taking vitamins and now my hunger has changed

Ok i started taking a centrum multi vitamin and an extra B12 vitamin. Now for some reason my Hunger has totally changed on me. I am not hungry no where near as often and i am not eating as much. if you look at my profile from saturday on because i started taking the vitamins on friday. Today is even worse! i am only at 583 cal so far and i am feeling so full! i couldnt even eat the rest of my cottage cheese and pineapple! i packed 8 oz of it and i took maybe 3 spools full of it and i feel so stuffed! what do you think it is with these vitamins i am taking? should i stop? is this a good thing? Maybe my body was missing something and the vitamins are now filling those needs?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    You body needed the vitamins, no doubt, but you do still need to get those food nutrients and calories, too. I believe a lot of over-eating comes from the body's need for some nutrient it is missing.

    Eat your recommended calories. It's important.
  • sparky53
    sparky53 Posts: 1
    I have a problem taking vitamins too. Sometimes they upset my stomach. Are you taking them with food or on an empty stomach? If i don't eat before I take them, I get sick.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    eat before you take the vitamins next time? for bodys probably just flooded with the stuff. you'll pee out the excess and your appetite will likely return.
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    I take them usually on an empty stomach. my stomach never hurts but i just dont feel hungry anymore! Like this morning i had those three eggs and i was full until 11 and then i had my protein shake which i forgot to add to my foods list today but i pretty much had to force myself to eat lunch at 1 because i almost wasn't hungry! weird right?
  • d2rala
    d2rala Posts: 54
    You need to eat when you take calcium, otherwise your body won't absorb it as it is intended to. Vitamins are a supplement not a meal replacement.
    Also, there are 2 types of vitamins, water soluble and fat soluble. The water ones, you will pee out the excess, that fat will be stored. So BE CAREFUL on what types of vitamins you are adding.
    Also let your doctor know what supplements you are taking. My doc upped my addition of fish oil and vitamin d as a result of blood work.
  • mrnice1058
    mrnice1058 Posts: 54 Member
    this is what i am taking

    with this

    not sure which one i have but that is what i am taking. no hunger pains but my water had increased like my body is demanding more water then anything else.
  • maf66
    maf66 Posts: 211 Member
    I take vitamins, just started recently and I noticed I no longer have cravings. I take mine with my breakfast and many days I will just have 2 or 3 snacks instead of a big lunch, other days I will have lunch and only 1 snack before or after dinner.

    I looked at your food diary and one thing I notice is that you're eating a lot of protein. Protein keeps you full longer. I have my protein intake set at 100g/day. I strive for 30g per meal and 10g per snack. It usually balances out in the end. I just started this website so my diary doesn't yet reflect what I'm eating on a daily basis, but it will. I am also trying to increase my fiber intake and that too will keep you full longer. It looks to me like you're eating well and could maybe eat more healthy fats like olive oil and avocado, That would increase your caloric intake and give you some essential amino acids. You need to eat fat to burn fat, as odd as it sounds, its true!

    Perhaps you could have your protein shake with breakfast and then no snack before lunch? Just a thought!
  • Its actually healthier to eat small snacks every two to three hours than to eat three big meals