wanting junk food but I want to stop

How do you control your desire to eat junk ? When I get bored I just want to eat like candy or sometimes I want an ice latte, how do I spot these cravings ?


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Give yourself "permission" to eat a serving of junk food everyday. I like chocolate ..........so, late in the day I have a piece of dark chocolate (provided I have the calories available). I like to buy the individually wrapped pieces, like Ghiradelli.

    I do NOT eat because I am bored. That behaviour was something I had to get rid of. Example: when I watch TV I keep my hands busy (kindle games, crochet, whatever) and keep a large glass of ice water handy.

    Keep healthy snacks available - crunchy = air popped popcorn, carrot sticks (or other veggies).

    Sweet = frozen grapes, a hot cup of chai tea.

    Make your own ice latte .....but use "fake" sugar....or even better "step" down the sugar.....less & less each time.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I don't like to think of any food as junk. Some foods are less nutrient dense than others, but there is nothing wrong with incorporating foods you enjoy into your plan, providing you have hit your macro/micro/fiber goals. I have lost 122lbs in 15 months and I eat ice cream everyday, (and often candy, chips etc). For me, that is a sustainable lifestyle that I can continue in maintenance. These are excellents reads if you haven't seen read them yet:


  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    By trading what I want for food that also tastes good but isn't so high calorie and low nutrient. It can be fun to shop for new foods!

    Oil popped popcorn with butter TRADE FOR Air popped popcorn with oil spray

    Ice cream TRADE FOR Smoothie (1 frozen banana, 1 cup of milk (any kind) + 1/2 cup of frozen berries or other fruit mixed in a blender

    When I just can't resist, I just plan for a treat. I put it in my diary and give the excess away. When I bake brownies, I lick one from the bowl, eat one baked and give the rest away. Is this a waste? Not if it keeps me from overeating.

    Some indulgences, I only enjoy when I am not at home cuz having them in the house is just too dangerous!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    How do you control your desire to eat junk ? When I get bored I just want to eat like candy or sometimes I want an ice latte, how do I spot these cravings ?

    I look in the mirror and decide which I want more - to like what I see in that mirror, or to have the junk.
  • calmlywilde
    calmlywilde Posts: 47 Member
    Some people are really good at "budgeting" their calories so they can fit in the candy/ice latte/whatever their vice is every day.

    I'm not.

    I eat/drink because I'm bored. Because it tastes good and because I like to eat a lot of it. Sounds like you do too.

    I have a 20-cal-hot-choc-with-artificial-sweetener 3-10 times a day! Keeps me full, hydrated and keeps my hands busy. I'll probably get slammed for the OTT artificial sweetener thing, but for me, it's baby steps! If it helps me out while I make bigger, better changes, so be it.

    Find a low cal/sugar free candy you can cope with and eat it! Mine is cherry tomatoes atm, but there are "real" candies out there that will do the trick too.

    I'm sure you could make a fairly low cal ice latte too, half milk, half water, lots of coffee, lots of ice, as much artificial sweetener as you need and blend!

    If these are the tools you need to stop you binging on a Big Mac or eating a whole cake of chocolate while you get used to eating within your cals, use them! You can always move to the "everything in moderation" camp once you get your cravings under control ;)
  • shay0210
    Give yourself "permission" to eat a serving of junk food everyday. I like chocolate ..........so, late in the day I have a piece of dark chocolate (provided I have the calories available). I like to buy the individually wrapped pieces, like Ghiradelli.

    I do NOT eat because I am bored. That behaviour was something I had to get rid of. Example: when I watch TV I keep my hands busy (kindle games, crochet, whatever) and keep a large glass of ice water handy.

    Keep healthy snacks available - crunchy = air popped popcorn, carrot sticks (or other veggies).

    Sweet = frozen grapes, a hot cup of chai tea.

