always going over my calories :(

im feeling discouraged because i am supposed to consume 1200 calories to achieve my weight loss goal but i always go over my 600-700 more :( how can i make this habit stop!! i cant eat less because i am always hungry :frown:


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You don't have to eat so little. Have you worked out what your TDEE is and then taken a cut from that? I'm eating 1700 at the moment.
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    Could you not try burning those extra calories in exercise? That way you won't have to restrict your food so much.
  • jbolarinho88
    You don't have to eat so little. Have you worked out what your TDEE is and then taken a cut from that? I'm eating 1700 at the moment.

    k this is gonna sound dumb, but what is TDEE? i only know my bmr
  • jbolarinho88

    real bad :( i feel like im starving though
  • MillyFleurs
    MillyFleurs Posts: 57 Member
    Meet it halfway, you don't have to eat at that steep a deficit especially if you're struggling.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You don't have to eat so little. Have you worked out what your TDEE is and then taken a cut from that? I'm eating 1700 at the moment.

    k this is gonna sound dumb, but what is TDEE? i only know my bmr

    Use this to work it out but where it asks for what your goal weight is put your current weight. It means total daily energy expenditure.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    The ticker on your profile says you only have 13 lbs to lose? If that's the case, you should have your goals set to lose 1/2 a pound a week. 1200 may very well not be enough for you. As mentioned above me, definitely research your TDEE and figure out how much fuel your body actually needs. =o)
  • jewelsndrugs
    Do you drink a lot of water?
  • kanamade
    Even if you go over, if you have a deficit and keep that up, you will lose the weight you want. It just might take a little bit longer!
  • jessicahartpollock
    My daily goal is 1300. One thing that helps me stay between 1200-1300 is ALWAYS eating a protein with anything else I eat. Carbs satisfy in the moment but Protein keeps you fuller LONGER. If you want you can add me as a friend. I have an open diary so you can see what I've been doing to meet that limit.
  • rawrrgenn
    rawrrgenn Posts: 118 Member
    come up with a consequence for breaching the calorie amount you want to intake...for example, for every day you breach you would give 1 dollar away or lose time on your phone/ computer... the consequence would have to be aversive enough to make you stick to your guns. if you set your mind to it- it can be done... and it helps if you tell a close friend about it so as to hold you accountable. :)

    edit: make sure are are taking in enough calories per day though and are going for a realistic/safe number
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    without seeing your diary it's hard to really pin point the areas to change. also not knowing your start and goal wt makes it hard to give you a good answer....weight comes off faster for some people who have more to lose, but that last 10-15 lbs is hard, 0.5-1 lb a week is a normal healthy loss

    Vegetables are your friend, they are low calorie, high nutrient and will fill you up without filling you out. broth based vegetable soups are also good "fillers" to help with hunger.

    Water and caffine free teas are also good as they help fill you up, and thirst and hunger often get confused for one another.

    Eating beter takes practice, if 1200 is too low, but you are typically eating 1900, then meet in the middle. if you do decide to eat 1200 you probably need to eat back your exercise calories or you will end up feeling STARVING

    The other thing I battle with is am I hungry or am I _________ (insert any emotion here, I love to eat my feelings)
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member
    I'm sure ur not Eating enough,...and I'm saying that without knowing ur size and stats :)

    I'm 5'3,170 and eat 1900 min a day and more on workout days. Losing body fat and inches too and have lost over 30 in a year .

    Listen to ur body and eat. Make sure it's good fats like almonds, fish/salmon, plenty greens and healthy carbs like brown rice, yams, etc

    I took a metabolic test at my gym to determine my calories I need for a day. Very few can truly live off 1200/ day.

    Grub grub!
    Shan, atl
  • jbolarinho88
    I'm sure ur not Eating enough,...and I'm saying that without knowing ur size and stats :)

    I'm 5'3,170 and eat 1900 min a day and more on workout days. Losing body fat and inches too and have lost over 30 in a year .

    Listen to ur body and eat. Make sure it's good fats like almonds, fish/salmon, plenty greens and healthy carbs like brown rice, yams, etc

    I took a metabolic test at my gym to determine my calories I need for a day. Very few can truly live off 1200/ day.

    Grub grub!
    Shan, atl

    thanks a bunch :)
  • Gkfrkv
    Gkfrkv Posts: 120
    1. How tall are you, what's your weight and what is your goal?
    2. How much do you plan on losing in a week, how long time are you planning on your weight loss?
    3. What is your activity level? If you have problems keeping under your goal, you could up your activity level and eat a little more.

    My plan (I'm new today!) is to eat between 1300 and 1500 depending on how active I am on any given day, because on the day I work I'm not active at all.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    You have 10 lbs to lose and you're at 1200 calories a day? May I ask why?
  • jbolarinho88
    1. How tall are you, what's your weight and what is your goal?
    2. How much do you plan on losing in a week, how long time are you planning on your weight loss?
    3. What is your activity level? If you have problems keeping under your goal, you could up your activity level and eat a little more.

    My plan (I'm new today!) is to eat between 1300 and 1500 depending on how active I am on any given day, because on the day I work I'm not active at all.

    i am short :) exactly 5 feet.i currently weigh 128 and dont really want to lose weight, only my big tummy, but unfortunatley i can't "spot" diet
  • jbolarinho88
    You have 10 lbs to lose and you're at 1200 calories a day? May I ask why?

    reason being is because myfitness says i should consume only 1200 in order to loose 1 pound a week. plus i don't like to exercise much, which may be the main reason
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You have 10 lbs to lose and you're at 1200 calories a day? May I ask why?

    reason being is because myfitness says i should consume only 1200 in order to loose 1 pound a week. plus i don't like to exercise much, which may be the main reason

    I would set my goal to lose no more than 1/2 lb. a week and figure your tdee and really consider getting in some exercise, especially lifting weights..... Best of Luck