Beginning to run in my late 30's



  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    I'm 41 and started running for the first time in my life - I think you are ok at 38 =)

    You go!!
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
    I started running in 2009 when I was 46. I'm now 50 and have done a 100k, five 50 milers, nine 50ks and more half and full marathons than I can remember. As long as you're still breathing it's never to late to start anything. You just have to start.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    why not.. im training someone who is 60....
  • wkile76
    wkile76 Posts: 33 Member
    It's never too late! I am 37, and at the beginning of the year I started using the Couch to 5k app on my phone. I'm happy to say that this past weekend, I ran my first 5k fun run. I enjoy running now, so I say go for it
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    It's definitely not too late. I'm 35 now, started running a year and a half ago. I have asthma and I wasn't allowed to run the mile in school because of it. They wouldn't let me particpate in gym class and I was directed away from all athletics. As an adult I realized this was stupid and tried running. I had a couple failed c25k attempts, but now, though I'm not super fast (10:30 pace for runs 11-15 miles, 8:30 -9 for 5k) I can run 15 miles and it feels great. Changing your head is the hard part, once you do that, the running isn't so bad.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    And of course, there's Carson. From another planet. One where apparently everyone runs very well.

    Silly! :D

    I was born right here on good ole planet Earth. I started running at 35 doing 2 miles at a time on the treadmill. I weighed nearly 180 pounds at 5'4" tall. Now...I'm STILL 5'4" tall, but I weigh between 125 and 130, depending on my training cycle and I run a bit more than two miles at a clip now.

    So, no. You aren't too old.
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Another late starter here, did c25k last year at 36 years old, am now training for my first marathon. Go for it!!
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Hey guys this may sound crazy, but is it too late to "start" running at the age of 38? I have been walking at least 5 miles per day for the last year. I jog a bit but I get so winded and my thighs and knees hurt after just a short time. I have gone to a running store and purchased the correct shoes so I don't think that is my problem. Is it actually realistic to think that I can actually become a runner at my age. I have lost 75 pounds but still weigh 199 pounds. I am 5'9" and my goal is 175 lbs. I completed my first 5K just a couple of weeks ago. I walked the majority of the race but still came in at 42 minutes which I was pretty proud of. I have signed up to do another one next weekend here in my small town. I know there won't be a lot of people participating and I fear that I will come in dead lat. I just need some motivation and some honest answers. Thanks in advance!


    I stopped exercising in 1987. Fast forward to Dec 2010 and I started losing weight but was too heavy to run so I used the elliptical until June, 2011 when I hit 209.

    On August 18, 2011, I ran the America's Finest City Half Marathon in 2:21. I ran "slowly" because right after the race, I showered back at the hotel, got on my Goldwing and did a 1000 miles in a day ride from San Diego to Tucson and back to Orange County.

    The SPOT track is here ("SPOT" is a personal tracker that sends your position to a group of satellites in low orbit - your position can be plotted on a map).

    I was 55 years old when I started running.

    Since then, I've run another thousand miles or so (I got hit pretty hard by injury in 2012) but have trained at the 25 MPW level (+/-) for 11 months and will be increasing my speed and mileage for my next training cycle.

    38 too old? Hah! You're a youngster! ;-)
  • Firefighter4ever
    Get up and go! No excuses.

    I'm 37 and 35+ lbs over weight and hurl myself down the highway. If I can,....YOU CAN!
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    It is never too late! I started at around age 39 or 40 and just kept adding more time to it and now I can run much faster and longer than I have before! I love running!!
  • joek5637
    joek5637 Posts: 29 Member
    Heck no your are not to old I'm 52 an started running a year ago done 2 5ks an a walk going to do anther in a few weeks an doing a 10k next year I hope so you go girl
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I started at 38 almost 3 years ago. Couch to 5k to start, and in about 10 months, I won my first medal in a race! :drinker:
    GMANDREWK Posts: 8 Member
    It is never too late to start, or in some cases never too late to go back to an activity that you used to love.

    This past sunday, I went out and threw a football for about 45 minutes, then went and hit tennis balls for another 2 hours.
    I have not been on a tennis court in about ten years, & haven't thrown a ball in about 7 yrs.

    Needless to say it was not perfect, but it felt good to be out and doing those things again. I found that my legs don't respond to my brain command to run anymore, and I need to relearn tennis racket position ( hit a lot of balls off racket frame, nor could I find the sweet spot). I am sure this will come back as I play more.

    My body has been protesting since sunday, my arthritic knees & rib cage muscles most of all. Just my body reminding me that I am 57 and have not been active for awhile. I am determined to continue and work thru the pain or should I say discomfort.

    Check with your Dr to make sure that you can physically do the running. Aches and pains are one thing, heart or blood pressure issues are another.

    I would like to thank MFP for helping me lose close to 80 lbs (food log and adhering to calorie limits hold me accountable) and letting an older guy feel young again if only for an hour or two at a time.

    Keep up the walking/running
    MFP member,
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    Yet another testimony that it is not too late to star, I started road running @ age 47, and just completed my first marathon at age 49. I love it because it makes you feel good, and you see improvements (both physical & cognitive). And, I sleep better than I ever had, and I am more energized. SO worth it! :happy:
  • janer4jc
    janer4jc Posts: 238 Member
    Are you still breathing and able to walk? Then it's not too late.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I'm also 38 and just took up running this year - I LOVE IT! I wish I'd started earlier! I started with Couch to 5K and now run 30-40 minutes a few times a week. I'm working up my speed and stamina time and hoping to run a 5K in November. Girl, your 30s are the new 20, haven't you heard! It's never too late, but late 30s is not too late for most things in life.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I didn't start late but I bloomed late. I have been running most of my life but only got serious about it at age 43. Now at age 46 I am in the best shape of my life and running faster than I did when I was in high school (My 5K PR is 18:03). I've lost 45 pounds and feel great. Like Carson said, if I can do it, anyone can!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I started at 43. :smile: c25k got me started, and it will be 2 years in January since that first session, and I'm still going strong.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I started at 48 and even tho I sometimes feared a heart attack, one year later I'm still alive to talk about it! Run and have fun!
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    No, it's never too late. I started running a few years ago. When I first started I didn't want people to see me huffing and puffing so I'd get up extra early, run a block, walk a block, until I was able to run the entire way. Now, I love it! The longer I run, the more fun I have. It's a great stress reliever for me. I look forward to my runs.