First 5K tomorrow - Need weather advice!

Tomorrow morning, I'm running my first 5k! Yay!

However, the weather has taken a turn with a cold snap coming in. (Unfortunately, my two last runs have had to be inside because of scheduling issues). I'm concerned with wearing enough/too much clothing.

The weather forecast:

Tonight's low: 32 (7am) with some snow showers/possible morning rain as well.
Tomorrow's high: 50

It is a trail run through the woods, and starts at 10am.

My outfit I had planned: compression capri pants and a short-sleeved t-shirt (It's a Halloween race, so I got a Wonder Woman shirt with an attached cape).

Last week I ran at night, and since it was chilly I wore a long sleeved t-shirt, but that was too hot for me after running. It was a little warmer than it will be in the morning. Should I buy one of those dry fit long sleeve shirts (and forgo the costume)? Will they keep me warmer than a t-shirt (but not too warm)?


  • TimeWarp9
    I have found that once I start running, I warm up fairly quickly. The moisture wicking shirts are great, but it would be a shame to have to forego your costume! I recommend wearing layers that can be removed as you get warm - the problem is finding the discarded layer when the run is done or having to carry it.

    If it it not TOO cold at the start of the race, wear a jacket until just right before race time. Ditch it as soon as you line up for the start of the race and run in just your planned outfit. I've done this when it was in the high 40s and did ok, but I'm wondering if I could do it in the 30s. Put the jacket back on immediately once the race is done.

    5ks are so fun - have a great time!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    This is a tough question due to the costume issue...that said, for colder weather races I have worn a crappy long sleeve shirt over my shirt that I wanted to wear for the race. Then if I get too hot during the race I just toss the long sleeved shirt on the side of the road. You can go back for it if you really want, but I've always made it a shirt I didn't care about! :drinker:

    Good luck!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I have found that once I start running, I warm up fairly quickly. The moisture wicking shirts are great, but it would be a shame to have to forego your costume! I recommend wearing layers that can be removed as you get warm - the problem is finding the discarded layer when the run is done or having to carry it.

    If it it not TOO cold at the start of the race, wear a jacket until just right before race time. Ditch it as soon as you line up for the start of the race and run in just your planned outfit. I've done this when it was in the high 40s and did ok, but I'm wondering if I could do it in the 30s. Put the jacket back on immediately once the race is done.

    5ks are so fun - have a great time!

    My husband will be there at the start/finish line with the kids, so I'll have a jacket buddy! I warm up pretty quickly, too. I just don't know if it will be a shock to my system lol.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Always dress for 10 degrees warmer than it truly is, because when your core temp raises you won't be so cold. Before the race, wear a hoodie or something. Wear that while you do a short -SLOW- jog, maybe 5 minutes or so (you can alternate run/walk here if you like) to get your body temp up (thus why it is called a warm up lol) and by the time you are ready to go and lining up you should be able to ditch the sweater.

    If your hands get cold, you can grab some cheap, cheap mittens (think dollar store $1 cheap crap gloves) and once your hands get warm you can just toss those to the side of the course.

    Then at the end have that sweater on standby incase you get cold.
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    I ran a race this past weekend and stood around in 35 degree weather for over a hour and half waiting for the race to start. All I had on were thin compression capris, a thin long sleeve wicking shirt and a fleece vest. OMG FREEZING! Believe'll want your bare skin covered. Depending on when your race starts, it will probably won't warm up much from start to finish. I'd layer a thin long sleeve shirt under your costume t-shirt at the very least.
  • scorpio516
    scorpio516 Posts: 955 Member
    Mid 40s and sunny for me, I'd switch it up: long sleeves and shorts. That's how I ran last night, with the added bonus of a 25 MPH headwind :( . I always run in a hat when the sun is up, or else I'll burn my big hairless melon of a head :D

    Mid 40s and rain? That's miserable ;) I'd add gloves and a hat.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks, everyone! Wearing a shirt under my short-sleeve shirt is not an option (I got the largest size available and it's still very fitting at this point).

    I may either go for the long sleeve shirt as a substitute (and forgo the wonder woman shirt), or wrap the long sleeve shirt around my waist. (Retrieving something from the course would require going through the course since it's in a wooded park).
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Since it sounds like you do not like to be too warm when you run I would wear a jacket and take it off right before you start. You might be cold for a few minutes but you will warm up pretty fast. Show off that costume!
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    Buy a pair of cheap socks and cut the foot off. These then make great arm warmers. You can wear them until you get too hot and then just throw them out at a water stop.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Well, it looks like snow is now out of the forecast, and the projected temp at 10am tomorrow is supposed to be 40 degrees. That seems warm enough for a run. :D
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i think what you plan on wearing is perfect. you'll warm up pretty quickly. remember do not wear the race t shirt until AFTER the race (you haven't earned the right to wear it until you finish) :)

    have FUN!!!! celebrate! and a BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  • rileyhunter169
    If I were you; I would just... Run in shorts and fast dry T-shirt with semi good shoes you plan on retiring soon. It doesn't make a difference after you start running. Don't be afraid of a little old and wet; that's life. Jackets and sweats are acceptable for warm ups though.
  • brunotolosa

    Your dilemma regarding your outfit is something I ALWAYS struggle with so I am no good for such advices. :)

    Let us know how it goes
  • SusanUW83
    SusanUW83 Posts: 152 Member
    If weather is variable, I pick up a ls tshirt or sweatshirt at Goodwill and just leave it behind when I get hot. The socks into arm warmers is a good idea -- or if you have a fanny pack and real arm warmers you could tuck them away after you get warmed up.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I have this same issue - I have a Halloween race on Sunday. I don't have anyone to hold my stuff for me. I think I'm just going to risk freezing to death. I am so unprepared for my race. I rarely run - and even less likely to run outside! Oh well - just going to go and have fun!

    Enjoy your race! Good luck!
  • TammyW18
    TammyW18 Posts: 244 Member
    50 degrees I'm in tee an shorts
    40s tee compression long sleeve shirt shorts
    30s running tights tee and long sleeve shirt
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member

    I did it!

    Had a costuming issue this morning (shirt was a little too snug still for my comfort *sigh), so I wore a comfy Mickey and Minnie shirt to at least be wearing something.

    I think there were 24 runners that participated (it was a small race!) but it was quite brutal. (A lot of hills - one of them had some nickname I forgot). I ran through most of it, but the hills really got to me so I had to do a little walking.

    I think 5 people finished behind me, so not bad. Not sure on the time as my phone app wasn't working, but I will find out officially later.

    And I was fine warmth wise from the waist up, but my butt was freezing! Oh well, I've learned for the next time (and learned not to do any 5Ks at this location for awhile).
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,452 Member
    Congrats! This is amazing! I have my first one in Nov, and our stats look similar. You've given me hope that I can do it, too. Well done :-)
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I just ran one this morning (22 min 36 secs ... I was so proud of myself; I felt like I could have gone faster, but the cold made my lungs burn) ..., it was 37ish F in the shade and 40ish F in the sun. I wore, leggings, a shelf tank, thermal long-sleeved Tee, and a Soffe ribbed tank over it ... and gloves ... (EDIT) and cat ears ... No Under Armor stuff ...I was fine ... You don't want to be comfortable outside when the race starts, you'll get to hot while running, for sure ... Plus, too much bulk will impede your running ...
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I just got my official time: 43:30:21

    I was hoping for under 42 minutes (I've been able to do 5K in less than that 3 times), but with the cold weather and the extreme hills (and wooded terrain), I feel good about that time. Especially since I had to walk part of it.

    On to the Turkey Trot! :)