New, Shy, Scared, and Alone



  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Hey there, I am losing all alone too but I joined Dietbet. It's not much to join a game. You can join for as little as $10 and some games are $30. I joined a game on Sept. 24th, it cost me $30. I lost 10.8 pounds and won $49.00. So in reality it was free, fun and I made money too. Check it out. I think you will enjoy it.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. I was the fat one in my circle of family and friends so I can relate to going at this "alone". I am currently in college for physical therapy...after losing this weight and gaining a love for fitness it lead me in this direction. Feel free to add me and I would love to support you along your weight loss.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    Hi there, you may be new and shy but once you joined MFP you were no longer alone.

    I've sent you an add request, new friend. :0)
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    all you need to understand to get started is to understand what your BMR/TDEE are, how to calculate them, how to choose a proper calorie deficit from TDEE, and how to set your macros (i only track fats and protein, but others also track fiber, sodium, etc.). once you've got those basics down, it's just a matter of logging everything honestly and accurately. meet your goals more days than not and the weight will start to come off.

    start your education here:

    i'd also suggest joining that group and reading everything in there. IMHO, it's the best "derp free zone" on this whole site.

    Hi - What the above poster said... ^^^

    When I finally understood what BMR/TDEE was all about - yes.. .it is tough at first. It made all the difference in the world.

    Also..there are many good groups here you can browse. Also.. I try to read as many success stories because they are positive.

    To be honest there are so many ways to do it. People here will be fanatic about their approach... step back, read, learn and you will find a good way! Good luck :smile:

    What they said. There are some idiots here. There are some crazies here. You'll discover them soon enough. But there are also some amazing, generous, and utterly fabulous people here too. Seek these people out.

    You've got this, because now you want it. Just keep after it and you'll get to where you want to be. And a year from now, you'll be wondering why you were afraid.
  • Bama56
    Bama56 Posts: 101 Member
    welcome to MFP!

    There is no reason to feel shy, scared or alone here, MFP is full of people that are experiencing / have been through all the things you are facing. There are numerous people that will be glad to provide you with any assistance possible and provide support along the way. Send me a message if you ever have any questions.
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome!! You completed the first step by starting MFP. We all need encouragement and support. I'm here if you need me. Add me if you'd like.
  • Zibberroo
    Zibberroo Posts: 31 Member
    Welcome to a wonderfully supportive group of people. I am actually just now getting acquainted with this site as well. I have had the application for a long time, but did not really start using it until this month. I glad that I finally took the time to organize my life and do so, as it is proving to be a very valuable tool. Between the knowledge that you will discover and track in your daily life, to the help, advice, experience and support that the other users provide, this is the place to come if you have a goal that you take seriously.
  • aftonslater
    aftonslater Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome :) myfitnesspal is an awesome awesome place! you can totally reach all your goals. feel free to add me if you want :)
  • duanepuddin
    No need to bescared or shy. Everyone on here has the same goals and understands what you are trying to accomplish. Dont worry about others think. There are all kinds of people on here that are only a message a way for support and friendship! :)
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    You are not so different from the rest of us. Many of us have always known what we needed to do, but lacked the courage and cofidence to do it. I was very shy early in my life, but as I've gotten older I've realized that I missed out on a lot because I was afraid. I was afraid I'd fail, afraid I'd look foolish, afraid some one would laugh, etc... Learning to let yourself live is tough, but living a full life is so rewarding. Glad you are here. Feel free to add me. I'm 5'1, my max weight not pregnant was 186-19?, fitness got me down to 140-150, finally adding nutrition has me in the 120's most of the time. I back slide occassionally, and mess up frequently, but that is just life. Take care!