
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Sorry for your frustration first of all. I will have to agree with others that if your diary is correct, you are not eating enough. Second, do not give up Shakeology as someone suggested, I'm sorry. Its the best thing you can put into your body. However, you do need to have fresh veggies and fruit as well. Make sure you are getting enough protein. I notice you say that walk. Maybe you need something more than walking to shock your body. In the words of Chalene Johnson, Muscle Burns Fat. You have to do resistance/strentgh training as well. Unless there are health problems, medications, I do not believe that some people are able to lose and some are not. You have to find out what works for you and maybe you just have not found that yet. Since you are already doing Shakeology, why dont you try the Shakeology cleanse to jumpstart your weight loss.? Whatever you do, dont get frustrated to the point of giving up or going backwards and as long as you havent gained you are still a winner!!:smile:

    I said some people lose weight easier! I've been losing weight just at an extremely slow rate. And correct something is going on in the body. NO CHALENE!!!!:happy: I do some resistence/strenght for my arms and abs I just don't log it. I have a handwritten log that I track crunches, planks, resistence bands for arms and etc. SHAKEOLOGY CLEANSE DID IT, LOST 3LBS. Then 2lbs came back by the end of month so I could continue with my .75lbs weight loss a month!! I think only 10lbs lost in 8 months is proof I'm not a person that gives up. I've continued the changes I made in my dietary all the way through. I just done trying to jump through hoop after hoop.

    I REPEAT: I lost 35LBS several years ago while I was still eating junk food and NO EXERCISE in 6 months and kept it off til 2009. This time I thought I'd eat better and exercise. And I haven't gotten better results and that is surprising to me!!

  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    I had to do many two week trials of different ways to lose weight before I found the one that worked for my difficult body. Also, to all of those with saying the calories are to low, yes there can be to low, but if you are not hungry do not eat extra calories, your body will tell you when it needs to eat. :) Keep it up!

    Thats what I"ve been doing but in 4 week increments. This is my new tactic. No more restrictions that I have to fight with. Not eating after 5 pm, not eating carbs in the morning and etc. I'll just eat when I want and eat what I want. Being balanced is my only plan I'm following that is for the next couple of months!! See how it goes!!!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Have you had a check up? Go to the doctor and make sure your thyroid and everything else is in order.

    Other than that, I personally love your new outlook! You are embracing the healthy and ignoring the scale. If all you can lose is .75 a month than there ya go! At least you know each month you will go down a steady .75. If you set your expectations at that and you lose more, rock on! However, if you only lose .75 you won't be bummed.

    There are pessimists, there are optimists, you are a realist. Who cares how full or empty the glass is as long as you have water to drink. :drinker:

    Thyroid question answered above, I posted results that I got 9/28/10! All normal!!! Cholesterol has even dropped 47 points!! Yahoo!!! Now I am no longer borderline high!. My doctor was very pleased with my results. One set of number drops they equated to my new found exercise of walking!!!

    Thanks for the kind words!!!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Track your fat and protein. Make sure you're getting adequate protein, your body needs this. Check your fat levels. Not enough is not good

    Eat more.

    That's all I got :):flowerforyou:
  • Hey Reneeot,

    I encourage you to stay motivated. Weight loss is about having the perfect balance, and for some it takes a longer time to achieve that balance.

    First, make sure that you aren't taking in too little calories. Taking in too few calories can send your body into a type of starvation mode, where it will store energy instead of metabolize it the way it would in someone taking in an appropiate amount of calories spaced out over the day. I did not look at your food diary, but just keep that in mind. You don't want your calorie count to fall below your Resting Metabolic Rate, you need that many calories for your body to function properly.

    Additionally, I'm not there with you when you exercise, but intensity and duration and two very important components for weight loss. If you are exercising for 30-60 mins 4 to 5 times a week and are seeing NO or very little results, it would be my personal opinion that:
    1) You are not exercising at an appropiate intensity
    2) Your diet is counterproductive to your workouts
    3) A combonation of the 1 and 2. OR
    4) Though very unlikely because your current weight is not an extreme value from normalcy, I would ask that you see a physician to run some tests to see if an abnormal amount of particular hormones were present.

