Third times a charm, hopefully.

DRMiller Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Greetings everyone, well this is my third time back down the scale in recent years and hopefully the last. I am going to turn 53 next month and it isn't going to get any easier as the years go on. The first time about 6 - 7 years ago I lost over 40 pounds on Weight Watchers, kept it off for awhile but eventually got tired of eating the same old stuff (substitute food for the most part) and went back to my old ways and back up the scale. Next about two years ago not wanting to get back into the point track game I decided to follow what one of my sons was doing and just count calories. Found a computer program to help with the process and did good tracking my food intake and exercise and again lost around 40 pounds which again I kept off till I got tired of counting something again and back up the scale I went. This time I have again determined it is time to take it off and again I am going the calorie and exercise route but I also know I have to discipline my mind and body to stay away from the foods and habits that cause me to fail. So far so good and looking for a successful conclusion to this third journey. Oh, by the way I love the iPhone App, it is the best and easiest one I've found to date for tracking my progress.


  • Shel2Peru
    Shel2Peru Posts: 128 Member
    HOLA, from Peru. Years ago I too lost over 70 lbs, but regained it all and I'm on the road again........hoping for success............keep encouraged...........Shel (a missionary in Peru)
  • The best advice I can give is to get on the scale every morning. I do it as soon as I get up and it lets me know how my diet was the day before so I can adjust for the current day.
  • Can you recommend a good scale?
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