    Make your own ice latte .....but use "fake" sugar....or even better "step" down the sugar.....less & less each time.

    everyday ? my mind keeps telling me i cant have it everyday but my heart wants it. its so hard for me especially when im at work as far as the candy because i get bored but when im busy i dont even eat as much.
  • shay0210
    I don't like to think of any food as junk. Some foods are less nutrient dense than others, but there is nothing wrong with incorporating foods you enjoy into your plan, providing you have hit your macro/micro/fiber goals. I have lost 122lbs in 15 months and I eat ice cream everyday, (and often candy, chips etc). For me, that is a sustainable lifestyle that I can continue in maintenance. These are excellents reads if you haven't seen read them yet:



    Thank you. I love food i just need to find what works for me i just cant control my wants.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I think the real problem is that you want to eat when you're bored. You're allowed to have junk, but you shouldn't eat just because you're bored. I have candy every night after dinner, and that's not really a bad thing. I don't, however, just eat a bunch of candy when there's nothing better to do. Eat when you're hungry, and find things to do to keep yourself busy when you're bored.

    Don't demonize foods. People should be able to enjoy the things they love. One doesn't have to stop eating all junk and candy because someone said it was bad for them.
  • shirleylmartin
    shirleylmartin Posts: 68 Member
    How do you control your desire to eat junk ? When I get bored I just want to eat like candy or sometimes I want an ice latte, how do I spot these cravings ?

    Don't get bored. :)
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member

    everyday ? my mind keeps telling me i cant have it everyday but my heart wants it. its so hard for me especially when im at work as far as the candy because i get bored but when im busy i dont even eat as much.

    On the one hand, it's all about the numbers. If you have enough calories and are otherwise getting enough nutrition, have a treat! Yes, every day. As long as having one doesn't trigger binging.

    On the other hand, it sounds like you may be struggling with some guilt about enjoying food. That's a different issue than just finding foods that you enjoy that fit into your daily plan. You may need to talk that out with a professional or support group. Food is supposed to be fun. And losing weight does not require absolute deprivation to be effective.
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Stay full and have a little taste of things every now and then. Don't totally deprive yourself. That will only set you up for failure. Everything in moderation. During Easter, I ate a mini bag of Cadbury's mini eggs almost every day and STILL lost weight. :wink:
  • Wrxsti23
    Make it work.

    I buy the International Delight Light Mocha Coffee and will pour myself a cup over ice for only 100 calories.
    I love chips so I buy the Smartfood Selects Hummus popped chips and they are only 100 calories a serving and each chip is normal sized and super crunchy so it doesn't feel like you are eating something else.
    I will eat a Blue Bunny fudge pop for dessert- 90 calories
    100 calorie bag of popcorn takes up some time to eat
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Give yourself "permission" to eat a serving of junk food everyday. I like chocolate ..........so, late in the day I have a piece of dark chocolate (provided I have the calories available). I like to buy the individually wrapped pieces, like Ghiradelli.

    I do NOT eat because I am bored. That behaviour was something I had to get rid of. Example: when I watch TV I keep my hands busy (kindle games, crochet, whatever) and keep a large glass of ice water handy.

    Keep healthy snacks available - crunchy = air popped popcorn, carrot sticks (or other veggies).

    Sweet = frozen grapes, a hot cup of chai tea.

    Make your own ice latte .....but use "fake" sugar....or even better "step" down the sugar.....less & less each time.

    everyday ? my mind keeps telling me i cant have it everyday but my heart wants it. its so hard for me especially when im at work as far as the candy because i get bored but when im busy i dont even eat as much.

    Yes - everyday.

    1 square of Ghiradelli chocolate is 60 calories.....the point is I have 1 serving. But, I need to be on track for the day or I dont't get that serving. I decide whether it's sweet or it's salty.....but I pick 1 thing. 100 calorie packs are good for this type of thing.

    Boredom.....that's where a cup of herbal tea (or diet hot chocolate) might help. It takes a long time to drink something that's hot. Bring a zip lock bag to work that has air popped popcorn....try to make it last.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
  • sepulchura
    sepulchura Posts: 95 Member
    If you feel you have to stop eating junk food, I'd phase it out gradually. What can you do to help the cravings? I think everyone's solution will be as unique as we are all different personalities and physically have different scenarios to confront.

    What I do (and I share your difficulty to some extent): I take chewable vitamin C and I eat raw vegetables. Awesome, right? I know, it's not. But for some people, vitamin C helps calm the cravings (and who knows, you might find that to be the case for you).
  • shay0210
    Make it work.