    My bet however is that it' falls with first 3. Stay encouraged in your workouts and dieting. Don't get into fads...Just try to eat balanced meals that fullfil all your nutrient requirements, and dont violate your calorie allotments. Also, think whole foods, and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Make sure you are spacing your meals out over the day, where your heaviest meals are at the beginning and middle of the day. Heavy dinners right before bedtime are counterproductive to whatever you do in the gym.

    If anything, just stay encouraged! I know you can do it! And remember every pound and inch is a success, so give yourself some credit for your small successes and continue to move forward from there. I'm rooting for you!!!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Hey Reneeot,

    I encourage you to stay motivated. Weight loss is about having the perfect balance, and for some it takes a longer time to achieve that balance.

    First, make sure that you aren't taking in too little calories. Taking in too few calories can send your body into a type of starvation mode, where it will store energy instead of metabolize it the way it would in someone taking in an appropiate amount of calories spaced out over the day. I did not look at your food diary, but just keep that in mind. You don't want your calorie count to fall below your Resting Metabolic Rate, you need that many calories for your body to function properly.

    Additionally, I'm not there with you when you exercise, but intensity and duration and two very important components for weight loss. If you are exercising for 30-60 mins 4 to 5 times a week and are seeing NO or very little results, it would be my personal opinion that:
    1) You are not exercising at an appropiate intensity
    2) Your diet is counterproductive to your workouts
    3) A combonation of the 1 and 2. OR
    4) Though very unlikely because your current weight is not an extreme value from normalcy, I would ask that you see a physician to run some tests to see if an abnormal amount of particular hormones were present.

    My bet however is that it' falls with first 3. Stay encouraged in your workouts and dieting. Don't get into fads...Just try to eat balanced meals that fullfil all your nutrient requirements, and dont violate your calorie allotments. Also, think whole foods, and avoid processed foods as much as possible. Make sure you are spacing your meals out over the day, where your heaviest meals are at the beginning and middle of the day. Heavy dinners right before bedtime are counterproductive to whatever you do in the gym.

    If anything, just stay encouraged! I know you can do it! And remember every pound and inch is a success, so give yourself some credit for your small successes and continue to move forward from there. I'm rooting for you!!!

    Great info, worth paying attention to!

    I have one thing to say though, and I've said it many times. I've lost weight 1x before 35lbs in 6 months and I kept it off for 4 years. And I did ZERO exercies and still continuted to eat at McDonalds & KFC 2-3x a week and I ate an hershey almond bar every night. All I did was change my starchy carb intake to 60lbs. I did not pay attention to lean protein, good carbs, fats or sugars. And poof lost weight.

    This time I wanted to make a change for healthiness and changed my eating and started to exercise (yes if look at my diary for october not much exercise, my back went out for couple of weeks). So here I am 8 months into these changes with only a 10lb success. Why the difference. I have no idea, i've been trying all kinds of things. So now I"m done with all that nonsense. All the diets are the same with a little twist onf specific foods or sequences to eat. No more!!!

    Curious to know what tests would show abnormal hormone results. I just had complete blood work done & thryoid. All normal. Matter of fact 47 point decrease in cholesterol!!! :-)
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Can you post again in a few weeks so we can see how you are doing?

