Just Another Newbie

Hey everyone! I'm new to the MFP but I've heard a lot of good things about it! I'd love to provide support if anyone is in need of it. I don't really know what to put on this, interests maybe? Well I'm into computer science, drawing, cooking, gymnastics, reading, and other stuff I'm sure no one is actually curious about. I'm really friendly, sarcastic, witty (if I do say so myself), and outgoing. Just don't be a total jerk and we're good! Don't be a stranger!
Stats? I'm 5'2.5 (I know, I'm a shorty) and 127ish pounds. I think a good amount of that is muscle due to gymnastics, but I'm not really sure O.o
Anyways, feel free to contact me for any reason! I have no life, so I'll answer pretty promptly and I'd be happy to talk to you all.
