Up all night if I have more than 4 cups of water

shavasana35 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, this may be TMI, but I'm trying to get up to 8 cups of water a day, but it's really hard! I have a 20 oz water bottle with me at work on my desk that I fill a couple times a day. (I don't always finish the second fill.) Then I try to have another 20 oz at home. That's just 5 cups. But, seriously, with 5 cups, I have to get up 2-3 times in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Anyone else have this problem?

I'm so sleepy!


  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    A cup is 8 oz, so if you are drinking 60 oz of water, 7.5 cups of water. When you are starting out, it takes your bladder a few days to adjust to the intake, especially if you have been drinking much less prior to now. Eventually, it should get used to it and the nighttime trips should lessen, if not go away completely.
  • Me too. My bladder is weak sauce! But, just think all those times you're getting up...burns extra cals.

    In all honesty, I know disruptive sleep can't be all that healthy, but maybe it's just something we need to endure until our bodies adjust?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Agreed with the first responder.

    1 cup = 250 ml = 8 floz
  • littlemo78
    littlemo78 Posts: 16 Member
    Glad I stopped by. I was having the same problem!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I've read some equations that give you different amounts of water needed based on your weight. I think 8 cups is good, but not necessary for all. More of a general go to amount that your body should have.

    I know some of the links were posted on here. I'll look for a couple and post if I can find them.

    ETA: It seems that 50% is a good number. If you are more active or live in a higher altitude, or stressed...you should drink more. I have no idea where I found those other equations....
  • Your body will get used to it. I drink 100 oz a day and I sometimes get up at night but it is pretty rare. I try drink half of it while working out and then the other 50oz at work.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I have to get up all night too from drinking water too. It is a big drag! I was concerned that something was wrong but it's just the water I'm drinking.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I can NOT hold water. I've had 4 kids! Helllooooo! You can't have 4 kids vaginally and not have some common women issues!

    I can't have so much as a thimble full without running to the bathroom if I am not home and able to go whenever I need to. Surgical repair or meds aren't an option for me right now.

    I don't drink it until after work! In fact I drink lots of coffee in the morning just so I can cope. This isn't ideal or healthy, but it's a fact of life. Of course if I'm thirsty I'll drink, but carefully! I do not get regular bathroom breaks! And then, like you say, I will be up all night if I have even a cup of hot tea at bedtime. Which I still do occasionally.

    So, I'm trying my best to drink it earler in the day. As early as I can. Sometimes that is as soon as I'm done working. On the way home I can have a water in the car waiting. I time my liquids. I eat fresh fruit at meals that are juicy. Then I quit drinking after 7pm if I can remember.

    You probably don't have to monitor yourself like that. But you could find out what time you better quit the liquids in the evening and time your drinks better. Like giving a potty training kid a full glass of water at bedtime. You just wouldn't!

    Good luck!
  • I found that if I drink most of my water before 6-7pm, then I don't get up as much during the night. Try changing how late you are drinking your water. Kidneys filter between 750mls and a liter of water every hour
  • aflaherty
    aflaherty Posts: 22 Member
    i had the same problem in the beginning, but I tried drinking the water at different times during the day. I get my first 2 cups in before 10am and then the second 2 around lunch, the 3rd 2 in the afternoon and the last 2 at dinner or shortly after (or with my evening workout). now the only time I have trouble is when i sneak in that workout at like 9pm, but the rest of the time if I get it all in by 7pm, i'm usually good.
  • digitalyssa
    digitalyssa Posts: 112 Member
    I try to drink the majority of the water during the day at work, it gives me a nice break from my computer screen. At night I'll have 1 or 2 with my meal, by the time you go to sleep, most of it should be out of your system - at least mine is... And as for 8 cups of water, I usually drink 6 cups, with more if I'm working out and perspiring lots.
  • shavasana35
    shavasana35 Posts: 6 Member
    Good to know I'm not alone. I hope I adjust soon. This getting up is a pain! I thought I was drinking a lot of water before, but getting those 8 cups is tough. I feel like I've got a river running through me!

    Nammyl, good idea about cutting the water of early. I'm usually at the gym from 6 to 8, so maybe I cut off after I rehydrate afterward. Worth a try!

    Thanks for the support everyone!
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