Coming off Effexor is the worst experience of my life!



  • amberxy
    amberxy Posts: 35 Member
    I've recently switched from Effexor to Pristiq due to high blood pressure, apparently Pristiq is easier to wean off but not sure if it's safe to have with a bub on the way. It looks to me that your tapering was done EXTREMELY quickly, which can lead very quickly to withdrawal symptoms. I'm no stranger to the brain zaps and all the other delights Effexor withdrawal has to offer; it's normal but that doesn't make it better! I hope you find some relief soon.


    Pristiq is not safe during pregnancy
  • Brunette122
    Brunette122 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm not sure your doctor did the right thing by weaning you off that quickly. I was on lexapro and I felt I was ready to get off of it. The first month I took a half a pill every day, the next month, a half a pill every other day, and the lastly, a quarter of a pill everyday. I had no problems getting off of it.

    It must be really scary going through that while you're pregnant. I heard lexapro is ok to take while prego. You may want to try that. Good luck and congrats! :)
  • kspexet
    kspexet Posts: 27 Member
    I was on Effexor for hot flashes (a very low dose). I decided to go off of it and I agree it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I had weird dizziness and it seemed like I would see things flash in my peripheral vision. Some people describe it as a buzz or snap in the brain that occurs around the eyes. This lasted for months after I quit taking it. I would never take it again!
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    I have been on Effexor since losing my mom 6 years ago. I never want to be without it, I truly believe it makes me a better wife and mother. I found out I was pregnant after I had been on it for a few months, I was on a lower dosage (still am) of 75mg. I continued to take that my entire pregnancy and for the 9th month my dr weaned me off very slowly. She weaned me off slow enough that I did not have many side effects, but I was ETREMELY *****Y :). I went back on a few months later and I am still on. P.S. The pregnancy produced a beautiful, perfect boy who is now 5.
    I'm very glad you posted this, thank you!

    I too am very happy on the drug and as mentioned my reasonings are based on genetics, so no amount of therapy is going to help me at all. and I would love to have a baby at some point, so hearing your little boy is 5 and perfectly fine, is great to hear.

    I don't think effexor would be a good choice for anyone who needs to only be on it short term. Also a lot of different anti depressant have very different effects on others and sometimes it takes a long time to find one that works for you. I was on other medications (3 different ones at the same time) prior to being on effexor but that (well one of them) just stopped working for me one day for no apparent reason - I didn't even know that could happen, but it evidently has been documented

    but also agree with making some people a bit nutty and also a bit agressive. I know of a couple who were going to break up and when he went off effexor all the issues in the relationship were resolved because it totally changed him. And another person who was being extremely aggresive (mostly to inanimate objects thankfully - but he did hurt himself hitting walls and things).

    And OP - the emotional thing is very common - like I said I get effects within 6 hrs of missing a dose (mostly I do ok with remembering) but if I find myself in tears and feeling really out of control, I always double check that first (then my time of month, because that makes me totally nuts too!) after verifying both the others are not the reason, then I will actually concern myself with dealing with the emotion :D

    Hopefully your symptoms are short lived. I still don't know anything that is supposed to help. But I have definitely heard pregnant women shouldn't take St John's Wort so don't go there. (I have nothing to back that up it is second hand information)
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    No kidding. I'm not off it yet, but I'm down to 75mg from 150. The doctor was totally wrong about how to taper it off too. Since I had 150 mg capsules she told me to take one every other day and nothing the other days. I was so sick. So I asked Dr. Internet and started measuring out the little balls inside the capsules. I'm planning on staying at 75 for awhile. I do think Effexor helped my depression better than any of the SSRI's, but withdrawing from it is horrible.

    I discovered that heavy exercise does really help my depression, so I'm hoping to get off medication totally someday, but if I can't, it's not the worse thing in the world.
  • Davy_RockHit214
    Davy_RockHit214 Posts: 60 Member
    I had dr appointment this morning. I'm aprox 8 weeks along... find out due date next week with ultrasound. The machine they have in post falls office wasn't sufficient to measure baby. I called in sick. I only got 2 hrs of sleep last two days each plus still feeling severly messed up from effexor withdrawal. OBGYN wants me to wait couple days see if I start to tolerate better and if not she'll order Prozac.
  • My fiancé takes suboxone, it's a medication for former drug addicts that blocks the opiates in the brain from allowing you to get high if you were to relapse. He tried to stop taking it because he felt like he was at a point where he would be okay and he was on the bathroom floor withdrawing for about 3 weeks (no exaggeration)... It was horrible to see, I couldn't imagine going through it.

    I can't believe some of the medications out there now with so many side effects and withdrawl problems.. I'm sorry you and many others had to go through this..

    best of luck with the new baby :)
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    I agree 100%

    Effexor helped me a LOT while I was on it. I too was on 150mg, but let me tell ya... when I went off of it, SLOWLY, I thought I was going to die. I thought I was sick the whole time... nausea, anxiety, and my moods got worse!!! :/

    I'm glad I'm off of them.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I took Effexor .. and it didn't work that well for me. So I stopped it .. and experienced no problems with that.

