Sweating for the wedding!

So my wedding is in May of 2014 and I just had a son in June. I was overweight before the baby so I won't blame it on him and I've almost lost all of the baby weight but I would still like to lose as much weight as I can before the big day gets here. I could really use some support and friends on here! Please add me. :)


  • haymancm
    haymancm Posts: 280 Member
    Congrats on your wedding!! That sounds like so much fun!!! You've still got lots of time to drop the weight with sweat, diet, & commitment. Starting today, not tomorrow to begin the progress is key. You can do this. <3

    Add me if you'd like. :)
  • pugsleyjean
    pugsleyjean Posts: 135 Member
    Fellow bride to be here! I have till next October to get where I want to be. It's been a tough ride but totally worth it. I have lost around 30lbs since March and looking for another 10 or so. Best of luck to you, with hard work and determination you will get to your goal!
  • sm_usagi
    sm_usagi Posts: 89 Member
    I just did this over the last year or so, happy to help support and motivate!

    Someone pulled me aside at my wedding and was like "Whatever you're doing - keep doing it!"

    I was tracking calories with MFP, and doing a boot camp class 2-4 times a week (I called it bridal boot camp!).
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Hey, my wedding's next May, too! Since I've started losing weight, I've lost about 50 pounds and have about 10 more to go. We got this. :)
  • wwest21
    wwest21 Posts: 99 Member
    Congratulations! No wedding for me but it was the prospect of being in a wedding that prompted me to start losing weight. :)
  • DaniNicole321
    Thanks for all the support guys :) I'm trying to stay focused with a 4 month old so I need all the help I can get!
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I have such mixed feelings about this. I really dislike how women have so much pressure to lose weight for their weddings. Some questions I think every bride-to-be should ask herself...

    Are you doing this because you want to make a healthy life change, or because the wedding industry complex tells you that you need to?

    Are you going on a fad diet to drop pounds asap, or planning out nutritious meals?

    Is this something you plan to continue after the wedding, or are you going to 'let yourself go' ?
  • Sweatinglikeapigtolooklikeafox

    my boyfriend proposed to me a week ago and we are looking at a 2016 date, a little way off but need to save up for a house and such first.

    Feel free to add me as I am looking for new friends to motivate and vice versa xx
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I'm getting married in June!

    I've been a member here for over 2 years, got engaged in October. I've known mfp for longer than I've known him. I didn't start the fitness journey because of the wedding, but YES it is giving me a kick in the pants to really take it seriously! I got a bit lazy before that and gained weight. I really want to look good for my wedding but will maintain after that too. I don't have any unrealistic expectations and don't have any ideas of losing more weight than is manageable.

    Congrats! Feel free to add me.
  • carlye_slover
    Congrats! I'm getting married in March 2014! We got engaged at the end of July, but I am just now seriously attacking my weight- my first dress fitting is in 5 weeks!
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    Mmipanda.. It is rude to imply that is why the women on here want to lose weight and get healthy, and does it really matter what motivates you?? Not really.
    You keep these memories and pictures for life, and you only do it once so why wouldn't one want to look their absolute best on their wedding day, I certainly do:-)

    I didn't imply anything. Maybe you're projecting, if you take offense to the questions I posted. I personally wouldn't want to peak on my wedding day (which is in March) - I want to keep getting fitter and slimmer after it too.
  • sm_usagi
    sm_usagi Posts: 89 Member
    That's why I'm still here and losing weight, and my wedding was three months ago!

    I started losing weight before we were engaged (six months or so) and still have a little ways to go, and haven't lost anything drastic, but I didn't see any harm in using the wedding, and the idea of hundreds of people focussed on me for the day, and spending thousands of dollars on a photographer to make permanent memories of the day, as extra motivation to get toned and healthy!

    Look at it this way. We want everyone to be healthy. Sometimes people need a reason to kickstart their weightloss journey. And yes, sometimes people lose weight unhealthily and for what we would consider the wrong reasons. But even if only some fraction of the people who start on MFP catch the healthy bug and make it a lifestyle change and not a diet, then that is still a huge number of people who are living a healthier life. So let's all be supportive and encouraging and sure, remind people what is healthy and what is not. :)
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    I started losing weight shortly after I started dating my fiancé. The summer we started dating, I lost 30 pounds doing nothing but baling hay and trying to make a few smarter choices with my nutrition. Until that point, I hadn't believed I could lose weight and keep it off. I loved how I felt and looked, and he was extremely supportive of me planning out and sticking to a healthier lifestyle. This was before we knew we were going to get married.

