Taking Stock of How Far I've Come

I am so close to my next big milestone and thought I would share. I started this journey a couple of years ago at 230 pounds (5'6") putting my BMI at approximately 37, meaning I was severely obese (class 2). As of today I have 3 more pounds to go and my BMI will be in the healthy range, which is below 25.

This is so exciting and is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s funny because a week ago (after an overindulgent thanksgiving and week following) I felt like giving up. I had gained several pounds back over that week and was left feeling totally defeated... I try not to rely so heavily on the scale (and I imagine ppl will give me hell for it) but it is something that provides a great deal of motivation for me. I stuck to my guns though, got myself back on track and have successfully lost that thanksgiving weight. I have to remember not to look at how much farther I have to go; rather I should look at how far I have come since this all began.

I am so thankful for the life I am currently living. I have a wonderful family, boyfriend and group of friends that have been nothing but supportive. I also have some wonderful friends here on MFP that have helped motivate day in and day out. I have changed my habits, taken control of my eating and moved past an eating disorder that had controlled my life for years. I eat to fuel my body and I workout because it makes me feel invincible! And, my new habits are now rubbing off on those around me including my young nieces and nephews, as well as my good friend Amanda, who was inspired by my journey and has joined the gym with me.

There were many times when I felt like giving up, felt like I would never get there so why even bother, times when I was so grouchy or depressed that I couldn't stand being around myself.... but that has all changed. I have a great outlook on life now. I feel fantastic about how far I have come and feel truly happy with myself for being able to conquer something that I had begun to feel was impossible. I have pushed my body to new heights and I’m astounded at what I am truly capable of. It's a long and arduous journey but damn is it worth it!

Please feel free to share your stories too, I would love to hear them :)

Thx for listening xx


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member

    Congratulations for your achievement

    You should re post at "success stories". It is always good to read inspirational stories like yours.

    Keep up the good work
  • slockwood86
    slockwood86 Posts: 3 Member
    Great job! It is always great to read the success stories! There will always be setbacks but just keep moving forward. :)
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    Thank you for posting. You give me hope, as my starting stats are similar to yours. I am around halfway to my goal (I haven't set a firm number yet). Keep going--I can't wait to read your post when you reach goal!!