    Guess some others have not had such good results.
  • dshawv
    dshawv Posts: 1
    i tried it at a rough time in my life when I got off is was a very scary experience. went back to a previous med and have stayed there.
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    I am so sorry you are having to go through this! I was on Paxil when I was much younger and I still vividly remember the withdrawals. I think the most important thing to know, like you said already, that these symptoms are common. You are not alone and you are not crazy. The symptoms WILL subside and you will feel normal again. I also agree with the poster who advised you to "not fight it". Just let the feelings flow over you and hang on to your husband for support. Being an LMSW, (I'm an LBSW :ohwell: ) I'm sure that you know that you need to call upon all of your support system right now. Have you expressed how you feel to your husband so he can have some idea of why you aren't yourself right now? I hate when my husband (or anyone for that matter) says this, but it is apropos here...) hang in there. This too shall pass!
  • Davy_RockHit214
    Davy_RockHit214 Posts: 60 Member
    Yes, I told my husband. At first he acted supportive but then it became evident that he really didn't understand. Then I had a very dramatic night. I just lost it, sobbing for over an hour. After that, his whole attitude towards my situation became genuine and has been doing a good job being here for me. Because I am a very open person and work in a mental health agency, I decided to tell my supervisors and they have been very kind hearted and empathetic as well. But the most helpful thing so far is hearing all of the stories from people that have been through the same thing.
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    so glad all is going well (well other than the damn withdrawals that is!)
    your hubby is supportive, work is supportive, and you have also found support here...
    it will be over soon and then you can concentrate on your exciting going to have a baby stuff!

    oh... if you have weird bad dreams - that is withdrawals too

    I honestly think a lot of doctors are not as aware of the (potential) withdrawal symptoms (or the severity) a lot have when trying to stop taking this. I have heard a lot of stories about people trying to wean off and it being bad after doing exactly as advised by the doctor. Probably because usually side effects and withdrawals are particular to very small parts of the population, whereas, it really seems as though with effexor the opposite is true.
  • Davy_RockHit214
    Davy_RockHit214 Posts: 60 Member
    Yes, my dreams have been more bizarre than normal! One thing that bothered me today at OBGYN was when my dr was trying to convince me that it may not be withdrawals as much as morning sickness. Almost like a secret code to protect. Very discouraging. I told her its hard to focus on baby when I'm feeling this crappy! I wanted to be excited today. What a bummer.
  • fimoore68
    fimoore68 Posts: 2 Member
    Ah yes, my doctor blamed the withdrawal on morning sickness and gave me some anti sickness pills, which actually did help a lot. I can promise you 100% it does get better, stick with it! The first trimester you cry a lot anyway, just let it all out and remember IT WILL PASS. Let all those feelings flow over you and accept that it is just the withdrawal and not you going nuts.
  • Davy_RockHit214
    Davy_RockHit214 Posts: 60 Member
    I decided last night that I'm gonna ride this wave. To get a better perspective about things and push through this difficult time. If I can keep in mind that it will pass, stay focused on the positive outcome, I'll be much better off. I have been fighting against these symptoms, defiant towards them, frustrated and trying to problem solve my way through. Now I'm going to try to accept them for what they are and embrace each wave so that I'm ready to stand up for the next one. Its time to take the advice I would give my clients and get this party started. After all, I'm having a baby!!!!!
  • I have been taking Prozac, and Trazadone for sleep for many years, and have been on it in the past. For me, this combination works extremely well. Due to my low tolerance for drugs of this kind, I am on the lowest dose that can be bought, and even then I usually cut the Trazadone in half. I'm not pregnant, and since I have been through menopause, that will never be an issue. I have tried going off again, but after about a month gave up, and decided that I would be on this for the rest of my life. I never groggy or doped up. I sleep the full 8 hours a night, and wake up feeling fully awake. I have no regrets about this. If, in fact, Prozac is safe while you are pregnant, you might try it, knowing that you may need help with sleep.

    All the best, congratulations on your pregnancy, and I hope you give birth to wonderful, healthy infant!
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    I was on Effexor for approx. 3 years and took 1 year to completely come off of it...from 225 mg to 0. It did what I needed it for, and even with the super slow weaning off, I still suffered brain zaps.
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    I agree, coming of Effexor is the worst! I had no control over my emotions and went totally psychotic for awhile. Luckily all is well and it's been almost a decade since I had to take anything for depression. Congratulations on your pregnancy!
  • rlinaresv
    rlinaresv Posts: 108
    I'm sorry you have these issues. I'm really surprised how many people have to take pills for depression. Is there anything else that can be done instead of having pills? Don't get me wrong please, I believe depression is bad but I was wondering if you can treat it with something else more "natural" if you like. I haven't had to deal with something like this (thanks God) so that's why I'm quite ignorant.

    I hope you get better