    Absolutely, lets add each other as friends!!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    Out of all the advice I got from my post, no one mentioned...."MY SUGAR" I heard everything related to more intense exercise and my diet needing to track carbs, proteins, sodium & fats. (all good advice but not necessarily the answer) But no one mentioned sugar....except to eat more fruit. Which is what I just cut out (and for those reading this for the first time I have a drink that gives me most of the veggis/minerals, fruit blends in it) . I read this at the beginning of the month:

    You may be thinking “I’m not diabetic, my insulin is fine!” or “I’ve always known it is bad to eat sugar, I hardly ever have candy!” That is where the breakthrough research about insulin and the huge amounts of hidden sugar in our everyday “healthy” foods comes into play. It is absolutely vital you know that insulin is the hormone that controls your bodies ability to push fat into fat cells, especially the dangerous fat tissue that accumulates around the midsection. Without lowering insulin levels, it is impossible to lose weight, regardless of calorie intake or exercise intensity. }

    I thought could this be my problem? Because I said for all the changes I made from a state of non activity to walking every day and from eating white starches and fatty proteins to lean proteins and good carbs. And only occassionaly have a dessert. And only eating 1200-1400 calories a day I should have seen more than 10lbs weight loss in 8 months.

    Just passing on info I found for anyone interested!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    So how am I doing? Pretty good!! The last and final change I made seems to be paying off. Before I'd be all giddy and excited if the scale moved an ounce but now ....NO MORE....I'M OVER TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT.

    Before if the scale start to move I'd try to be more restrictive in more exercise and dietery try and get better results. But no more, Weight Loss is not my life!!

    I"m working out less and lifted dietary restrictions. I'm no longer saying "I can't HAVE that." If I still feel hungry I eat more, If I don't workout no biggie, do it the next day. If I went over my caloric intake today, no probs, I'll be on target tomorrow.

  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    I thought my back was in a good enough place to get back to abs workouts! I was wrong. Now I'm worse off! But am I freaking out about it! No!!

    Going to only be doing very small walks now. 1 mile instead of 3-4 miles. Oh and yesterday I ate the most carbs ever!! Still under my mfp quota though!
  • sanura
    sanura Posts: 459 Member
    I agree with your rant! you can only control what you eat and what you do, you can't control how your body will respond to it! keep up making healthy choices and good luck!
  • sorry you feel that way, but trust me you are a beautiful woman. however nice going on the weight you have lost!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    sorry you feel that way, but trust me you are a beautiful woman. however nice going on the weight you have lost!

    Thanks for the encouraging words, but I'm not sorry!

    It is nice to be free from the constant eat less, workout more, don't eat this, other wise you'll ruin your chances of losing weight. I like all the changes I make that I have maintained for over 8 months. I love my new found love of walking that I discovered 3 months ago.

    No more hoop jumping to lose another .02 oz. Or fear eating something I normally don't eat is going to cause me to gain .02 oz. No more deadlines that cause stress and disappointment if they are not met.

    I think you can be balanced without micromanaging and still reach your goal of healthy living and looking your best!!


  • Don't stress girl! Everyone's body is different and you'll loose weight gradually if you just STICK TO IT! 5 weeks seems like a long time but this isn't a month thing, it's for life. My motto - eat everything in moderation - that is EVERYTHING, even it you love pizza or cookies or chips, just don't pig out, have one pig out day a week? I suggest Sunday, it's a great day to relax and have one of your favourite foods, just don't overindulge with it! I'll have pizza on Sundays but a 3 slice limit, that way I don't get too far behind in calorie, fat, carb etc. consumption. Good luck and keep pushing! Work out 3 times a week and eat in moderation, you will be a healthy weight!
  • Here's my honest assessment from your food need to clean up your diet. Things like bacon and butter and 100 calorie pack snacks should go. Same with Shakeology - eat your nutrients, don't drink them. You need much more fresh veggies and some fruit. I would change your diary to track sodium and protein. You eat a lot of processed and restaurant food. That's usually high in sodium.

    I think if you switch to homemade lean meats like chicken and turkey with salt-free seasonings and no sauces, lots of steamed veggies, fresh fruits, brown rice, wheat breads, and cut out white potatoes, etc., that will help a lot. Weigh and measure everything. Also, I don't know how you're measuring your exercise calories, but if you're not using a heart rate monitor, the machine or MFP might be over-estimating them.

