24yr old Male looking for advice

Okay, so I'll start with a little history. I'm 24 and not nessicarily looking for a weight goal, yes my profile is current but partially wrong. Anyway, I'm looking for an inches off my abdomin goal.

The way my body stores fat seems incredibly uneven to me. I have quite the gut(3-4" out) and almost nothing else anywhere. From everything I've seen this isn't completely normal. I do know it's genetic though. My father had a similar problem.

I'm no good at contact calories and stuff like that but I do want to and am willing to eat better and exercise more to meet my goal. My main question is what would I do in this situation?
Most exercises I've tried(crunches mainly) just seem to build the muscle need the fat and not work it. I know walking/running can help, but I hardly see results.

Please help! Haha
If you need any more info or anything let me know!


  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    you can't pick and choose where the fat falls off.

    i'd recommend starting a weight-lifting regimen focusing on compound lifts: squats, deadlifts, overhead (military) press, and bench press. if you are worried about "getting bulky" don't - as long as you are eating fewer calories than you use in a day you will not build huge muscle mass. you will, however, help to maintain what lean mass you do have.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    you can't pick and choose where the fat falls off.

    This. It's either everything or nothing. Sadly this is one of those cases where that is true :(
  • I guess that does make sense. I'll look into a local gym, my friend is a big guy and wants to lose weight anyway.

    Um... If you don't mind me asking, what is your opinion on meal replacements? Such as slim fast or something like that?
    I rarely have time for breakfast and I was thinking it wouldn't be a terrible idea since I get up a 6 most mornings and my metabolism doesn't really start until 4pm lot...
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    STAY AWAY from slim fast. That stuff is so processed, god knows what you'll end up having later on in life.
    Best thing to do is to teach yourself to eat healthy and in portions if you are attempting to achieve weight loss. If you do it with counting your calories, even better! But everyone must start somewhere, so first find things that are healthy that you DO like, and get started on a life change :)
  • Try not to drink anything that's too processed. Yes it will fill you up and it has protein in it, but it isn't what your body is designed to take in. If you're looking for something on the go try to go the whole foods version of a shake!
    This is what I drink in the mornings or if I'm craving dessert.

    Mix up
    1/2 banana
    1 tbsp peanut butter (or strawberries if you're looking for a lighter version)
    1/2 a cup of milk
    a little bit of water
    a few leaves of spinach (I promise you won't taste it!)

    Since you're looking for something to fill you up I would suggest the peanut butter route. (Also make sure you're getting actual peanut butter that's not processed. It can defeat the purpose.)

    Good luck!