


  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    I went to France for 2 wks. ate cheese, gelato, wine and anything I wanted and only gained 1 lb. Plan on walking your butt off and you'll be fine. Have fun, and worry about the weight when you get back. I loved my trainers advice--go over a size 8 and come back a 10, we'll get it off in no time.
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    We have a vacation coming up and I am not planning to track my food and drink. It's been a lifestyle change for me so I think I will still make good choices on what I choose to eat. There's a lot of stuff I ate before that I really no longer care to eat and often give me an upset stomach. I do want to get some workouts in. Unfortunately where we are staying does not have a fitness facility (I can use one at their hotel 3 miles away but we will not have a vehicle) but they do have TV's and DVD player in the units. So I will be grabbing a couple of my shorter workout DVD's and hope to squeeze in a few workouts that way! I don't want to loose the momentum I have going.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    The only thing I did on vacation this summer was try to be conscious of portion sizes and my blood sugar. As crappy as it is in most respects, here's where being diabetic can help you. You want to feel awesome and energized on vacation, so focus on keeping your blood glucose in check. You'll probably avoid eating a bread basket or a bunch of sweets. I ate pounds and pounds of bacon and seafood and butter and salami and cheese and loads of whiskey and wine and lost 3 pounds. I was sleeping great, swimming and hiking all day, and free of stress.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    You need to go and look at the menus for every possible restaurant you might visit before you go. Then I make a list of the type of meals you want o have while you are there and see how they measure up. Hopefully you have learned to say no to things like fired food, and other diet killers. Drinks are usually the worst, so stick to water and vodka! You made a lifestyle change, be sure to try to pick those foods that you know. Relax.
  • batgirl_273
    batgirl_273 Posts: 70 Member
    I have this coming up also, and all I can say is... go, have fun. forget about this for the week or whatever that you're gone.

    I tried to track on my last vacation and while I did well for the 1st day, I gave up after because it was too complicated to try and track every little thing and guess how much I ate at a restraunt. It also sucked the fun out of vacation eating - where I can eat whatever I'm craving, some items I can't get back home!

    I'm going back to Vegas in December, and Vegas is the anything you want, anytime you want capital. Am I logging? No way in hell. I'll suffer the consequences when I get back, if there are any. I'm focused on having a good time and doing what I want, when I want. Vacation is the only escape from regular life that we get. Live it up. Just come back to reality when you get home.
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    Don't stress about it. Part of enjoying life is actually enjoining food. I really don't want to live a life where I can't eat whatever I want one day.
    I "gained" 4lbs while on vacation. It was all water weight. After three days I was back at my regular weight and kept losing.

    Relax, enjoy your vacation, have fun!!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I mean my biggest fear is that I am SO close to my goal weight. I'm talking 2-3 lbs.

    If I completely give way to what I want to do, I'll gain it all back.

    On the other hand, we'll walk everywhere, there's a gym where I plan to get some running and swimming in. It won't be the end of th world.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Vacation is a vacation. I have a 7 day Caribbean cruise in a month. Although I'll try and control as much as I can, there will be indulgences. My last 4-day cruise, my booze bill was over $500 - that's about 80 beers or roughly 20 beers a day :laugh: not to mention the buffets. But I did do a lot of walking at the ports. I think I was 6 lbs heavier when I got back, but dropped over half of that in a first few days, so most of it was just water weight. It was worth it regardless.
  • jerryvo
    jerryvo Posts: 66 Member
    It is vacation... go crazy. Spent 4 days in vegas recently and ate horrible (buffets, fried everything) and drank enough to make anyone very happy. Came back +5-6 lbs. 1/2 was water weight from the saltiness of restaurant food and went away in a day or two the other 2-3 pounds took about a week and a half to come off once I was back on my regular routing. The cost of living it up was the loss of 1.5 weeks of progress. A small price to pay in my book.
  • FaerieBert
    FaerieBert Posts: 9 Member
    I think you should enjoy your vacation. If you are worried about gaining weight, then walk everywhere that you can. Don't take a taxi if you can realistically walk to you destination. Walk or bike any trails that might be around. Walk the beach or around town. Take any tours that might be available. You can keep off the weight and enrich your senses at the same time! can just do what I do and say to hell with it all and pick back up where you left off when you get home. When I went to Florida a few years ago I was eating more and I actually lost a little weight. I think it was all the swimming in the pool I was doing. :smile:
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    ENJOY YOUR VACATION!!! I am about to go on vacation, too, and I am going to eat, drink and be merry! That's what it's for. It's all inclusive, too, and I'm sure I'll have more drinks than I can count, but that's what it's all about. You work hard all year to go on vacation and not work or stress over anything. Make the best decisions you can. Drinks with Diet Coke instead of regular, egg white omlettes, etc, but just ENJOY it!!!

