Does your carb intake really matter if....

Hi guys.
Another stupid question, please forgive me, but I just really would like an answers to this question.

So I've always been told that carbs are bad, and that a low-carb diet is best for losing weight. Although I have cut down, I've been eating a lot of carbs during my weightloss and somehow I managed to lose 35kg(so far). I meat a lot of people who don't understand how that is, because they can't lose weight while eating bread, pasta, rice etc. so my questions is: does it matter how many carbs you eat as long as you're under your calorie count? I know that we should all aim to eat more
protein, and less fat and carbs, but does it really matter as long as you stay within your calorie limit?

I know this might be a stupid question, but y'all are all so smart and I'm sure you're gonna give me a good answer, and for that I'm grateful!


  • STC1188
    STC1188 Posts: 101 Member
    Short answer: yes, you will lose weight if you are in a caloric deficit. Period--you will lose WEIGHT.

    Now, if you are talking about the other health aspects (including macro type in calorie vehicle choice), then yes, there is a bit to it. I would say that a lot of people, in general, will do better with a low carb diet because it is easy to overeat carbs. But for those who can control their portions and take in adequate levels of proteins and fats (as defined by science, not the FDA or USDA or the Wheat Council), then it is a moot issue.

    You will see lots of pseudoscience proclaiming the benefits of low carb, but I think a lot of benefits from low carb are benefits of being thinner, basically. And moving more--but people don't want to hear that.
  • lil_lizt
    lil_lizt Posts: 275 Member
    I did slimming world at one point and lived off pasta with a home made sauce (no meat, lots of veg) and I lost over a stone doing that.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    Not a stupid question... I know there are others with far much more knowledge, but.... as long as you stay within a reasonable macronutrient (carb/fat/protein) ratio, you should be alright.... A common ratio is 40/30/30, respectively. I don't think it's necessary to restrict carbs or cut them out, but, I can see why people want to.

    For some it might be a trigger... when they eat bread, they just CAN'T STOP! Or they have a thing for candy, etc. Carbs tend to help you retain water weight, but they're also necessary... remember you have to do what you'll be able to do long-term. I don't know that many people who maintain a low/no carb lifestyle for ... their whole life.

    At the end of the day, you do what works for you. No two people are exactly the same :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Carbs are just the latest and greatest boogie man of the diet and fitness industry...there's a new one every 10 years or so. Carbs aren't the devil...carbs are simply a macro nutrient, no more, no less. Weight loss is all about calories in/out. Basically it's a lot easier for people to blame some food or macro nutrient for their weight problems than it is to actually figure out how much they should be eating, record that in a diary, etc. It's easier to just cut something out...cutting carbs works because carbs tend to be calorie dense and by cutting them out, you have unwittingly cut calories so long as you're not replacing them with other things. People also drop a lot of water weight when they low carb...but who cares, it's just's not fat...all I care about is fat.
  • donohoe4
    donohoe4 Posts: 76 Member
    I lost the majority of my weight through calories in vs. calories out. I would eat all carbs for my calories if I really wanted. Now that I am trying to build muscle and lose more body fat, I am concentrating on high protein, lower carbs and lower fats.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Carbs are good. So is protein and fat.

    If you are in your calorie goal, it probably doesn't matter a whole lot how many carbs you have, within reason. I think I usually hit about 40% carbs for the day, sometimes less. Many other people have more. A few people try to cut them out altogether or go very low (ketogenic). Doesn't matter a whole lot.

    The people who don't understand how you are losing weight simply misunderstand how weight is gained/lost in the first place. Not everyone gets it. Apparently you have some kind of understanding in this department as you've been able to lose so much. Good job!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Why don't you read the bloggs from the MFP team? I am sure they covered the topic only last week.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    The people who don't understand how you are losing weight simply misunderstand how weight is gained/lost in the first place. Not everyone gets it.

    Which is amazing to me...

    It really is simple, yet everyone wants to make it difficult.
  • alanlmarshall
    alanlmarshall Posts: 587 Member

    The people who don't understand how you are losing weight simply misunderstand how weight is gained/lost in the first place. Not everyone gets it.

    Which is amazing to me...

    It really is simple, yet everyone wants to make it difficult.

    Everyone wants to make it easy, magical thinking is the result.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member

    The people who don't understand how you are losing weight simply misunderstand how weight is gained/lost in the first place. Not everyone gets it.

    Which is amazing to me...

    It really is simple, yet everyone wants to make it difficult.

    Everyone wants to make it easy, magical thinking is the result.

    Fat loss is simple, not easy.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I agree, it is ultimately simple but not easy.

    Unless you have a diagnosed medical issue there is no need to restrict anything and there can be some downsides to taking carb restriction to extremes. Lack of energy, cramping, dry eyes/mouth, insomnia are not uncommon. And then you have stone cold fact that there is no significant metabolic advantage in doing so for most people.

    I like very few rules when it comes to nutrition, I have enough on my plate (ha!) without wondering if those potatoes are good for me (they are, by the way ;)).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    The only reason I limit carbs (but still go over my carb goal most days), is because carbs don't fill me up as much as protein or fat.
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    <- eats a lot of carbs.
  • Lorijp
    Lorijp Posts: 47 Member
    Hi guys.
    Another stupid question, please forgive me, but I just really would like an answers to this question.

    So I've always been told that carbs are bad, and that a low-carb diet is best for losing weight. Although I have cut down, I've been eating a lot of carbs during my weightloss and somehow I managed to lose 35kg(so far). I meat a lot of people who don't understand how that is, because they can't lose weight while eating bread, pasta, rice etc. so my questions is: does it matter how many carbs you eat as long as you're under your calorie count? I know that we should all aim to eat more
    protein, and less fat and carbs, but does it really matter as long as you stay within your calorie limit?

    I know this might be a stupid question, but y'all are all so smart and I'm sure you're gonna give me a good answer, and for that I'm grateful!

    I started out doing 30 and below carbs for several months then gradually added more carbs to 50-80. I go up and down from that now but I don't stray to far above. I try to do at least 20+ more in protein than what I do in carbs, if that helps you any. I found that cutting carbs does help in losing weight and there are so many things out there now that are low carbs.
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    If you're genuinely interested in trying low or no carb, then there's plenty of research and anecdotal evidence of people who've had success doing it. But I agree it's probably not necessary - there's also research and anecdotal evidence of people who've eaten tons of carbs, or moderate carbs, or any amount of carbs and who have successfully lost weight.

    I personally think that unless you're working out a lot that there's no reason to ingest a lot of carbs because your body doesn't need to glucose for your muscles, but it won't likely stop your weight loss if you eat them (I say likely only because there are people who've only seen success by cutting down on carbs).
  • dmorinn
    dmorinn Posts: 38 Member
    you need carbs for fuel, just make sure they're the right kind! When you're glucose and insulin levels are low, your body targets your muscle for nutrients and energy,
    just remember: that foods high in carbs should also be high in fiber so always check the macros
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    But I agree it's probably not necessary...

    There's nothing "probably" about it - it's NOT necessary, as the OP's own 35kg weight loss nicely demonstrates.