Sudden Onset Tendonitis

I know it's been asked to death, but is this real?

I was out for my bi-weekly run earlier today. The first twenty minutes were just fine. I felt like I could run forever, or at least until the apparently mandatory pit stop. Winding up immediately afterwards I started getting a gradual-ish building of pressure in my left knee. Walking, I was fine, but within fifty feet or so of jogging, I was limping and needed to lay off the impact. It wasn't the usual feeling like an air bubble, and I wasn't getting excess tension in my knee, but it flared up even as I was slowly taking the stairs up to my apartment.

Going to the doctor is technically an option, but as I couldn't convince him that excruciating pain was an issue, I can't see him having me do anything other than "stop running".

Does anybody have any thoughts on the matter?


  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    It might be fine just with ice, rest, heat later, etc. Don't work it again for a few days minimum, imho. A doctor often won't do much this early just because it could be something that heals fine with normal healing aids.

    I say that, and then there's always the risk that it's more serious, lol. That's why going is good. But if you want to wait a bit, that's what I'd do. I'm very prone to tendonitis, though, so that's usually what mine is for sure!
  • WinterfullyPINK
    I also have tendonitis and I have found that sadly there's not much you can do except for wrapping it up and not doing much with it for a few days, but here are some things that I have found help a little: If it's your fingers, medical tape is a miracle. If it's your wrist a brace might help, and if its your leg there's not really much you can do except trying to walk as little as possible, =(. But in my experience ice and then heat does help relieve the pressure, if only temporarily.
    Hope that helps! =)