Tracy Anderson

Do you use her workouts? What is your opinion?


  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I was for a while (fell off the wagon when I got pregnant, which sucks cuz her workouts are totally appropriate for pregnant ladies).
    I really enjoyed them and definitely toned up. And hurt like hell...who knew little arm circles could cause so much pain??!
  • Candy1629
    Candy1629 Posts: 40 Member
    That's what I wanted to know... I'm used to Jillian Michaels & Bob Harper so I thought I'd change it up but wasn't sure about her style.
  • Candy1629
    Candy1629 Posts: 40 Member
    Ok then she is out! LOL
    I am actually wanting to lift weights and do some DVD's on some other days of the week so that totally goes against what I'm looking for. At least with Jillian she advises to use up to 10 lbs. I'll stick with her for now. :laugh:
  • julialdr
    julialdr Posts: 100 Member
    I would go for other DVDs, esp if you like Jillian. The teeny tiny dumbbells are pointless and Tracey spends the whole dvd looking at herself and making pouty faces! Insipid an narcissistic.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm wondering how many of these individuals have done the Tracy Method and for how long...

    I myself have done her Metamorphosis workouts for months. I usually don't get in the recommended 6 workouts a week, but coupled with MFP I've so far lost 25lbs and my body comp has changed... I'm getting quite toned and really like the benefits so far.

    I have done heavier weights in the past (Body For Life, Chalean Extreme, etc.) and I may add heavier weights in the future, but I'm really liking my results. Tracy's method focuses on all the ancillary muscles which help draw in the larger muscles. I have added on squats a few days a week to promote muscle gains and I'm loving the results. Shapely thinner arms, lifted defined butt, nice core curves, etc.

    No it is not for everyone. The best advice I can give is find the example of the type of body you want then do the program that fosters that. Sometimes our idea of "the perfect body" changes over time, but currently want a really tight, toned body with some feminine curves and nice elongated muscles and that's what I'm getting from Tracy. I think it's also the perfect foundation for other more weight bearing excercises/programs since most programs work only the larger muscle groups and neglect the smaller ones.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    can't be bothered with someone who thinks women need to be thin to be beautiful. or promotes "lengthening muscles".

    and picking up nothing over like 5 lbs. nope. No thanks.

    good for getting moving and doing something- but I'll take serious training instead.
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    Woman need to lift like dudes...... They wont get bulky, its not in their body make up
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Isn't she the "genius" who promotes doing a zillion reps with a pink dumbbell? Yeah, that will get you results (NOT!).
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Woman need to lift like dudes...... They wont get bulky, its not in their body make up

    I wish men would stop spouting this crap. I lifted like a 'man' for 6 months and got bigger muscles than I cared for. Also got a bigger *kitten* than I cared for as well. I gained 10lbs of muscle in those 6 months. I know I will be told it's not possible, but it was for me. Body fat % dropped to the point where I wasn't having my period anymore. All of this verified by a trainer well versed in using calipers. No supplements taken whatsoever.

    I did love heavy lifting, but I just did not get the results I needed or wanted. It is NOT for every woman.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    If you can't be bothered then way respond??
    "Serious Training"? Do her cardio mat workout and cardio workout and do all the reps with perfect form and then we can chat....until then....
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    If you can't be bothered then way respond??
    "Serious Training"? Do her cardio mat workout and cardio workout and do all the reps with perfect form and then we can chat....until then....
    Is this what you're talking about?

    LOL - Seriously?

    Let's see old Tracy do one of MY workouts. Now THAT would be interesting.
  • I love Tracy Anderson. I was losing weight but not inches. I had tons of fat hanging on my arms in August. I lost 3.5 inches around each arm in less than two months doing her arm exercises from precision toning and her mat workout. I also did her post pregnancy video during that time and lost 9 inches around my waist. I don't pay attention to her advice or her diet plan but she's been a huge part of my 71 pound weight loss in regard to toning up and getting strong enough to make it through the Jillian Michaels and T25 workouts.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I found her workouts difficult to follow at first, but having read reviews about how well they work I just kept trying and it got easier over time.

    She uses light weights in her dvds, but that doesn't mean you have to use the same weight.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    If you can't be bothered then way respond??
    "Serious Training"? Do her cardio mat workout and cardio workout and do all the reps with perfect form and then we can chat....until then....

    Mhmmm sure- no thanks. You can do my workout if you like- or even JUST THE LAST HALF of my lifting workout.

    My last work out included the a pyramid of deadlifts- maxing out at 255 then back down.
    I think I did 10 sets total.

    then I finished with the following

    DL @ 65% my 1RPM as many as I could = X reps then outside in the cold for 100 Yards Sprints for X times. (So as many reps of dead lift- I did that many sprints)

    5 Rounds through.

    185 # DL 7 reps- then did 7 100 yard sprints
    then 6 reps- with 6, 100 yard sprints
    then 4 reps- 4- 100 yard sprints
    then 4

    That is 2400 yards of sprints... and 4,400 lbs I lifted. No breaks.

    Took me 35 minutes.

    Then I went and did my dance training for 45 minutes.

    Please- by all means- bring your ballet styled at home "cardio" work out and come hang out with me.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    WARNING: What they say about the forums is true! If you do anything other than heavy lifting, crossfit, running, etc. than you'll have a plethora of individuals who will knock your workout, even though they haven't done it themselves.

    I didn't poo-poo on anyone else's workout, but for some, if you aren't doing "their" workout, everything else is crap.
    I can respect someone saying they did the workout for X number of months and they didn't get the results they wanted or the workout didn't suit them for ____ reason, but just to say everyone must lift heavy weights or whatever is just naive and narrow minded.

    The right workout is one where the individual challenges themselves, sees results, and enjoys the process (most of the time ;o) )... and THAT will be DIFFERENT for EVERYONE.
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I love Tracy Anderson. I was losing weight but not inches. I had tons of fat hanging on my arms in August. I lost 3.5 inches around each arm in less than two months doing her arm exercises from precision toning and her mat workout. I also did her post pregnancy video during that time and lost 9 inches around my waist. I don't pay attention to her advice or her diet plan but she's been a huge part of my 71 pound weight loss in regard to toning up and getting strong enough to make it through the Jillian Michaels and T25 workouts.

    I whole heartedly agree... I've seen amazing toning which I've not had before doing any other program. I just use MFP to track... I think she has some good tips/recipes with her diet plans, but cals are quite low.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I've only tried her Inside out Dance Cardio workout DVD and I thought it was horrible. You can get through the step-by-step easily enough but when she does the actual routine it's like 10x as fast and really hard to follow, especially with no verbal cues from her. Plus some of the moves are just weird and overly dramatic. Waste of $10 IMHO

    I'd recommend checking out Bob Harper's DVD workouts. You can find them on Amazon or on directly from his website.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    She's great if one wants to have the look of a Hollywood female starlet. However if you've actually met any of them, they look like sticks in real life. And they have to so they look "normal" on camera.
    It's always going to come down to calorie deficit for weight loss. It's going to come down to progressive resistance to increase strength. And it's going to come down to high rep volume in a set for muscle endurance, which is what her program is.
    I am of the opinion and philosophy that using light weights does little to shape the body. If it were true, then mother who tote toddlers around all day should have and issue with how they look after having a child. And we know that's not the case for most.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition