Need help

I keep logging in here but I have absolutely no motivation. I want to lose another 80# but I don't know how to get my mojo back. I have gained about 15# back that I had lost last year. I had to go up one pants size when I bought dress pants the other day. I have one activity I REALLY want to be able to do. Yet I can't seem to get it together. When I started here June 2012, it was so easy for me, the weight just fell off, I wasn't even tempted to cheat, I was so motivated to work out. Now I feel nothing other than disappointed in myself. I want the end results but have no desire to do the work. Have any of you been there? I need some advice.


  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    Been there many times. I've hit walls during my journey that seemed too high to scale. One thing that helped me at those times was looking at a photo of myself with my wife when I was at my heaviest. She looked stunning and me like a real piece of work. Made me think to myself she deserves to have me at my best as do my kids. Most importantly I deserved me at my best. Physically and mentally I've chipped away slowly to change old habits for new ones. I still keep that old picture in my phone to remind myself where I don't want to be and how far I've come. Maybe try finding something that can really light a fire for you. Everyone has there own buttons it's just trying to find which one to push and when. Good luck.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Maybe start by getting back to logging your food every day. If you're checking in here anyway, start entering food while you're at it. Sticking with logging even when I couldn't exercise helped keep me motivated (and weight loss is more diet anyway, the exercise is for fitness :smile: ) - seeing my food choices, watching the calories and macros, plus seeing my MFP friends posting progress helped keep me going.

    Hopefully the calorie tracking will help bring your motivation back and you'll want to get back to exercising too! You did it before, you can do it again! Good luck!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I keep logging in here but I have absolutely no motivation. I want to lose another 80# but I don't know how to get my mojo back. I have gained about 15# back that I had lost last year. I had to go up one pants size when I bought dress pants the other day. I have one activity I REALLY want to be able to do. Yet I can't seem to get it together. When I started here June 2012, it was so easy for me, the weight just fell off, I wasn't even tempted to cheat, I was so motivated to work out. Now I feel nothing other than disappointed in myself. I want the end results but have no desire to do the work. Have any of you been there? I need some advice.

    The ball is in your court and only you can do the work that is required to get your result, no matter how hard it is. This is what works for me. I log my food up to 5 days in advance, even though I may make some changes, I have something in mind what I plan to eat. My breakfast is always the same, dinner changes, but not much. I also do one hour of exercises every other day (broken down in 60 or 90 seconds intervals - stepping, jogging on the stop, kettle bell swings, upper body one day and lower body the next). From this I have started to see excellent results. I can now fit into a size 10 pants from a 14. My stomach fat is finally moving, especially my muffin top and my thighs. I installed a HIIT interval program on my phone (cost $1.39) and that is my go to work out buddy, that count down clock keeps me moving.

    Since winter is approaching and this is the time when I tend to put on weight, I have decided to exercise in the evening, along with switching my meals around : have my heaviest meal (dinner) at lunch time and my lunch (lighter meal) at dinner time.
  • MartinPellizzer
    Sorry honey, It's just.... Ahhhhhh!! I just can't stand it!! You actually said: "I want the end results but have no desire to do the work". No... you wrong. You don't want the end results!! You Don't!! If you really want them, unconsciously, if you really deeply desire them there's no way in the world you wouldn't do the work. Is because you wont that you don't.

    But don't get my words wrongly, you just have to change point of you and understand what it takes to succeed. Now, let me be clear, I have no potential to bring your motivation to life, at least not in some few lines posted here, but there's one thing I can do. I challenge you!! Are you really committed to do that? Are you really willing to start taking a positive attitude on this? It will be nothing hard... the only hard part will be your "YES, I do".

    So, I really don'y know if I can post this but I feel like I need to: there's a book called Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, I'm not affiliate with this in any way to point out. But it helped me understand a lot of thing, and when it comes to motivation, it's the best.

    So my challenge: If you promise me you will read it, I'll promise you wont be stuck anymore.

    Also if you want want an amazing plan to start losing all you want, (and this apply to everybody reading this) just PM me I'll send you a personal copy ;)

    Anyway, sorry for the harsh answer!! I love you honey and keep your best!!
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    If you can't be bothered to exercise, that's fine - just lose the weight by logging calories and sticking to your calorie goal. Whatever makes you happy!

    I do nothing... most people on my friend line are jumping around like crazy and getting fit and having amazing weight loss results too. I'm just not feeling it, though. Inspiration comes when it comes...
  • bjhouse99
    Maybe we can motivate each other. I am starting this over and maybe you and I need to talk more.
    Hang in there you are amazing and my favorite sister.