You want a laugh? Read the story of how I got fat! Haha

Once again I am trying to lose weight. But not just any weight. THE weight. You know....the weight that you put on after you snag a guy and suddenly I don't have to look perfect all the time! my over excitement at this new outlook, I went a bit overboard. I traded in the heels for flip flops, the skirts and dresses for sweats and basketball shorts, and the skimpy halter tops for boyfriend t-shirts. The downside of all of this? All do those clothes LEFT ROOM TO GROW!!!!! One day I decided, "why not? I'll dress up for him! Get all cute and stuff!" So I pulled out my favorite pair of skinny jeans (size 2) and slipped them on. And when I say "slipped" I mean yanked and wiggled and did all sorts of maneuvers to try to get those puppies on. What. The heck. I refused to believe that I'd gained so much as to not fit into my jeans anymore. Kicking them aside (aka hurling them across the room after bursting into tears) I grabbed a skirt and put that on instead. A little tight but not too bad. Next was the shirt. I eyed the scrap of clothing, daring it to cause any problems before tugging it over my head. *deep breath* YANK! TUG! PULL! *pant pant pant* SHIMMY! WIGGLE! ....and it was on, cutting off circulation to all extremities, and damn near splitting at the seams. NOOOO!!! So I did what any normal woman would do. I ripped the clothes off, screamed in agony, and refused to go anywhere. Date night is officially cancelled. Ari is not leaving the building for any reason whatsoever.

After that devastating beginning, I became a fat magnet!!! the weight just seems to keep adding on. I would start exercising, see no improvement and become disheartened. Please be my friend lol. Please help encourage me and help me get back on track and I promise to do the same for you!!


  • pennelope515
    Don't get discouraged! :)
    There is victory in everything.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I hear ya loud and clear! I've put on 25lbs since I got married in May - Hey, I don't need to worry about fitting into my dress anymore, RIGHT?

    I'm guilty of the tantrums, the cancelling of outings and additional tears at clothes buying times. I also refuse to buy new clothes that fit because I'm "going to lose the weight, for realsies!"

    Add me if you want, I post a fair bit, and will be logging daily as I just got back on the wagon.
  • elmbetsy
    Oh girl you are not alone. The same thing happen to me when I got married. I started by the next size up and was like "NO this cant be happening" I just knew something had to change. Lets wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction!!
  • health1971
    You are not alone ;-)... Feel free to add me and we can support each other 8-)...
  • loveizzi4ever
    loveizzi4ever Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name is Juanita and you described me to a T. I felt like that too and it seems that clothes for my size are not as cute as they look on the manikin at the store. I began to wear more boyish and grandma ish clothes cause it hid the fat from sight and if I didn't see it as much then it wouldn't remind me how big I was getting. I hold my weight well I got up to 204 last year and didn't look all that huge but I wasn't happy at all. My sister in-law is this skinny cute thing and she always gets to dress up like a doll while I look like the elephant in the room. Damn it I am gonna look hot again if it kills me... this momma is in power drive and I won't stop at nothing to get there. Keep up the hard work girl your worth it and you just need to keep saying that to your self... make your diamond shine!
  • fitspo145
    Don't give up! Wanting to make a change is the first step to success :). I totally get you. I used to be quite petite and fit till I got with my boyfriend about a year ago... You kind of end up packing on the wining and dining calories and slip into a comfort zone with your partner.

    Same as you one day I just tried on an old dress of mine and thought enough is enough! Anyway feel free to friend me. I'll do my best to be supportive! :D

    But for now congrats on wanting to change things. Just keep your body moving 4-5 times a week and eat at a deficit (TDEE-20%) and you'll get there!
  • miz_ppyn
    miz_ppyn Posts: 118 Member
    im definitely hearing ya on that one. Feel free to add me as well if you need support, i log everyday and my diary is open ( not that my food is very exciting lol)
  • _ariana_88
    SO excited to get to know you ladies! We are going to get through this together :D
  • just_jess7
    just_jess7 Posts: 271 Member
    I can imagine myself doing the same thing in that situation! I've thrown clothes around my room on more than one occasion out of frustration. I sent you an add request :-)
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Love your writing style. Made me giggle!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    I went from 11.5 stone to 13.5 stone in my old relationship (20 year relationship) and dropped dangerously quickly when the relationship ended (down to 11 stone in a month) by risking becoming an alcoholic :drinker: :sad: .
    When my new relationship started (3 years ago) the weight snuck up on me again (back up to 13.5 stone :sad: )
    I vowed to lose it.. the right way.. and joined here... and in the last 4 months have dropped from 13.5 to 11.4 stone.
    I still have a ways to go.. but losing with friends and motivators on here means I am a lot healthier, happier, and confidence booming :bigsmile:

    What I'm trying to say is, Im not the most active of people and dont have the motivation by myself, but with this app and the people on here... YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING!!! :glasses:

    Good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:

    Feel free to add :happy:
  • melissarina
    melissarina Posts: 113 Member
    I also refuse to buy new clothes that fit because I'm "going to lose the weight, for realsies!"

    ME TOO! Apparently, I have been not buying new clothes for 3 years, because that's how long I've been trying to lose this weight. Well, maybe talking about losing the weight, not trying to well obviously!! haha
  • PeaceVegan
    PeaceVegan Posts: 37 Member
    I also refuse to buy new clothes that fit because I'm "going to lose the weight, for realsies!"

    ME TOO! Apparently, I have been not buying new clothes for 3 years, because that's how long I've been trying to lose this weight. Well, maybe talking about losing the weight, not trying to well obviously!! haha

    Same here!! I really need to buy some, but I refuse! I bought some new pants when I was down 100 lbs ... since I have gained some back, they are hanging in my closet just taunting me! :grumble: :grumble:
  • QuietDissidence
    Essentially the same thing happened to me after being married for several years. It was easy to become complacent and fall into bad habits like wearing the comfy though unflattering clothes and occasionally "treat" yourself to something decadent. It doesn't help that my skinny husband can eat as much food as a freaking rugby team and still stay skinny. SO disgustingly unfair. Too bad we cant trade metabolisms...
  • _ariana_88
    Add me :D I'd love to go through this journey with all of you! I promise I can keep you laughing and motivated
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    I gained about 10kgs after moving in with my husband (then-boyfriend). That was 3 years ago and that's on top of the extra weight I'm already carrying. Have to lose it now before I start gaining more from being too complacent.
  • rheigneann
    Hi! I'm Ann, I need to lose 120 pounds! and I need people to be my peers and a core group to support compete and lose weight together!
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    you only went up one size? phfff amiture lol (sorry about spelling). friend request being sent :flowerforyou:
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    Add me! I love your personality!! I need as many buddies as possible.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Been there! Have a look at my page and add me if you want!

    (Added) Very funny story put that way though!