    Just plan to get right back on track when you get home.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    Ya, just enjoy yourself. Vacation is a time to enjoy life and forget about your worries, not obsess over things. I'm going to Hawaii in a month. Last time I was there I gained 10 lbs in 7 days, mostly because of drinking and a whole lot of white rice lol. Even so I exercised pretty much everyday, just fun stuff really; surfing, snorkeling, etc. Am I worried about my upcoming trip? Not a chance. I plan on thoroughly enjoying white rice, beer, Mai Tai's, and loads of seafood, etc. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    ENJOY YOUR VACATION!!! I am about to go on vacation, too, and I am going to eat, drink and be merry! That's what it's for. It's all inclusive, too, and I'm sure I'll have more drinks than I can count, but that's what it's all about. You work hard all year to go on vacation and not work or stress over anything. Make the best decisions you can. Drinks with Diet Coke instead of regular, egg white omlettes, etc, but just ENJOY it!!!

    Just plan to get right back on track when you get home.

    Especially since this place makes amazing mud slides, margaritas and great rusty nails. Oh my gosh I"m so excited. This week leading up to our trip I'm not drinking at all...which is SUPER tough because I've got some great red wine in the house :)
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Hey! I went to Jamaica in August to an all inclusive and am going to Mexico in about 10 days to another all inclusive.

    Here's what I always tried to do:
    1. Get some form of exercise in. One day my husband and I ran on the beach in jamaica. It was gorgeous, and hard. Other days we used teh fitness center and even though we were on the fourth floor we toko the stairs every time.

    2. Eat as healthy as you can at breakfast and lunch. You probably haven't started drinking yet so you can ekep it in check. Most resorts have an omelete station you can request made with egg whites. I did always let myself have a treat at breakfast, but I would also have fruit and healthy stuff too.

    3. Try to fill up on salads and veggies. Especially at the buffets. It's so hard.

    Everyone says enjoy it - but everyone is also different. For me, I can't stomach being a complete glutton for 5-7 days and then coming home. I enjoyed my vacation immensely and ate what I wanted within reason.

    Nothing tastes as good as fit feels. Those pounds CAN be a b**** to get off!
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Vacation is tough on the calorie budget, but when I go, I make myself eat a salad before every lunch and dinner meal. I also choose fish or chicken where possible, and try to get oatmeal for breakfast. I always wait until the end of the trip to be "bad" and have the pancakes, waffles, steak, and deserts. If I start that at the beginning, it just doesn't end. Good luck and HAVE FUN!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    ....I'm afraid of my progress completely coming to a standstill or being undone by this trip.

    Any advice/things you do on vacation to avoid blowing it? Thanks!

    It's about what you're doing 80% - 90% of the time...not 10% of the time. Let me ask you this...if someone eats like **** most of the time and doesn't exercise or really do anything except sit around wallowing in the ****ty diet...if they were to take a few days and eat some broccoli and go for a job would they suddenly healthy and fit? Of course they wouldn' works the other way too.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    The resorts we stay in always have a wide variety of fruit and veggies on their buffet. Plus, we do so much walking, more so than at home, that I'm never really worried. We do partake in the included alcohol, but what the hey? I'm on vacation!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I choose the "best" thing or "least evil" options at each meal and then allow myself 1 splurge item per day. I am more likely to choose fruit as a side and/or maybe get breakfast for dinner if others choose a place that is less healthy than I would have chosen.

    Active trips are awesome. Definitely take full advantage of the gym and pool on your trip, and you should be golden!

    Last week my husband and I got married out in Colorado and we hiked a total of 11 miles during our short trip. While that's not a TON, it definitely helped counteract the wedding cake and other indulgent food we consumed. I went over on my calories 3 out of 4 days, but I only gained 0.4 lb. Which fell off along with 2 more lb the day after we returned.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Vacation is tough on the calorie budget, but when I go, I make myself eat a salad before every lunch and dinner meal. I also choose fish or chicken where possible, and try to get oatmeal for breakfast. I always wait until the end of the trip to be "bad" and have the pancakes, waffles, steak, and deserts. If I start that at the beginning, it just doesn't end. Good luck and HAVE FUN!

    Good plan!! I'll try that! :)