Im So over this.

khogeland Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all Im new this week and am praying for an answer to my depression and recent low self esteem. I have gained 20lbs in the last year due to a crazy stressed out life, and althouh my life is still caotic I need to do something to feel better about myslef. I went shopping the other day and bought a size 16 jeans (tears). im only 24 and never want to go out or enjoy life becuase i hate the way i look. Im hoping that MFP and the support of others will help me achieve my wieght loss goals. I want to get down to a least a size 12 by the summer..totally dueable right? All my girlfriends are getting married next year and i refuse to me the FAT one at the wedding, I want to have fun again. Im ready to do it....


  • Best of luck! Those pounds creep up on you, for sure. I've gained 10lbs since starting to date my BF last year, and can't stand the way it looks on me. Size 12 sounds completely doable if you stay on track and really focus on your goal.
    Feel free to friend me if you need the encouragement!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it is a great tool to help you.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Ahhh I feel for you, you sound really down :o(

    You can do it though. You're ready and that's the most important thing! Really go for it, watch your cals and the weight will come off! You'll see weight loss after a week or two and the buzz from losing weight will keep you going.

    I reckon two dress sizes by the summer is achievable. I lost a dress size in a few months.

    Good luck! xx
  • jhandley
    jhandley Posts: 118
    Getting into a 12 is ABSOLUTELY doable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you eat all your daily calories, that is very important. I know from experience that is part of my problem I never eat.....and I don't NOT eat cus I want to lose weight I don't eat cus I have no appetite. But its very important to snack all day if you have to! I love the special K vanilla crisp breakfast bars, its a good start to the day. I love this site even though I haven't been as accountable for my actions as I have been!

    I'm also looking to achieve the same loss as you! I'm wearing 16's and want to be in 12's. Last summer I was wearing some 10's hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooo I'm feeling miserable! But I got in a very healthy relationship with the man of my dreams and got comfortable plus started cooking dinner regularly.

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!! Just stay focused! :flowerforyou:
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    You CAN do this! Just try and get some exercise most days of the week and track all your food! Focus on getting whole grains, protein and fruits and veggies. Lots of water too!!!!
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    Well, you have come to the right place. This community is strong, motivating, encouraging, and will help you with any questions you have along the way. I have found it a really valuable site. Welcome.

    We are all in this together. Yes, you are right in that a size 12 by summer is totally do-able. I KNOW you will make it.

    Just fill your kitchen (refrigerator and pantry) with good, healthy food, exercise every day, try to get in at least eight glasses (64 ounces) of water a day, and track your nutrients on MFP, and watch the pounds melt away.

    Good luck to you, and remember, you have a lot of people cheering for you. :flowerforyou:
  • jhandley
    jhandley Posts: 118
    jacki....I had read yesterday that whole grain foods are "fat burning food blockers".....and to try to avoid them....but you know "they" say everything we do isn't good for us! lol :laugh:
  • Hey.. I just joined MFP a few days ago. I have been in shape before and I have also been out of shape and stressed out. The toughest thing is not knowing what to do but actually doing it. It sounds like you are ready and that is the biggest part of the battle. Years ago I was an Army Drill Sergeant. I went through a lot of classes on fitness and leadership. They taught me that one of the best stress reducers is exercise. Not only will it help you reach your physical goals, it will help with your mental well being. Of course, I have had times in my life where I was stressed out and that led to depression which lead to over eating and under activity which lead to weight gain and more depression and stress. I'm sure you are aware of the vicious cycle that gets created. The hardest part is reversing the cycle, but once you do you will be well on your way to next summer. I can tell that you are "over this" and ready to make the change, so go for it! You can do it.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I think you came to the right place if you are wanting to make some long term life changes, and hopefully that is your goal.
    Weight easily creeps up on when we are not careful, in my case it was when my wife was pregnant for our first child in 1997...and after losing 30 pounds 2 years ago l let 20 of them back. So stick with it, keep the faith, and know that you got a great support group here!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Yes, you can deffinitely reach a size 12 by next summer. I understand how you feel and I wish you the best of luck.

