SO frustrated!

joannasamples Posts: 16
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
OK, I've got to vent....I am SO stinking frustrated right now. I've finished round 1 of HCG and am eating about 1200 calories and exercising daily (walking, cycling and a little cybex circuit training). I feel good.....but I'm not losing any weight! I know.....keep up the work and watching calories and the weight will come off, and I'm not expecting to lose a pound a day, but some sort of loss would be great! Monday I lost and since then I have had 2 days of gain....UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just had to share, and any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • Shannon821
    Shannon821 Posts: 9 Member
    I understand your frustration. My weight loss is VERY slow. However, since I've been excersing, I am losing inches. Try not to weigh yourself too much. You may be building muscle. Eventually, the scale will reflect the weight loss.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    The questions come to what your eating and drinking? The types of foods and if 1200 is enough. It is all about the math for those who struggle a bit more with the weight loss
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I just keep reminding myself that since it is taking me longer to get to my goal weight, that means I am going that much longer without GAINING BACK the weight. :laugh: Seriously, I have been pretty "faithful" to my MFP daily goals for the past 10 months, and have lost just over 35 pounds. If I would have lost that much in a 3 or 4 months, I can guarantee you I would have gained all or most of it back by now. This is consistent with the "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle" theory. It isn't easy, and it CAN be frustrating to get on the scale and see a gain (I gained TWO pounds from Saturday to Sunday, but as of this morning, I am back down to just below where I was Saturday morning - go figure!) . But, on the other hand, it is WAY easier than "dieting", where I starve myself and walk around craving foods and drooling over what others around me are eating. I can DO this, for the rest of my life, and that doesn't bother me a bit! :bigsmile:
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    I completely understand your frustration, and am rather frustrated over here too. In the last (almost) 6 months, I've lost 20.8 pounds. So it's been a VERY slow process. Heck, this morning I was finally down .2 pounds from two weeks ago. Last week I had gained 2 pounds (and that was after TOM had already come and gone). It's definitely hard to stay motivated when you aren't seeing progress. But hang in there.

    I am also keeping track of measurements/inches... so even though I haven't seen much movement on the scale in the last two weeks, I have seen about 5-6 inches melt off (.5 inch here, .75 inches there). So at least it's something. The weight is the same, but I'm getting leaner.

    Hang in there. It's rough, I know. I've been particularly cranky and unmotivated this past week... but we gotta keep plugging along. :-)

    (If you want a copy of my nifty spreadsheet that keeps track of all my progress, just send me a personal note with your e-mail address, and I'd be happy to e-mail you a copy!)
  • Hello there
    I don't know anything about your stats but 1200 calories daily does not sound like much to me. Have you added in the exercise you do? If you have, and not compensated (in food) for any calorie deficit then your metabolism might be shut down. I have never been on a diet and dont really know what HCG is, but I eat normally, just less, and do not snack. I eat my daily calories plus the calories required for exercise.
    My suggestion is to check the calories required and eat them, fire up your metabolism and do not be afraid to pile in the calories when you increase the exercise.
    My wife consumes 3500+ calories daily when at the peak of her training and she weighs just 118lbs. She will actually lose weight if she is not careful about these calories.
    Best of luck and I hope you do not view this as an intrusion:-)

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Stop weighing yourself every day. A change in diet can show a water weight gain on the scale even if you're losing fat.

    Pick a day and time once a week and weigh then.
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Stop weighing yourself every day. A change in diet can show a water weight gain on the scale even if you're losing fat.

    Pick a day and time once a week and weigh then.

  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Ditto what the other repliers said. Give it time, and make sure you drink drink drink tons of water.

    Can someone briefly explain what HCG is?
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Do what we did,GET RID OF THE SCALE[ put in closet]........Its a negative and unmotivating when you have a goal and daily visualize the scale! ....Need positives daily to keep the brain thinking positively and keep motivation high.......WE use clothes that are 1 size to small and try them on every 2 days or so. You will find your body might not be losing weight but is getting firmer and changing every day,....... Keep it going, its a process not a quick fix! Do you remember saying to yourself when gaining the weight could see it daily? Works same in reverse.....Remember its a journey not a diet!! Be proud of what your doing,Good luck...:wink:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ditto what the other repliers said. Give it time, and make sure you drink drink drink tons of water.

