Other MFPers with health issues?

Hey everyone, I was wondering who all here has health issues and is still is working to become thinner/stronger. I have an autoimmune disease (Fibromyalgia) that has made my life rather difficult at times. My health, and the issues I've had with it in the past, are the reason I am here trying to become healthy again. My Fibro causes me to have debilitating pain flare ups, although thankfully they are under better control due to finding a medication regimen that works for me. However, along with pain comes a plethora of other issues (chronic fatigue, brain fog, muscle spasms, etc) which can hamper my attempts to exercise regularly. I know losing weight is hard as it is for many of us, but the added difficulties my own immune system and body adds to it can be frustrating and upsetting.

I was/am hoping to make some more friends who are in a similar boat so that we might all be able to motivate and support each other! :)


  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Asthma, messed up knee, messed up foot, CRAZY allergies. Nothing "major", but debilitating and it can be hard to work out, but I still push myself to do it. I started using an inhaler so that I can run properly when I'm too short of breath. Pain won't stop me.
    Glad you were able to get the medication that works for you :)
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    My kiddo has asthma and allergies, that stuff is no fun at all! Good for you persevering through it and finding the motivation to put your health first!
  • kathysyd82
    Yep - I have narcolepsy which means I am constantly tired. I am now on medication for it but that causes my heart rate to be ridiculously high. Stopped exercising because my heart rate was getting up to 190/200 without much effort! Now on beta blockers for the heart rate so trying to get back into the exercising, but heart rate still higher than it should be so I have to be careful.

    I'm glad you have been able to go on some medication that seems to be working.
  • Ithina1
    Ithina1 Posts: 93 Member
    Nothing major thankfully. I have a messed up knee and I'm working on getting it better. My knee has really affected how well I can work out and it is depressing at times. I think I have PCOS too. I have/had high cholesterol. I've been lowering that with exercise and eating a little better. I used to have high blood pressure, but once I dumped my Ex that went away. I have a few odd allergies, but they're more of a conversation piece. I'm actually allergic to soda, lol.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    probably the usual stuff that comes with age (53) and being obese for many years - high BP (medication), high cholesterol (medication), had ovarian cancer (have to take a certain med for life), luckily i don't have too much of the back/knee pains that others get, and i am working so hard to prevent that from happening.

    you can do this - it may be more challenging to you but you can do it. maybe yoga or swimming are better choices for you. maybe no exercise and just focus on eating better. whatever works!
  • anwylyd_un
    anwylyd_un Posts: 164 Member
    I have Lynch Syndrome, which means I have a screwed-up repair gene in my cells. So far I've had two run-ins with tumours in the colon so now have a permanent ileostomy. This summer growths in my ovaries and uterus meant the only option left there was a radical hysterectomy, complete with surgical menopause. That ended up taking two surgeries instead of one, the last of which was 4 weeks back.

    So I'm almost 41, on HRT and need to shift this extra weight while maximising bone density while I can. As for the Lynch - well it will be back in one of any number of possible places it can still strike. Can't waste a whole life waiting to find out where though!
  • bird_3_lee
    bird_3_lee Posts: 64 Member
    Im 28 and have recently had my thyroid removed due to an imune disorder called graves disease its left me with high bp palpitation eye disease and an unusual amount of excess weight (graves disease usually makes people skinny as a rake, but for me I started out a skinny minny and balloned 30kg heavier into a fatty fatty boombah' but I exercise for at least 30mins every day and am trying to eat healthy Im sure there is lots of eople with health problems on mfp
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    Asthma, environmental and food allergies, endometriosis, psych issues. Almost all of which require meds. Some of which I have no choice but to take and which have a side effect of weight gain. Sigh.
  • ittibits
    ittibits Posts: 44 Member
    I've been on dialysis for almost 3 years and waiting on whether or not I will be listed on the transplant list again. This is my major health issue, but there are a few other minor issues that I have that are secondary to ESRD. I've gained about 40 lbs due to the dialysis solutions.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Asthma: just exercise induced asthma, so I dont run :(
    Arthritis: just aches in the cold so 'round this time of year I start not leaving my house unless I have to.
    Allergies: also keeps me indoors this time of year, and in the spring.
    Two messed up knees: product of an overly ambitious, not that clever teenager playing volleyball in high school. Injured one once, the other twice.
    Messed up back: still don't fully understand this one. Doctor's say I have scar tissue between the vertebrates. It has hurt all my life, the best I can figure, it is from the accident I was in as an infant.
    IBS-C, this one has caused major milestones for weight loss and has also provided my highest results. The milestones list is long, and mostly not something to discuss. But, when told not to eat dairy, nuts and high fat/high grease foods anymore, weight loss got easier and the distention in my stomach eased a lot.

    Currently pregnant, so of course that's stalling progress at the moment. But, no complaints on that one, progress will have to resume later.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    Yes. Too many to list here, actually. I've got Mixed Connective Tissue Disease and FM, both autoimmune diseases, among other things. I've been dealing with it since 1992. Anyone with health issues who are struggling can add me as a friend. I struggle daily with pain & inflammation, but I push myself to exercise, because without it I know I would be bedbound. It's so difficult for people like us; others can't relate to what we go through on a daily basis (just to move, for example)....even though they try to be supportive, no one can understand except someone else with severe health issues. Thanks for posting this! We can support one another.
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    Yep - I have narcolepsy which means I am constantly tired. I am now on medication for it but that causes my heart rate to be ridiculously high. Stopped exercising because my heart rate was getting up to 190/200 without much effort! Now on beta blockers for the heart rate so trying to get back into the exercising, but heart rate still higher than it should be so I have to be careful.

