First Time Mom

I just had a baby two months ago and getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight seems to be a huge challenge. Before getting pregnant I would sit at 110 unless I was cutting weight for a judo tournament in which I would go down to 105. During my whole pregnancy I gained a total of 50 pounds (I know a lot) the day I went Into labour with my son I weight 160 pounds. I am 5"2 and have always been a small girl. I know during pregnancy your suppose to gain weight but I never expected to gain that much... That being said I did lose a lot of the weight I gained during pregnancy I currently weight 123. Everyone keeps telling me that is amazing for two months postpartum. Even though I lost all that weight after having my baby body still doesn't look the same and all my pre-pregnancy clothes are still very tight on me. My goal is to weight 110 again and lose my belly flab. My favourite part of my body use to be my belly... I had abs before I got pregnant. Spence I had an emergency c section it's been really hard to lose the extra belly chub. I know I will probably never have abs again.i will settle for having a stomach that doesn't role over my pants when I sit down


  • mellyrimmer
    mellyrimmer Posts: 3 Member
    Two months is still early days so I think you're doing fabulously :) It took me virtually a whole year after my first to get back to my pre-pregnancy shape despite losing 95% of the weight very quickly afterwards. I think my body only wanted to shift those last couple of stubborn pounds once I'd started sleeping better and had finished breastfeeding.

    I now have two children (youngest is 8 months now), and it's been a bit harder to shift off my stomach this time. It's like my whole body has gone back to normal but I still a few pounds clinging on there! It seems SO obvious to me, despite people saying I 'don't look like I've had a baby'...and I don't have the confidence to wear anything close fitting anymore. So here I am, now watching my calories and exercising properly for the first time in my whole life!

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