What does your family say when you lose weight?



  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    All mine are very supportive. My grandmother however likes to point out that I still have a ways to go. :| That.... well it's so annoying. I love her and I hope I'm that honest when I'm 90.

    My husband is very happy for me, but very unhappy he's not losing. He's also not really adhering to his calories or working out. But that's okay. He's my big teddy bear and I'm fine with that! I'm losing weight for me. :)
  • CandaceG514
    CandaceG514 Posts: 24 Member
    My side of the family is very supportive and always has really nice things to say about how good I am looking and that they are proud of me for working so hard. My husband's side of the family has started to tell me that I don't need to lose anymore. I am still a few pounds from a healthy BMI and I still want to lose 12 - 17 more pounds depending on how my stomach looks. When I told someone that last week I was told that sometimes people can get a problem with wanting to lose more and more weight and that I will probably never lose my stomach without having surgery because that just goes along with having 3 kids. I know it won't look perfect and I don't expect it too but I know that I still have extra fat that can come off with some extra hard work. It does seem like some people are happy for you at first and then when you start getting smaller it almost makes them uncomfortable with themselves.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    "Why are you lifting weights"? "You are going to bulk up like a man". "When you stop it will turn to fat"
    "You know our family is "BIG BONED", you are NEVER going to be small".
    "You look fine as you are, stop trying to change so much".

    When I weighed 337 pounds, here is what was said " OMG you are starting to look like Aunt Gerty" "You really should lose weight you are going to die young". "Stop eating sweets before you end up with diabetes". "Would you like another plate of food for the road"?

    Now I remember why I moved so FAR away from them.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
  • Jane_1705
    Jane_1705 Posts: 152 Member
    Dad mentions I am too skinny and freaks out about my weight every time I speak with him. Luckily Mum tells him that I am fine and I used to be this slim pre kids :)
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    I get virtually no encouragement from family. Sometimes they will get mad at me if I don't eat the same thing as them, sometimes they will try to shove food I don't want not just onto my plate but in my face, and sometimes they insist that what I am doing is completely wrong.

    All of the people included in that "they" are either obese or very overweight themselves, and some extremely offended by that fact (when told by their doctor, not me).

    They don't want to change their habits so seeing me (or maybe you in your family) changing habits makes them feel bad.

    They also think they know what is healthy and want me (or maybe you in your family) to support their completely unfounded sense of intellectual superiority.

    I think a lot of people believe they are much better and smarter than everyone else around them and if they see someone else making improvements that they aren't making and following advice other than theirs' it hurts their egos and so they subconsciously act out either with backhanded compliments, outright insults, sabotage, or even just a passive aggressive lack of support.

    I posted a somewhat related topic you might find many of the responses to it very helpful: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1110715-they-just-don-t-get-it-what-do-you-tell-them
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I had people tell me I am TOO skinny....I should stop now....I dont'' need to lose any more...etc....but they are all over weight themselves.......they say I am too skinny! Yeah, right!! NOT!! Just do what you feel is right. :)

    That's my favorite...overweight people telling me I'm losing too much weight. Really, have you checked in the mirror lately? Haha!
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I'm the "skinny Bi$%h" with "good genes." :drinker: Exact quote BTW.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    My family is supportive.
    My father used to think that I should stick to cardio rather than weights, but now he is actually making me flex my muscles every time he sees me to check on my progress. :happy:
  • RingSize8
    RingSize8 Posts: 175 Member
    My family/friends are supportive, but, I've been hearing 'you should stop now' from a lot of people recently, and it's getting kinda old. Even a guy I was dating told me I should stop losing weight, and that, essentially, I would be less attractive if I didn't. Does anyone else get this, and does it bother you? My best friend, guys, my aunt, coworkers, etc, have all said this. Why would someone think it's okay to tell you to be less healthy?
  • crevices
    crevices Posts: 226 Member
    my parents are pretty supportive but still poke fun at it lol "all bones!!!" etc
    the rest of my family are is extremely rude about it honestly, they'll see me eating and say wow that's all? do you even eat? you should eat more etc. they don't even say it with concern, they say it to purposefully annoy me and receive a reaction.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    My family/friends are supportive, but, I've been hearing 'you should stop now' from a lot of people recently, and it's getting kinda old. Even a guy I was dating told me I should stop losing weight, and that, essentially, I would be less attractive if I didn't. Does anyone else get this, and does it bother you? My best friend, guys, my aunt, coworkers, etc, have all said this. Why would someone think it's okay to tell you to be less healthy?

    Some guys like women with more meat on their bones so to speak, so it could just be a preference they have. Others are probably used to seeing you with a certain amount of weight on your body and once you pass that point you look noticeably different so they get worried. That's my guess.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    They don't say much unless I talk about it. My in-laws to be haven't commented on it at all and I've lost 30 pounds. They don't see me often so I know they have to have noticed. My fiance supports mr but doesn't say anything unless o prompt him. My kids have too much of their own thing going to really care. But I notice and I am happy and that is what matters. I'm not doing this for them, I am doing it for me.
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    My husband and kids are supportive. My kids point out smaller things about me before I notice sometimes...lol

    My friends are worried that I will look sick, or that I may already be on the verge of losing to much weight.

    I just brush the remarks off and keep doing what I want to do.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Generally when people say you need to eat more or that's all? they're just saying that because they are jealous and that's their only way of lashing out because you're making them feel bad for being overweight.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    My husband and kids are supportive. My kids point out smaller things about me before I notice sometimes...lol

    My friends are worried that I will look sick, or that I may already be on the verge of losing to much weight.

    I just brush the remarks off and keep doing what I want to do.

    Yes kids have absolutely no PC filter on them, they just say what they think don't they? :)

    Yep I've heard that one before, if you lose anymore weight you'll look sick! Um ok, so me dropping from 25% bodyfat to 15% bodyfat and adding some muscle while eating a healthy clean diet is a bad idea and I should continue eating the fast food and sedentary lifestyle? Ok, sounds like a plan...NOT! Haha!
  • catzi87
    catzi87 Posts: 3 Member
    i'm very tall and have a broad build, so when i lost weight, it was more noticable. my doctor said i was the perfect weight and in great shape, but all of my friends and family, except my husband, thought i was too skinny. my friends talked about me being unhealthy behind my back, a brother in law said i had been on a "heroine diet", and my own brother said i looked malnourised because i looked pasty, which i always have because i'm pale as heck. it was more depressing than being heavy, because i'd worked really hard to accomplish something that i thought i should be proud of. and the most annoying part was that i kept telling them how my weight and bmi were perfect for my age and height according to my DOCTOR, the one person who knows what they're talkign about, and they didn't believe me.
  • bunbu
    bunbu Posts: 131
    My hubby and my family r supportive. My hubby didn't want me to lose, but he said whatever will make me happy he's all for it. He likes how my body is getting even better than when we were in high school. :) Now my mother in law and some hubbys family is like you eat like a bird. Then my mother in law is like thats how she stays so small. Then when I gained my weight they are like wow ur getting big. I'm sure when they see me again they will be back to you eat like a bird and all bones again. Just so annoying and I know they are all just jealous cuz they are big. Kind of cant wait to see them so they can see I look even better than ever :)
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    My Mom seems worried that I'm losing too much 'You must be about done right?'

    My Dad seemed really confused when I mentioned bulking once "What? No you want to keep weight OFF..."

    But in general they're very supportive of my attempts at good diet and an exercise regimen. There's just the occasional odd comment about specifics.
  • I can relate ! My husband is a wonderful man but he just doesn't get that I feel like crap with all this extra weight and how much of a better wife I will become with out the extra fat! He keeps offering me brownies !