How do you survive the weekend by not over eating?



  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    I find this hard too. I can't get to the gym on weekends as my husband works, and by the time he gets home it's too late to do anything. I allow myself 1300 cal through the week and on the weekend can go up to 1800cal, so can have some wine, ice cream or chips. Sometimes I flip out and overdo it, and other times the 'want' to eat it just disappears. I figure as long as I put the effort in during the week and the scales and measurements keep moving down then it's doable.

    I don't particularly want to give up all the indulgent stuff either so I think that if I can re-train myself to enjoy them in moderation then the need to overeat them will lessen over time.
  • GayleCain
    I workout harder on weekends to allow for my chocolate and wine treats. Calculating on MFP keeps me in check. Good luck!! :)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I only watch weekly totals. I don't view the weekends any differently than a week day. The biggest thing is if you go over every weekend - you're letting all your hard work each week slip away. That would motivate me to watch totals every day!