You want a laugh? Read the story of how I got fat! Haha



  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Once again I am trying to lose weight. But not just any weight. THE weight. You know....the weight that you put on after you snag a guy and suddenly I don't have to look perfect all the time! my over excitement at this new outlook, I went a bit overboard. I traded in the heels for flip flops, the skirts and dresses for sweats and basketball shorts, and the skimpy halter tops for boyfriend t-shirts. The downside of all of this? All do those clothes LEFT ROOM TO GROW!!!!! One day I decided, "why not? I'll dress up for him! Get all cute and stuff!" So I pulled out my favorite pair of skinny jeans (size 2) and slipped them on. And when I say "slipped" I mean yanked and wiggled and did all sorts of maneuvers to try to get those puppies on. What. The heck. I refused to believe that I'd gained so much as to not fit into my jeans anymore. Kicking them aside (aka hurling them across the room after bursting into tears) I grabbed a skirt and put that on instead. A little tight but not too bad. Next was the shirt. I eyed the scrap of clothing, daring it to cause any problems before tugging it over my head. *deep breath* YANK! TUG! PULL! *pant pant pant* SHIMMY! WIGGLE! ....and it was on, cutting off circulation to all extremities, and damn near splitting at the seams. NOOOO!!! So I did what any normal woman would do. I ripped the clothes off, screamed in agony, and refused to go anywhere. Date night is officially cancelled. Ari is not leaving the building for any reason whatsoever.

    After that devastating beginning, I became a fat magnet!!! the weight just seems to keep adding on. I would start exercising, see no improvement and become disheartened. Please be my friend lol. Please help encourage me and help me get back on track and I promise to do the same for you!!

    Great story.
    Being comfortable with a person, does have its draw backs.

    Wish you all the best with your weight loss. :drinker:
  • RCharlotteRose
    RCharlotteRose Posts: 20 Member
    Completely with you. THE weight is a nightmare.

    Although I must admit that I may hurl the clothes I would love to be able to wear in my boyfriend's direction (completely unintentionally of course) while screaming "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT".
    It does take the edge off slightly but unfortunately only makes me feel better for a short amount of time since this situation usually leads to us staying in and ordering a take away... How ridiculous!

    I would love to have some friends on here I could turn to in desperation who have the same mind set as myself. Much easier not to do it alone. Please add me and help a girl out!!!!!
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    while screaming "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT".

    Serious question....
    Why is that?
    I get that a lot, and frankly it annoys me, that every time something goes wrong, I am the one blamed.....
    Even if I was not present, or had anything to do with it.....
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hehe your story made me smile :smile: Glad you can be so lighthearted and flippant about the issue - it must be demoralising at times :smile:
  • Sashyteds
    You know what it is ladies, men get to eat so much more than us, and without meaning for it to happen you can be influenced by their eating habits! And if your other half is not that active, that can have a negative impact on your fitness levels too! Beware of the comfy clothing - not a girl's best friend! ;-)

    Watch your calories very closely each day (and yes you will feel horribly deprived the first few days) but thereafter it really does get easier! I lost loads of weight without much effort a couple of years ago, and even got to have some chocolate and sweeties most days. ;-) I have recently gained a couple of kilos and I know why - I stopped monitoring my calories, plain and simple. So MFP is going to be my first stop when I go online from now on! Best of luck ladies!
  • determined2bfit13
    determined2bfit13 Posts: 91 Member
    I've been in a relationship for 4 years and have gained 40 pounds..10 pounds a year? LOL... I was at my skinniest when I was single so seems like I got a little tooooo comfortable. THE weight needs to come off!

    Feel free to friend me!!
  • zumbachika
    zumbachika Posts: 10 Member
    thats happen to me several times!!! which is exactly why i reached my point of being big my fiance loves it me on another note i hate shopping because i refused to go up asize.
  • zumbachika
    zumbachika Posts: 10 Member

    You know what it is ladies, men get to eat so much more than us, and without meaning for it to happen you can be influenced by their eating habits! And if your other half is not that active, that can have a negative impact on your fitness levels too! Beware of the comfy clothing - not a girl's best friend! ;-)

