Scale hasnt moved in over a month

My Scale hasn't moved in over a month. I'm maintaining at around 280 -- when I started this journey I was at 343 and have drastically dropped in size from a size 28 to a size 16/18. However, working out 2-3 times a week, and knowing I have a few cheat days, but have been doing the same thing since I started this back in January. I'm confused as to why the scale wont move, But I'm losing inches. Am I losing fat, but gaining muscle?



  • rachelkrueger11
    rachelkrueger11 Posts: 11 Member
    First of all, congrats on your previous weight loss. That's awesome! You said you've been doing the same thing since you started back in January. Maybe it's time to switch some things up? Try new workouts, change up your diet a bit...hopefully that will kickstart some more weight loss!
    RAREBIRDART Posts: 100 Member
    **Edit. :) i did change my work out -- I was doing Jazzercise with Denise Druce for the first 8 months, and then the boyfriend had a huge change at work -- and working out kind of stopped at home, as he was way to tired at night and I dont blame him, We continued to eat right, then in late August/early September we started HipHop Abs with Shaun T.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Congratulation on 64 pounds!!:laugh: If you are still losing inches, I don't think you should worry too much. Your body needs to catch up. Have you recalculated your calories and lowered them? MFP reminds you but if you used another method it might not. When I stalled a bit I changed my macros to increase protein 10% and lower carbs 10%. It helped me start losing again.
  • melfitnesspal13
    melfitnesspal13 Posts: 377 Member
    Congrats of what you have accomplished. This will keep you motivated to continue to lose and not inch back up. In order to keep that scale moving, and the inches coming off (sometimes the inches are more than the scale) you should really increase your exercise. I exercise 6 days a week, at least 35 mins of high intensity and often 45-60 mins. Next, are you eating clean? No sodas, limited process foods? Cooking? Getting plenty of water? All these things will help you to keep this progress going. Lastly, we didn't gain this weight overnight so we have to ask God for patience so we can continue to stay motivated as we take it back off.

    Good luck on your journey.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Congratulations on the payoff for all your hard work!

    I would say to be patient. As long as you are not gaining, and you are losing inches, then it seems to me you don't have much to worry about. If you are eating at a calorie deficit, then the scale will start moving again.

    Sometimes when we change workouts, it takes awhile for our bodies to adjust.

    As for gaining muscle- it takes an awful long time to do that and it's a slow process.

    Yes....patience. :smile:
  • heaterrr
    heaterrr Posts: 75 Member
    Congratulations on your loss.. Keep doing what you're doing as there will be times you don't see the scale move and yes you WILL lose inches of pounds.. this is true. Make sure you get your water in :)
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    could be anything.
    First thing is to make sure you have your required intake set right for the weight and activity level you are at now.

    next is to make sure you still accurately journal... sounds foolish maybe but its awfully easy to start guestimating further and further from factual the longer you do it unless you do random checks to make sure your measurements on amount of food etc is still correct.

    next is to be sure that after you exercise a bunch of calories off in a day that it doesnt drop your total intake too low... for example you should have 1500 in a day but you burn 1000, you probably should eat more than your 1500 as that only leaves you with a net of 500 for the day, imo too low.

    finally, hard as it is try not to worry too much, like you said it could be increased muscle density, could be water retention for a variety of reasons, could be lots of things. my weight can go up and down over 5-6 pounds over a few days depending largely on my salt intake

    stick with it and it will keep dropping