the good work! I'm 1/4 of the way there!
  • haylsquish
    haylsquish Posts: 19 Member
    It's a big goal but if you set yourself smaller milestones it will make it much easier!

    I'm looking to lose another 65lb after losing 15lb - I had a little bit of a relapse into old bad habits recently, and haven't been tracking my food. But we could push each other to stay on target!
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    :) I had 200lbs to loose. Almost at my first 50lbs lost!! WOOT!! So please add me!!
  • Zibberroo
    Zibberroo Posts: 31 Member
    I completely understand the struggle in getting past the emotions of the past and difficulties of the present. I started April of this year, and I still have 117 pounds to go, approximately. The self gratification and enjoyment in life is so much fuller and richer when you are healthy. I used to love surfing at North Shore, Hawaii, hiking up mountains for miles to camp somewhere for a night or two, playing sports or just having the energy to be the enthusiastic excited me that I am. Life is just plain better, without the emotional baggage that being overnight brings. What tools do you have for your fitness journey?
  • HealthyLinz
    Hello! I'm looking at losing about 100lbs as well. I am ready to kick my emotional eating, and get to a healthy place, and would love some support as well. I sent you a request.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    You've come to the right place! It sounds like you have the right attitude. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll get there!
  • tikmon
    tikmon Posts: 1 Member
    Goodluck to all!! I just started today and i sure hope i can stick stick with the plan. I lost almost 100 pounds two yrs ago and gained it all back. This time, i will try my best. Add me please.
  • codefitmrs
    codefitmrs Posts: 6 Member
    :) I had 200lbs to loose. Almost at my first 50lbs lost!! WOOT!! So please add me!!

  • codefitmrs
    codefitmrs Posts: 6 Member
    Goodluck to all!! I just started today and i sure hope i can stick stick with the plan. I lost almost 100 pounds two yrs ago and gained it all back. This time, i will try my best. Add me please.

    Keep pushing forward! In the past, every time I found myself gaining pounds back I'd completely give up. This time around I've directed that anger in directions that will benefit me lol! Last week wasn't my best in regards to choosing the most nutritious foods, but instead of getting angry and giving up, I got angry and went to that kitchen and prepped every single meal and snack!!!
  • codefitmrs
    codefitmrs Posts: 6 Member
    I completely understand the struggle in getting past the emotions of the past and difficulties of the present. I started April of this year, and I still have 117 pounds to go, approximately. The self gratification and enjoyment in life is so much fuller and richer when you are healthy. I used to love surfing at North Shore, Hawaii, hiking up mountains for miles to camp somewhere for a night or two, playing sports or just having the energy to be the enthusiastic excited me that I am. Life is just plain better, without the emotional baggage that being overnight brings. What tools do you have for your fitness journey?

    Congrats on your success so far! The most helpful thing for me so far is preparing my grocery list in advance and completely keeping the unhealthy options out of my home. I have three little boys so its taken a lot of research for me to find ways to keep them excited about healthy meals and snacks. This also helps me with my cravings. One good thing has always been if I don't see it, I don't eat it and if it's not on the list for grocery day, I don't buy it. I'm still a work in progress, but my biggest issue was getting everyone on board in my home and working on my urges for 2nds and sometimes 3rds! I'm excited that I can go to bed without thinking about breakfast.
  • kimlynn919
    kimlynn919 Posts: 316 Member
    I've done it too, lost, gained back, etc...mostly cause i was doing diets i had no hope of sticking to and stress eating ... but now, im on a mission. just turned 33 last month and was put on blood pressure meds a few days later, time for a change!!
  • lebaker310
    lebaker310 Posts: 164 Member
    You have a great attitude, you're gonna do great! Just reach for help when you need it and don't let your bad thoughts decide what going's in your mouth.

    I know that sounds, naughty but you catch my drift :)
  • Zibberroo
    Zibberroo Posts: 31 Member
    Food is positively the best place to start. I make a blend that I have nearly daily, and it is actually good, cheap, takes only ten minutes to make and is very healthy. About twenty to thirty dollars serves six cups as my breakfast and lunch (three cups each), and the whole six cups is only 510 calories! I will be honest, it took me a week to make it right and tweak it to my taste, but if you are interested, I would be delighted to share it with you. If you have not started any focused physical activity, I would recommend that you also walk at least thirty minutes a day at about a 3.0 pace. I try to do this Monday through Friday, but this week has been spent on the road and in several cities.
  • veganavocado
    oh my god all of you guys are so inspirational!!! <3<3