I need help with my diet

Needing help with my diet. In regards to knowing my fitness goals Im trying to build muscle im about 160 right now and I want to get to 200. I know my how much my cal intake should be and how much micronutrients are. My problem is Im not sure how to get my meals protion with protien carbs and fats. Im just basicly asking if anyone can give me a very simple diet for my micronutrients. Here they are:
Total Fat: 95
Cholesterol: 300
Sodium: 2500
Potassium: 3500
Total carbs: 390
Dietary Fiber: 33
Sugar: 57
Protein: 106
I want to have a protein carb and vegetable with every meal so is there anyway that anyone can help please and thank you


  • ernestbecker
    ernestbecker Posts: 232 Member
    Total Fat: 95
    Cholesterol: 300
    Sodium: 2500
    Potassium: 3500
    Total carbs: 390 - Lower this to 275
    Dietary Fiber: 33
    Sugar: 57
    Protein: 106 Raise this to 275

    You didn't include your height and age which is very important. Also, I wouldn't focus on getting to 200 lbs as much as I would focus on adding weight while maintaining a certain body fat percentage. and by the way, a 40 lbs increase in lean muscle will take a few years so don't get in a hurry unless you are between the ages of 13-20 or taking roids. If at the end of the a year you've gained 40 lbs, you added al lot of fat otherwise. good luck and have fun while you do this. It's a journey.
  • How many calories are you eating?
    And are you doing a proven strength or hypertrophy routine?
  • DEUS
    DEUS Posts: 4
    You didn't include your height and age which is very important. Also, I wouldn't focus on getting to 200 lbs as much as I would focus on adding weight while maintaining a certain body fat percentage. and by the way, a 40 lbs increase in lean muscle will take a few years so don't get in a hurry unless you are between the ages of 13-20 or taking roids. If at the end of the a year you've gained 40 lbs, you added al lot of fat otherwise. good luck and have fun while you do this. It's a journey.

    ^^ this

    Don't focus on getting to 200lbs trust me its a recipe for getting fat not muscle. Figure out your calories and be in a surplus of 250-500 i personally have cut it down to 250-300 so i'm bulking on around 3000 yes it's going to take longer to get bigger but it stops me from gaining alot of fat and leaves less work to do when cutting.
    You need to bump your protein up, 1g per pound of bodyweight is the way to go and personally i stick to around 400g carbs per day, carbs are your friend.

    Brown rice, brown pasta, oats, chicken, fish, eggs, peanut butter, wholemeal bread... get it all in and workout
    Gain weight = consume more calories than you burn
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    40 lbs of muscle gain is a pretty huge goal. You may want to look into how much muscle you could naturally and realistically put on for someone of your height. I'm not trying to deter you from your goal of gaining muscle, because that is a great goal. If it's even possible for you to put on that much muscle, it's going to take years of your life to get there. It's just the kind of thing that is the result of a long-haul effort.

    You'll need to eat over maintenance calories, as other pointed out, in order to gain weight. Some of it WILL be fat, so you may find that bulk/cut cycles will be needed. Doing it in cycles is usually considered more efficient than trying to gain only muscle with a very small surplus.

    I've been trying to gain as well. I'm a tall and skinny guy (6'6") and I've set a goal of getting to 200 lbs with a low body fat percentage. I've been slowly bulking and am up to about 186 last time I weighed myself. Once I get to about 190, I'm going to cut my calories some and try to get rid of some fat before I start bulking again. When I get to 200 I might set another goal, but I realize it may take a while to get there. The key point is be patient!
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    I'm under a very successful bulk as we speak. When bulking you want to keep it as lean/clean as possible and avoid any (unnecessary) fat gain. You WILL gain fat during a bulk, if you don't then either you arn't eating enough or you have godly genetics which 90% of us do not.

    Typically during a bulk you want to be in a 300-500 calorie surplus. Always remember you can't build muscle unless you are in a surplus or unless you are new in which case you still really arn't building mass but instead are "recomping" for the most part.

    Protein should be 1g per lb body weight MINIMUM
    fat is usually 0.5-0.7 x bodyweight
    The rest of calories are filled with carbs

    For instance my bulk is as follows:
    3300 calories (maintenance is 2400) +500 calories I burnt today strength training = 2900+400(surplus)=3300

    Macros are as follows:
    371g Carbs
    248g Protein
    92g Fat

    This breaks down into a 45/30/25 macro ratio

    I am 29 years old, 5'9 177 lbs.

    You want to aim for 1lb per week. .05lbs if you want to gain slowly

    Also as already pointed out, don't focus on a goal weight during a bulk. You want to focus on lean, solid mass gains.

    If your goal is to put on 40lbs of lean mass, it CAN be done but will take years to accomplish naturally. My suggestion would be to bulk this winter for 6 months then cut and see how much LBM you've gained. That will give you a good estimate of how long it will take you to +40lbs of lean mass. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • 40 pounds of muscle is likely more than you could ever build over 5 years. A person with average genetics could probably put on about 30 over 5 years with a strict training regimen and diet. Maybe you should try setting a realistic goal.