    I've been making changes because I love how I feel, but now that I have a wedding to look forward to, it's a fun way to push myself harder. I never want to stop being healthy - I feel too good to go back. I just like stringing a lot of short-term goals together to keep me moving along my long-term goals. Looking good in my wedding pictures is a big motivator, but it's not the end.

    My fiancé could outrun, outlift, and outwork me with no problem whatsoever when we started dating. Now he's having a hard time keeping up with me! Though I still let him open pickle jars and carry heavy stuff. :)
  • DaniNicole321
    My wedding was my biggest motivation, not my only reason and I'd rather not have any negativity on here when all I asked for was support. My lifestyle doesn't end when my wedding does but that doesn't mean I don't want to look good for the pictures that will live on forever. If you plan on being rude please pass right by this post and my journey.
  • litoria
    litoria Posts: 239 Member
    What is it with weddings and weight loss? It was seeing myself in my friend's wedding pics that made me realise I needed to lose weight! (I looked old, fat and VERY drunk!). Seriously, enjoy the process and the reward at the end is a big party :)
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Mmipanda.. It is rude to imply that is why the women on here want to lose weight and get healthy, and does it really matter what motivates you?? Not really.
    You keep these memories and pictures for life, and you only do it once so why wouldn't one want to look their absolute best on their wedding day, I certainly do:-)

    I didn't imply anything. Maybe you're projecting, if you take offense to the questions I posted. I personally wouldn't want to peak on my wedding day (which is in March) - I want to keep getting fitter and slimmer after it too.

    I'm all for trash-talking the wedding industry, as I hold some grumbles still towards it (got married this past May), but I don't think anyone here is saying, "I want to look my best on the wedding day and never improve." The fact that OP is saying, "I LOST weight already, but want to strive for more before the wedding" might be inferred as a, "I'm striving to do more and be more."

    Particularly when there's a gazillion brides on here who haven't just upped and stopped what they were doing post-wedding. I'm definitely still doing my thing post-wedding on here.

    And, as others said--it's the pictures. You'll be looking at them a long time. Sure, you might get slimmer and tighter post-wedding... but why not strive for improved fitness and health before? Hell, working on nutrition is a good bet to keep the immune system up with all the stress around planning a wedding.
  • HealthyLinz
    Congrats!! I'm planning a July wedding, and I feel you on wanting to look good in pictures, but I also want to start my married life as a healthier person. I have a 2.5 year old that keeps me on my toes too, so finding time to dedicate to working out I hard but manageable when she's on schedule. I wish you all the best on your journey, and feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • gahdess59
    I will be wearing a white dress in 2015. I am eager to try on dresses but do not want to do so until I am happy about my weight/size. I only want to lose 10 to 15lbs. However it is not easy. It is great to see so many with similar goals. Provides great motivation to see everyone's progress.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    My big day is in January 2014 (less than 80 days away now! Eeep!) My 'journey', for lack of a better term, started last year when I realised just how out of control my weight was getting. I've been overweight for 10 years now, and really despairing of my habits and whole attitude to the weight loss thing. I managed to get 8kg off in time to be a bridesmaid for my sister's wedding last year in November, but let things go again early this year after we set the date and I think I just got a bit complacent. After returning to my start weight I have managed to get 16kg of the 20kg I desperately needed to lose off already. I won't be going too much further now as my dress can only be taken in so much, but after the wedding I plan on taking on a bigger training load and really building the body I desire.

    While I knew I needed to do something, it's really been the kick in the pants I needed. I hate pictures of myself at the best of times. I have been disappointed in myself for years for letting it go this far. I didn't want to look back at pictures of the wedding and feel like I didn't do everything I possibly could to look happy and healthy. Good luck to all of you xxx
  • rachelmowen1
    rachelmowen1 Posts: 8 Member

    Congratulations on your wedding!!!!!

    Just added you. I'm getting married in April and I'm hoping to get down to a size 10/12 from 14.

    I hope you reach your goal :)