    On this journey, there will be good days and bad days, just never give up and keep pushing through.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Good luck... you goal sounds attainable, with some hard work and clean eating
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    I think that is totally doable! I have been on here for about 2 months and have already lost 13.6 lbs. This is a great tool and finally some results in a reasonable amount of time =) Feel free to add me for support!
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    How does everyone get those little "challenge" things at the bottom of your replies? I want to set goals for myself but do not know how to add those. Can any of you help?
  • Degren
    Degren Posts: 80
    I agree 100% on exercise as a way to fight depression. Even if all you can do is walk for 30 minutes, DO IT. Grab a friend, or get your tunes going and DO IT. Best of luck to you with your goal. You can do it.
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    You are in the right place! We will be here, lifting you up every step of your journey. Welcome :)

    When life is stressful, loving yourself with what you eat and with the movement of your body is a huge comfort.

  • Your topic title drew me in! Then I read your blog and totally know what you are going through. Last year I went through a very difficult and transitional period in my life. I gained 20 lbs from it! Diet and fitness is definitely the key but many times, talking to someone also helps (though I'm not a doctor). I did do that myself and my doctor was very easy going and understanding and helpful but she did tell me - make sure you work out and eat right! But a lot of times, you have to help yourself get to that point first. When you're depressed you use the food as a crutch and its hard to get out of your house. I got the help I needed first from a doctor and now I feel good and am living a MUCH healthier lifestyle! Now just trying to keep the weight off
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    Welcome! Deciding that you are ready to make a change is the first and hardest step! Congratulations on getting there! I was recently in the same boat.... stress, laziness, personal loss, etc all lead to those pounds creeping up! I felt horrible about myself and really tried to avoid having to go anywhere socially because I felt so embarassed about my weight. Having to go out and buy some size 16 shorts this Summer was my breaking point too!

    Just know, that once you get on the right track, eating better & exercising when you can, those inches will melt off! And it's an awesome feeling when those size 16's start to sag! And for me, dropping from 16 to 14 was an amazing feeling and VERY motivating to keep going! You can do this! Dropping 2 sizes by Summer is realistic and doable! I just dropped to a size 12. So, I'm down 2 sizes in about 3 months.

    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm in the same boat...and empathize with you...i'm trying to get into a size 10/12 by summer, and i'm at a 16 right now...I have 50lbs to lose! we can definitely do this...although my motivation yesterday was seriously lacking, I used my "get out of gym free" card and now I have to go today and tomorrow to make my 4 days a week...once you start your routine it's not that bad...I'm only 3lbs down so giddy up, lets do this together!
  • Keep moving forward, meal by meal. I just joined and I'm in the same boat, but I'm going to be the mother of the groom! Ugh....the thought of trying to find a dress.....size 28 - NO WAY! I'm going to do something about his. I have just under 1 year to try to lose 50 pounds! I have no idea what size I'll be, but it'll better than where I'm at now.

    My biggest problem is non-stop eating after dinner! I really need a diversion, but by that time of the day, I'm so exhausted, I sit and watch TV. I need to break this cycle of TV and eating! I believe TV is one of the biggest ruinations of our health in the USA. It's a major cause of obesity. It's an obsession, a magnet, a diversion of dealing with "what needs to get done". Okay, there, I've said it and admitted it! I'm addicted to TV the minute I sit down. Also, I eat in front of the TV. This is one thing I'm going to change....If I don't sit down and eat in front of the TV, then maybe I won't turn it on. But it's so addicting.......But I'm committed to myself, and I'm going to do this huge challenge. I don't want to resort to wls, so I truly have to make the effort. (thanks for listening....I'm not a regular poster of any sort, so I'm kind of venting, but it feels good.) :smile:
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