Looking for that excitement and interest again.

Don't get me wrong, I want to start moving uphill again. I've just been in a blah stage when it comes to my journey for the past few months. I really think with the right people that spark will ignite again. I really want and need some motivating friends! I don't expect you to be all hardcore MFP on me. But you know I just need that "something". Please help me! I want all the support I can get. I would love to get 10-20 pounds off by the first of the new year!!!!!


  • Renegade706
    Losing weight during the holidays is tough, but the way i look at it if you can do it now, you will know you can do it anytime! feel free to add me :)
  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Hey!! Just sent an invite
  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    Try something completely new for exercise. Don't even call it exercise, just try something new. Go rock climbing, hiking, dancing in a club, Zumba, make up a circuit routine... that's what I did when I started to get bored of jogging and walking; I tried new stuff and it brought back the excitement and a sense of accomplishment (I went dancing in a club for the first time ever this year and it was AMAZING! would never have done that if I wasn't looking for something new to try). It'll be hard at first, but worth it when you look back on it :)
  • jamarelo
    I feel the same...

    But maybe this video will help.