    Watch your calories very closely each day (and yes you will feel horribly deprived the first few days) but thereafter it really does get easier! I lost loads of weight without much effort a couple of years ago, and even got to have some chocolate and sweeties most days. ;-) I have recently gained a couple of kilos and I know why - I stopped monitoring my calories, plain and simple. So MFP is going to be my first stop when I go online from now on! Best of luck ladies!
  • UCME77
    UCME77 Posts: 17 Member
    You story is so funny, but true. I share the same exact experience !!!! Im defintely adding you as a friend. Please do the same :)
  • mowglix2
    I just joined this site and have the SAME story.. I have gained 10 pounds EVERY YEAR the hubs and I have been together.. so lets just say that I have 60 pounds I NOW need to loose.. and what did it was the other day he was like I love the way your *kitten* jiggles in those pants!!! OMFG.. r u kidding me? SERIOUSLY!!! He meant it nice.. and he tells me I look good all the time, HOWEVER I don't want to jiggle... lol and I want to go clothes shopping and find clothes that are not in the plus size department... and damn it I want my life and body back before I gained 260 pounds thats right (the 200 being my husband lol :)) the problem is he eats all the time, so then I think well when he eats I need to eat, and I fix him all this great delicious stuff and I'm like well I want to join in to.. then I quit wearing jeans because I was like well who do I have to impress.. comfy clothes are a SIN well they should be, because you don't notice how fat you are getting!!! Well I will def be here for you and anyone else that wants to add me as a friend, I like having friends in similar situations it really helps!!! Keep your head up... no more tubby twosomes :)
  • zumbachika
    zumbachika Posts: 10 Member
    you know i'll never forget to the day i planned on going out with my girlfriends to the bars in my area and you know normally we like looking good with tight jeans anice top and some cute heels right? well i have shoes galore in my closet but as im trying on my size 18 capris im realizing that they fit snug!!! omg! i was freaking out i was so upset me having curves i get it but its like i put on so much weight over the years that you never really pay attn to it until you dont fit into your clothes but 13lbs lighter now i fit in my jeans and they fall off lol, greatest feeling in the world. but so much hard work to get that great feeling
  • queasy
    queasy Posts: 28
    I understand where you are coming from completely! I wasn't skinny to begin with but when I got with my boy I was down to my lowest in a long time. However between relaxing just that little bit too much and the honey moon period of saying yes to every take away and every dinner out and yes to pop corn at the cinema I slowly crept up a stone or more back up to 16 and a half stone! I had the same revelation when I finally shucked off the trackies tried on a button down dress and found it didnt close properly any more. I'm bouncing up and down and tbh having a guy telling you you look fine and beautiful (while fabulous of course) also makes you feel very complacent!! More than willing to encourage you in your journey and I really hope you get there!!
  • Bosbes
    Bosbes Posts: 55 Member
    I to know the pain of being in a loving relationship :P sending you a friend request!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    your story was well written for a good chuckle. Although I Totally understand!!!!! Add Age and kids and wham! I FINALLY have good determination on having this off and keeping it off. Its not easy and motivating Others Helps me. Friend me if I could help.
  • Triciad811
    Triciad811 Posts: 268 Member
    I think as women we have all been there and done that. However, the group of women you have here are fighting our way back never to go there again :)
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    this is too familiar. lol. my ex too a t. and she still looked amazing to me even with the weight gain. but i was there to see her struggle with her clothes like this. ha! now that we broke up shes lost it all. and sexier than ever. whatever. anyways i sent you a friend request. cuz you rock!!!
  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    My story is close! LOL I started working from home and thought::drinker: "OMG I have SOOOO much time to work out and NO candy and snacks calling me, I am going to lose SO much weight.! " WHATEVER! HAHAHA. Coming to "work" in my pj's, yoga pants, etc., makes it easy to not see the weight I was putting on until I wanted to go out and tried putting on my favorite jeans.. :sad: :grumble: Had a meeting with other co workers who started working from home, my oh my, it was a wake up call, we were all chubby!!!
  • GIAngel222
    GIAngel222 Posts: 227 Member
    Love your writing style. Made me giggle!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

  • jUStPunkin
    jUStPunkin Posts: 13 Member
    I hear ya. Get married, have kids, stop needing to look good 'cuz you've already got the guy. That'd be me.

    So here I am, years later, trying to drop a LOT of pounds (60 would be great, 80 would be fantastic and 100 would be OMG!)

    Feel free to add me, and we can encourage each other to look good!
  • devinbear
    devinbear Posts: 38 Member
    When I met my now husband in college, I gained 20 pounds in one year! Granted, when I met him I had just got out of a long term relationship and was very depressed. I started out below my 'normal' weight, but soon surpassed it and then some. When I looked at my thighs one day and realized how different my body had become I decided to make a change. The hard part for me was when told my now husband I had gained so much weight, he said "but there's nothing wrong with it, really. It makes me happy to know your so happy that you've put on weight! You're beautiful! I want you to be happy!". The fact that he was so body positive was super endearing, but it made it hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I was not happy with my weight. I was all "if my boyfriend likes it, who cares?'. But soon I decided that I preferred my 'normal' weight, and he's been just as supportive of that. He is now proud of me for becoming a runner, something I always disparaged as something I would only do when being chased! haha, But Yes, long story short- I cried when I couldn't button my skinny jeans, but I'm so happy that I take pride in being healthy for myself and my partner, and he does the same :) And when I was 'fat', even after I decided to make the change, I went shopping for pair of hot jeans, to feel good even in the transition.