    Sometimes you have to go hard-core to get results going. Good luck!

    I have the bacon and butter because I was trying a new regimen in October. and that is what they said. If you looked at last months you wouldn't see that. I don't think 100 calorie almond packs is bad for you. That is the only 100 cal snack pack I do. My shakeology gives me a lot of the veggies/fruits and vitanmin i need each day. I dont use it as a replacement meal, I eat it as a snack. I also have no cravings because of it. I wasn't losing weight before it , I started it in June and it stays!! :-)

    I don't eat alot of restaurant food. Check my diary for the past 3 months. Maybe 5 or 6 times. I eat majority of time chicken and ground turkey, whole grain, brown rice and fruit, and veggies( which I just cut for the new regimen I started in October, because watching I'm watching my sugar). I just switched my log tracking to monitor sugars. My sodium is usually under the reccommended amount given. My sister who is eating what I eat because I do all the cooking is losing weight. I'm not.

    Being balanced should get results too. I went from no activity & lousy eating habits to activity every day and major overhaul in eating habits.

    Thanks for checking out my food log!!! If you do a report for the past 90 day, you'd see I rarely eat over 1200 calories, so the exercise calories I log without a HRM should not be an issue.


    I've lost weight only 1 other time in my life. 35lbs without any major changes, except limiting carbs to 60 a day, I still ate junk food and hershey bar everynight. Why did I lose weight? who knows my body did it. :-)

    Our bodies are different from one another and sometimes even from itself during different times of our lives. Don't compare yourself to other people and their successes, just focus on your own. If you can look at what you're doing with diet and exercise and honestly say you're doing EVERYTHING you possibly can to lose the weight, and you're not getting the results you should be seeing, then maybe it's worth a trip to the doctors office, you know, just make sure everything is in balance.

    When I was younger, losing weight meant I ate tomato & cheese sandwiches for lunch and I lost weight - go figure. When I got older, that method didn't work. Even counting my calories didn't get the results I expected. So, when I hit rock bottom I decided to hire a personal nutritionist and she basically taught me how to eat and choose the "good calories" over the "bad calories." It's simple little things like swapping out 1 serving of low-fat cheese for low-fat yogurt - you get same amount of calories and calcium, but less than 1/2 the fat.

    Keep fighting - you got a bunch of folks rooting for you...
  • Here's my honest assessment from your food need to clean up your diet. Things like bacon and butter and 100 calorie pack snacks should go. Same with Shakeology - eat your nutrients, don't drink them. You need much more fresh veggies and some fruit. I would change your diary to track sodium and protein. You eat a lot of processed and restaurant food. That's usually high in sodium.

    I think if you switch to homemade lean meats like chicken and turkey with salt-free seasonings and no sauces, lots of steamed veggies, fresh fruits, brown rice, wheat breads, and cut out white potatoes, etc., that will help a lot. Weigh and measure everything. Also, I don't know how you're measuring your exercise calories, but if you're not using a heart rate monitor, the machine or MFP might be over-estimating them.

    Sometimes you have to go hard-core to get results going. Good luck!

    I have the bacon and butter because I was trying a new regimen in October. and that is what they said. If you looked at last months you wouldn't see that. I don't think 100 calorie almond packs is bad for you. That is the only 100 cal snack pack I do. My shakeology gives me a lot of the veggies/fruits and vitanmin i need each day. I dont use it as a replacement meal, I eat it as a snack. I also have no cravings because of it. I wasn't losing weight before it , I started it in June and it stays!! :-)

    I don't eat alot of restaurant food. Check my diary for the past 3 months. Maybe 5 or 6 times. I eat majority of time chicken and ground turkey, whole grain, brown rice and fruit, and veggies( which I just cut for the new regimen I started in October, because watching I'm watching my sugar). I just switched my log tracking to monitor sugars. My sodium is usually under the reccommended amount given. My sister who is eating what I eat because I do all the cooking is losing weight. I'm not.