    Can someone briefly explain what HCG is?

    It's a diet I would never do, but apparently a lot of people here love it.

    Basically, in the first phase, you inject or a doctor injects HCG hormones (PREGNANCY HORMONES) into you to help control your appetite and then you eat no more than 500 calories a day for a prescribed period of time. I know you can eventually eat a little more, but I think you continue the hormones.

    No thanks.
  • The questions come to what your eating and drinking? The types of foods and if 1200 is enough. It is all about the math for those who struggle a bit more with the weight loss

    I think my food diary is open....consistently over on my protien, under on my carbs and fats; have had a cookie or two (1 per day). trying to eat close to my goal, and not eat my exercise calories.
  • Ditto what the other repliers said. Give it time, and make sure you drink drink drink tons of water.

    Can someone briefly explain what HCG is?

    It's a diet I would never do, but apparently a lot of people here love it.

    Basically, in the first phase, you inject or a doctor injects HCG hormones (PREGNANCY HORMONES) into you to help control your appetite and then you eat no more than 500 calories a day for a prescribed period of time. I know you can eventually eat a little more, but I think you continue the hormones.

    No thanks.

    It's your choice to not do HCG, but you should think twice before speaking of something you know little about. HCG is a plan that's been in use in Europe since the 1950's and it works. yes the diet can be restrictive (NOT calorie driven...specific food driven) for a short time (30 or 45 days) and for a short time after. Some people choose to use injections, but I use drops under the tongue. the HCG isn't a hormone like you think hormones.....most are synthetic these days. It acts as an appetite suppressant and it releases stored fat for your body to use as fuel/energy. I wasn't hungry the entire 45 days and I plan on another round, unless the weight starts dropping off using the "old fashioned method".

    as far as the claim they are pregnancy hormones, your body naturally creates this hormone while pregnant (it's what makes the preg test show a positive), but I can attest that you have NO side effects of pregnancy whatsoever. My hubby did it and he didn't grow boobs or anything! LOL I experienced zero pregnancy effects, like I did when I was actually pregnant. Once you finish your 30 or 45 days, you do not continue taking HCG in any form.

    if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.....not bash.....and I will do my best to share what I know.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I didn't say it gives you pregnancy symptoms. It's still a hormone produced during pregnancy. I wouldn't inject or use drops or anything to add a hormone to my body simply to lose weight. I know how long it's been around.

    I didn't criticize you for doing it. But I wouldn't. Some things are not worth it. I'd rather eat less and exercise more and lose weight without introducing something to my body that shouldn't be there.

    From Discovery Health:

    There have been few reports of health problems developing as a result of the hCG diet, although there are some risks, among them an increased risk of blood clots, headaches, restlessness and depression. Also, you may feel, well, like you're pregnant -- swelling, breast tenderness and water retention, anyone? HCG can also cause a potentially life-threatening condition called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).

    Honestly, if you want to do it, it's no skin off my nose. But I've read enough about it to have a rough idea of what it is
  • Why would you not eat your exercise calories?
    The calorie deficit (to reach your weight loss goal) is calculated into the system when you set up on here.
    Not fueling your body is counter productive to weight loss, isn't it?
    You will get an initial drop (most likely fluids) and then stop as your metabolism slows/shuts down. That's how I understand it anyway.
    If your are on these drops and a restrictive diet, I think you will completely shut down your metabolism and have no weight loss at all. Then all your calories will metabolise to fat as your body reverts to "starvation/famine" mode.
    Just my thought, no malice intended, please accept it for what it is, an opinion, offered in good faith:smile:
    I have a friend here that owns a Gym and wrote a book on the subject. PM me and I will send you a link to the book if you wish, its about 4.99 Canadian or so in ebook format.
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