    I'm glad you have been able to go on some medication that seems to be working.

    I've had to be put on a cocktail of medications as well. Lyrica manages my pain but causes me to sleep about 18 hours a day even though it helps to eliminate my pain, so I was put on Adderall to counteract the side effects which it so far has. I'm glad to hear that you've been able to find something that helps you to have stable health, I hope the trend continues. :)
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    Nothing major thankfully. I have a messed up knee and I'm working on getting it better. My knee has really affected how well I can work out and it is depressing at times. I think I have PCOS too. I have/had high cholesterol. I've been lowering that with exercise and eating a little better. I used to have high blood pressure, but once I dumped my Ex that went away. I have a few odd allergies, but they're more of a conversation piece. I'm actually allergic to soda, lol.

    Allergic to soda? I wonder what ingredient in the drinks causes you to react negatively? I suppose it comes in handy, since that way you don't end up drinking your calories.

    I can understand knee troubles since my Fibro causes my knees to ache and hurt frequently. It's really easy to get discouraged when our bodies don't do what we want them to. I hope over time it improves; good for you on lowering your other stats!
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    ...and balloned 30kg heavier into a fatty fatty boombah'

    Thanks for making me chuckle this Monday morning. :)
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    probably the usual stuff that comes with age (53) and being obese for many years - high BP (medication), high cholesterol (medication), had ovarian cancer (have to take a certain med for life), luckily i don't have too much of the back/knee pains that others get, and i am working so hard to prevent that from happening.

    you can do this - it may be more challenging to you but you can do it. maybe yoga or swimming are better choices for you. maybe no exercise and just focus on eating better. whatever works!

    I hope that you are in remission from your cancer. I understand having to take medication for life, I have to for my thyroid and my Fibro if I want to have a decent quality of life.

    I've been working on building up my endurance so that I can do more. It's taken time and effort but it is getting better. There are things that I can't do (yet), but I have hope that eventually I will. :D
  • lumpy_spaceprincess
    Hmm, not quite sure where to begin. I have a rare blood disease which causes my blood to clot, I had a blood clot in my brain at 12. At 18 I developed lupus as a result of it. While diagnosing the Lupus I had a huge allergic reaction to blood thinners and it cause my adrenal glands to fail, so I now have Addison's Disease. And finally, the aforementioned allergic reaction cause a clot in my heart leading to a myocardial infarction.

    Thankfully, I've been well (thanks to medication!) for the almost 4 years. I'm on steroids as my body no longer produces adrenaline, so sometimes I do feel tired or worn out, my hair falls out on occasion and if I get a cold I tend to be floored for a few days. But I think being so sick at one point in my life just inspires me to be grateful for each day. And since I have started to change my lifestyle I've never felt better!
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    Asthma, environmental and food allergies, endometriosis, psych issues. Almost all of which require meds. Some of which I have no choice but to take and which have a side effect of weight gain. Sigh.

    Lyrica causes me to gain weight too. It keeps my pain in check, but the resulting side effect is frustrating.
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    I've been on dialysis for almost 3 years and waiting on whether or not I will be listed on the transplant list again. This is my major health issue, but there are a few other minor issues that I have that are secondary to ESRD. I've gained about 40 lbs due to the dialysis solutions.

    I hope that you will be listed for a transplant. I majored in health sciences in college so I know how rough dialysis can be on a person and how it restricts your diet and your lifestyle. It takes a strong person to keep yourself motivated. What do you do to help maintain/improve your health?
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I have Hyperextension in both knees as well as Hypermobile joint disorder in most of my joints, the worst being my hips, wrists and knees. Basically I have dysplasia in most of my joints which hurts like a mother. High energy exercises are a big no-no for me as they can pop my joints out and it's always a struggle to get them back into place. The most I can do is Zumba on easy, walking and swimming. It's hard but I manage to get at least some exercise in most days.

    I also have many food allergies, most of which just induce bloating, cramps and a general feeling of my body hating me every time I eat something I'm not supposed to. Have had acupuncture treatments for some of the foods and am now fine eating those, just haven't been able to afford the rest of my treatments.
  • Glndgd63
    Glndgd63 Posts: 13 Member
    I have psoriatic arthritis, Fibro, diabetes II (insulin and oral meds), osteoartrhitis in my knee, PCOS,and chronic migraines. I am currently sidelined due to bilateral hip bursitis which is making any movement of my lower body hell on me. I spend a lot of time sitting on ice packs and taking meds.

    When I am feeling better (?) I walk, that's about all I can do at this point in my life. I need to lose about 90 pounds and have been resisting the surgical route, due to the fact that I am on a biologic med (remincade infusions) for the psoriatic arthritis and would have to suspend that if I had surgery. Last time I did that (different biologic - Enbrel) 6 weeks off the meds sent me into a downward spiral on all joints that took about a year to come back from.

    I am trying to keep working to retirement so that I can keep my house, but some days I truly wonder if I am going to make that. Depression descends, which makes me tired, irritable, and more achy overall. It's a vicous cycle.

    Today, I am at work, I can walk with my cane, and I am feeling like a contributing member of society. I'll take that. Tomorrow, well.... we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

    Would love more buddies on my journey - feel free to add me.