Trading in old habits for new ones..

I know I am not alone on this, over the last few years I have developed some pretty bad habits, that is why I am in position of needing to lose weight. So I just curious of some other soul searchers out there that realized changes need to made, and what they are. If figured if I didn't comes to terms with some things then this would be all for nothing. So with the old habits I am try to replace them with good ones. The first bad habit I am saying good bye is midnight snacks they have caused major problems me. The good Habit I am replacing it with is sit ups. 3 sets of 10 before bed. Anyone else care to share?


  • Ackbersingh
    Ackbersingh Posts: 22 Member
    Hi ya. Yeah I too have loads of bad habits with mid night feasting being one of them. Another one of my habits is not eating 'little but often'. I tend not to eat much during day including missing breakfast. Then by the evening I want to eat everying! I am trying to plan my meals so I eat three good meals a day, I plan to eat fruits, nuts, seeds and veg in between this space
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    I had an old habit of climbing up a mountain, hiking it up and then having fish and chips at the top. I replaced the fried food by a scenic half an hour mountain run and a banana.
  • Getting so hungry is dangerous, snacks would be a good idea. If your anything like me when that I get that hungry watch out lol.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    One of the really bad habits I had was turning to fast food when the schedule was in any way less than perfect. Now I plan my day a little better (no more doing things like leaving for 3 hours of errands 1 hour before lunch), and have contingency plans that don't involve takeout (packing a cooler with a meal or snacks, picking up a rotisserie chicken at the store, quick leftover meals, etc).