    I buy the International Delight Light Mocha Coffee and will pour myself a cup over ice for only 100 calories.
    I love chips so I buy the Smartfood Selects Hummus popped chips and they are only 100 calories a serving and each chip is normal sized and super crunchy so it doesn't feel like you are eating something else.
    I will eat a Blue Bunny fudge pop for dessert- 90 calories
    100 calorie bag of popcorn takes up some time to eat

    That sounds awesome Thank you
  • dfinnula
    dfinnula Posts: 24 Member
    Hi I also substitute for low cal sweet things ie gum or lollipops or weightwatchers or other low cal desserts for a treat.

    I often eat cos I am bored or anxious so am trying to train myself to stop and see if I am hungry (although I think those cues are not clear to me after years of food issues) and instead or reaching for a cracker treating myself with putting on hand cream - makes me my hands feel and smell nice - sounds a bit daft but but finding subtitute behaviours to replace the junk food snacking may help - I wrote a list ie five minute walk, five minutes of housework, five minutes surfing fashion blogs etc & agree re low cal hot choc - that often satisfies my sweet tooth enough.

    I work in the addiction field (with drugs and alcohol) and with clients one technique when they have craving or triggers to use is to remember the four D's - Delay, distract, deny or drink water!
  • omnomnomicon
    Its taken some time, but I've found healthy alternatives for them. I cook a good 95% of what I eat, so it was fairly easy. For example, for pizza I do homemade pizza, use hummus instead of sauce or cheese, add squash/mushrooms/onions/broccoli, and eat :smile:

    Googling "healthy pizza" or "healthier pizza" is a good start for something like that. Or "pizza alternatives." Just use whatever food you want to replace (candy, cake, pie) instead of "pizza" and you'll find some better choices.

    For ice cream, Skinny Cow is AMAZING if you haven't tried it. SO AMAZING.

    Biggest thing? Don't be scared to try new foods. You'll find something awesome you like, and can start eating that better option and phasing out the junk food.

    Occasionally, grab something unhealthy (I got a baconator last week, but thats a 1-2x a year event) to satisfy the beast. Just don't make it a habit. The less you do it, over time, the less you'll want to do it.

    Last tip-if you really want to indulge, do so but just don't go over your maintenance level. That way, you won't do any harm and it won't be a step backwards. Its more of a vacation.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Bored at work? Come check out what's going on right here on the message boards - hours of entertainment! :) If there's not enough to do, maybe ask if anyone needs help? If you can, get up and walk around, take the stairs, chat with folks. Or if you're "bored" because you don't feel like doing something, do it anyway - I speak from experience on this one. I'm a procrastinator from way back and used to nibble on crap all day because it was more fun than what I wanted to do. Suck it up buttercup...drop the food and get your work done.

    Bored at home? There are endless possibilities. Similar to one of the other responders, I get the bored munchies while watching TV so I keep my hands and part of my mind busy by doing word finds or playing games on my phone or tablet. Or I just shut the TV off and read a good book. Do some exercises, call a friend, pick up a new hobby, etc etc.

    The ideas to drink tea, chew gum or brush your teeth are all good. I'd also suggest to drink water - sometimes that can actually satiate hunger. And I read a good suggestion the other day - give yourself a mani/pedi. Start with your toes then do your nails. By the time you're through with all the filing, buffing, cuticle trimming, painting and drying, you'll have forgotten all about eating.
  • PLoveElliott
    PLoveElliott Posts: 114 Member
    I don't deny myself a treat if I want it...but as many people have stated, I make sure that it works within my calories for the day. I also don't do any low fat or nonfat stuff b/c that sometimes is a lot worse for you than the full fat. If you are going to do the full fat items make sure to stick to the serving size!

    I don't eat because I am bored...my problem was the servicing size. But with that said, if you are getting bored you need to figure out ways to keep yourself busy so you don't fall back into habits that helped get you where you are now. Someone stated that they look in the mirror and decide if they want the treat; I do the same things sometimes and it works for me.

    Hang in there....play around to see what works for you.