    Being balanced should get results too. I went from no activity & lousy eating habits to activity every day and major overhaul in eating habits.

    Thanks for checking out my food log!!! If you do a report for the past 90 day, you'd see I rarely eat over 1200 calories, so the exercise calories I log without a HRM should not be an issue.


    I've lost weight only 1 other time in my life. 35lbs without any major changes, except limiting carbs to 60 a day, I still ate junk food and hershey bar everynight. Why did I lose weight? who knows my body did it. :-)

    Our bodies are different from one another and sometimes even from itself during different times of our lives. Don't compare yourself to other people and their successes, just focus on your own. If you can look at what you're doing with diet and exercise and honestly say you're doing EVERYTHING you possibly can to lose the weight, and you're not getting the results you should be seeing, then maybe it's worth a trip to the doctors office, you know, just make sure everything is in balance.

    When I was younger, losing weight meant I ate tomato & cheese sandwiches for lunch and I lost weight - go figure. When I got older, that method didn't work. Even counting my calories didn't get the results I expected. So, when I hit rock bottom I decided to hire a personal nutritionist and she basically taught me how to eat and choose the "good calories" over the "bad calories." It's simple little things like swapping out 1 serving of low-fat cheese for low-fat yogurt - you get same amount of calories and calcium, but less than 1/2 the fat.

    Keep fighting - you got a bunch of folks rooting for you...
  • I am no shining example of quick weight loss... I've only been on mfp for a little while... However, there are so many excellent tools... I discovered that my potassium level was never as much as it should be... in proportion to my sodium intake... I NEVER had enough fiber... I decided to try to suppliment those, along w/ a multivitamin and exercise...

    EVERY DIET EVER says drink 8+ glasses of water...
    I read the DR Oz books... very enlightening, in so many ways...
    if you haven't had any biology classes in a while, he explains so much!!!
    He says to treat yourself like your navigation system in your car...
    if you make a wrong turn... take the next legal u-turn and keep driving...
    i've firmed and toned and lost 5 lbs... nothing to get too excited about, but if I'm getting healthier...maybe eventually...
    we all need to try not to be too hard on ourselves it should be enough to know we're doing our best.:drinker:
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race.. There are no miracle combinations, fad diets, 10 min a day exercises, fasting programs, etc that will work towards you being healthy. And I think we all agree that 'healthy' is what we are really looking for. Small changes in the right direction. It took me 7 years to gain 40 pounds, why would I think I could lose it all in a matter of weeks? I watch my calories. And I ride my stationary bike for 1 hour, 4 days a week. Those are the only changes I am going to hold myself to for right now. Those are two steps in the healthy direction. Perhaps as they become part of my lifestyle, I will chose another change to make. Maybe. When I have tried in the past to stick to a strict, extremely low calorie, no carb diet, or unrealistic exercise routine, I failed. And with failure comes an unhealthy attitude. So self-defeating. What it really boils down to, is working towards being healthier. Think about what is healthy for your heart (low fat food, and exercise) your lungs (don't smoke), your kidneys (less soda, more water), liver (alcohol moderation), gi tract (fiber intake). I know that is really simplified, but it starts a cascade in the right direction, Don't focus on the scale, or the inches. Focus on healthy. If .5 lb a month is what you lose, so be it. Do you feel better? Eat healthier? Move more? =) Then that my dear, is what is known around these parts as successful!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    My back!!! A week of no walking! :-( 1 Chiro & 2 Massage treatments this week. Had to cancel most of my clients this week! ;-(

    2 weeks ago I would be worried about how it would affect my weight loss but not anymore because...I'M SO OVER TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!! I wonder if that concept will work for "I'm so over paying bills!" Probably not!!!! Hope I can work next week!!! :-)
  • rcsewell
    rcsewell Posts: 18 Member
    I'll bet you lost a few pounds just getting all that off your chest! LOL

    I think you have a great attitude. Do what works for you, listen to your body, don't stress over it.

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