Happy New Year

Well I just found this web site and I'm hoping it'll help. I've had a few minor health issues and I need to make some changes before they get worst. So hopefully with the help of some information off of here and support of people with some of the same goals I can get it done.


  • wkoon76
    wkoon76 Posts: 22
    Well I just found this web site and I'm hoping it'll help. I've had a few minor health issues and I need to make some changes before they get worst. So hopefully with the help of some information off of here and support of people with some of the same goals I can get it done.
  • mildrede40
    I was diagnosed with MS in July 1997. Since that fateful day, life has changed drasticallyI lose over 125 pounds. But in the last couple of years I have failed to workout and watch my diet. I have gained over 65 pounds back.

    I wish you the absolute best of luck! I'm sure you can achieve the goals you are looking for as long as you are honest with yourself and have some motivation! Welcome and let me know if there is anything I can assist with!!